
Seducing the Innocent Heiress

Eighteen-year-old Crystal Bretz thought she was abandoned by her father. But everything changed when one day, a sophisticated man named Erik Jimenez, kidnapped her-or that was what she thought. Because after their conversation, Crystal learned that she was not an ordinary girl, but an heiress to one of the biggest Law firms in the country. At first, she refused to embrace her real identity because of what she learned about her father's family. But when a tragedy smacked her face really hard, she found herself living in his mansion. Erik, on the other hand, continued to stay by her side, supporting her and helping her to reach her dreams. Soon she learned to love and trust him and even gave up her innocence to him. But when she unfolded the layers of dark secrets beneath Erik's personality, she realized that being betrayed by the man whom she offered pure love was way more painful than being thrown into prison for the crime she's innocent of.

RMoone · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 6


Letting out a heavy sigh, I got up from the bed and put on my sweatpants that had been resting silently on the strip wood floor all night. After giving the naked woman on my bed a glance, I turned around and walked toward the balcony. Violet, my girlfriend, must be so tired after we'd made love almost nonstop last night. She usually stayed in my place on Saturdays after exhausting and stressful days of class in the Law school and part-time work in the office.

The fresh air of the summer morning greeted me the moment I opened the balcony door. The view of sunrise over the other buildings was perfect, priceless even. That's why even though my apartment here in the upper west side of Manhattan was a bit expensive, I would never give up my place. Thanks to my vast allowance given by the company because I was able to maintain my lifestyle.

It was exactly seven days since I'd spoken with Mr. Wayne's daughter, also one week and I felt impossibly frustrated because Crystal refused to go with me so I could present her to her father. Before he gave me this task, he'd told me everything I needed to know about his long-lost daughter. Little did the girl know, my boss had been secretly watching her from afar. And on her eighteenth birthday, the old man asked me to give that family necklace to her. He was not available at that time because of an urgent call from his most important client in the law firm.

At first, I expected this task to be as easy as arranging profiles of my clients in my cabinet alphabetically. Now, I found this mission to be as difficult as proving a guilty client's innocence

A pair of slender arms slipped through the sides of my waist, pulling me back from my deep thoughts. They eventually crashed me into an embrace, and I smiled when I felt a soft and warm body pressed against my back.

"Good morning, handsome," Violet greeted. She wrapped her arms around my neck the moment I spun to her. After planting a gentle kiss on my lips, she said, "How long have you been out here? Why didn't you wake me up so I can cook breakfast?"

"You need to rest well," I whispered, gliding my fingers through the silky strands of her blonde hair. Even though they were scattered around her shoulders, she looked gorgeous.

Like me, Violet was a Law student sponsored by the Wayne Law Firm. When we finished this post-graduate study, we would proceed to be criminal defense attorneys. But for now, along with attending class, I worked as one of Mr. Wayne's assistants. I was once an intern in the company. But he absorbed me as a regular staff member the moment he saw my performance.

"You got a case study to present tomorrow so you need to have a lot of energy for this day," I reminded Violet

She smiled sweetly, inching her face closer to me. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. It's almost done. Just a few more proofreading. Wait, what about your assignment to Mr. Wayne? Have you talked to the daughter?"

My task with the Law firm's CEO was a confidential thing. But since Violet was with me, I was always confining her about what was happening to me at work.

I shifted my gaze to the beautiful Hudson view. The sunlight was gladly spilling its warmth all over the place. Sighing, I said, "She should be delighted to have a wealthy father, shouldn't she? And for being the future CEO of our firm despite her long separation from her father. But rather, she turned her back on me when I tried to convince her more than I needed to do."

Violet let out an empty chuckle. "Oh, the girl was so proud of herself. She has no idea how billions of dollars she's giving up only to stay destitute. She may be enjoying being burdened with too much work from that small-time fast-food chain restaurant."

"I don't know, Vi." I slumped on the chair and she sat, not next to me, but on my lap. Giving her a sad smile, I said, "Must I drop this task? Mr. Wayne can send another person to convince her daughter, anyway."

In the first place, dealing with a hard-headed and close-minded brat was not included in my job description. I would rather take the order of pirating a good attorney from a rival law firm.

"Oh no. Don't let go of the assignment, sweetheart," Violet said, cupping my face. "You need to impress the old man. Who knows, that Wayne girl might be the key to our success in the Law firm."

I frowned. "What do you mean? She didn't even want to speak with me because she wouldn't accept her father's name."

She bit her lip. There was a mischievous grin on her face that confused me a bit. "What if you seduce her and make her fall in love with you?"

My brows contracted. "Pardon?" I heard her clearly, but I couldn't believe that the idea had come from my girlfriend. "That's ridiculous, Vi."

"I'm serious, Erik," she laughed and this time she moved into a straddling position, facing me. Her arms circled my shoulders. "That's the fastest way to get her attention. Oh, sweetheart, if you'll just agree to my suggestion, you'll no longer be frustrated. If you want something, then do what it takes to make what you want possible. I know you don't need a lot of effort to do that because you're every girl's wet dream." She winked.

I raised a brow. "And what if she fell in love with me?"

She shrugged. "Oh, when that happens, she is probably already working well in the company. And I'm sure when you say that it's not going to work, she'll probably look for another man."

"So, I'll make her fall in love with me and ditch her afterward?"

"Yup. The ditching comes after she took her father's position. In other words, this'll be a long-term plan for us. And the more we show nice things to the Wayne girl, the bigger our reward will be. That's a win-win situation, don't you think?"

I felt like my head was starting to throb. I still couldn't agree with Violet's proposal. But knowing her, she was the woman who never ran off with plans and tactics. That made her at the summit of their class.

"Oh, Erik, it looks like I've brought you some stress this morning. Please don't be hard on yourself just by thinking about what I've suggested." She sat beside me and ran her hands across my thigh.

Her touch was different and sensual, I couldn't help but groan when something throbbed. "Damn, Vi. If you wake that thing up, that thing will demand more from you."

The smile on her face widened. "Then I'll give what it wants."

Before I knew it, she was positioning herself between my thighs. Her gaze was thick and deep as he slowly started to undo my fly. I sucked in air, completely caught off guard. But of course, I wouldn't stop her from doing this even though we were out on the balcony. The concrete wall was tall enough to cover her as she kneeled on the floor. And the windows from the other buildings were far enough to see my reaction.

She pumped her hand over me, squeezing the base and twisting her wrist at the crown while her other hand loosely cradled my balls. I couldn't help but lift my hips.

"Fuck, Vi." My groans shuddered when she sealed her lips over me and began to suck. My hips shot up when she took me deeper. And I began fisting her hair when her lips closed around my base.

She hummed and my moans continued as she swirled his tongue around my head, teasing at the underside ridge and tentatively squeezing my balls.

My mind was clouded with so much lust that I almost lose it. But before it happened, I cupped her shoulder and said, "Get up there, Vi. I'm going to fuck you on my bed."

The moment her mouth released me and put my pants to a normal state, I dragged her back to the room.

She laughed when she bounced on the surface of the mattress, letting her robe loosen until it exposed her naked body. Damn, she looked like a forbidden dish served only for me.

"I really want it when you get high and wild, sweetheart. Now, what are you waiting for? Fuck me all you want!"

I made a soundly slap on her sweet ass the moment I touched her. A couple of minutes later and we were fucking like animals in their mating season.

I love the way her hazel eyes soften and glowed with pleasure as I pounded into her over and over again. They reminded me of Crystal's same set of expressive eyes which I started to imagine after meeting her. She was a tough challenge, but everything about her was interesting, especially her being outspoken and innocent.

Oh, shoot.

I was having sex with my girlfriend, but my mind was still filled with Crystal's image.

Not cool, Man!