
Seducing The Ice Queen

Alice Faye has grown up seeing her parent's farce of a marriage and does not believe in fate or even love. Tired of her father's mind games and trying to sell her off to the highest bidder so that his illegitimate son can take over the business, Alice turns the tables thus earning herself the name Ice Queen for her ruthless ways! K, is a superstar lead singer of the of the most celebrated band Sky. With his extra ordinarily beautiful looks, soulful heart melting voice and an IQ higher than 140, there is nothing that K cannot achieve...And this time he has set his target on a certain queen's heart... Join K in his journey as he melts the heart that has long been encased in ice .

har_k · Urban
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182 Chs

A Scary Man

 After his discussion on the phone, Adam turned around and saw Apollo watching him carefully. Raising an eyebrow in silent question, he went and lay down on the bed, ready to catch some shut eye. Seeing that the only reaction he got from the man was a raised eyebrow to show his curiosity, Apollo went and lay down on the bed next to Adam saying, "K, you are one scary man."


"Well, you are. Even though you look and give off the vibe of being all agreeable and approachable, if anyone dares to cross you, they are in for it. Thank the fates, I did not try to become the leader at the time when were forming the band. I could never come up with plans like yours! "

Without turning his head, Adam replied, "Yeah. it is a good thing that you know your capabilities."

A punch on the arm was the reply he received from Apollo for his narcissistic reply.