
2- Cafe Encounter

Stephanie's room was a whirlwind of fabric and colours as she sifted through her closet determined to find a perfect outfit for the first day of school "Rose, this new sub- teacher is really cute, I heard from Sophia that he's young and charming" She exclaimed , holding up a floral dress to gauge Rose's reaction.

Rose sprawled lazily across Stephanie's bed , rolling her eyes at her friend "Who cares about some sub- teacher, it's just another school day" . Stephanie shot her a playful glare " Oh come on, Rose! It's the first day of school, I want to make a good impression and maybe...just maybe I'll have the opportunity of fulfilling my dream of a teacher - student romance" she giggled happily.

Rose sighed, clearly uninterested " You can wear whatever you want, don't care".

Ignoring Rose's lack of enthusiasm, Stephanie continued rummaging through her closet for the ideal outfit, eventually settling on a chich ensemble that blended casual and trendy " This is it!! I'll definitely turn heads" Stephanie grinned, holding the outfit against herself in front of the mirror .

Rose stared at Stephanie for a minute then groaned " Don't tell me that the reason you dragged me miles away from my house is to keep you company while you select the perfect outfit for a teacher who might be a greasy bald old man".


Rose was beyond speechless as she stared at Stephanie, her mouth wide open " Ugh... you've got to be kidding ". She fell face flat on the bed and groaned loudly onto the bed.

Stephanie chuckled awkwardly, jumping on the bed she began hitting Rose softly with a pillow " Pillow fight" she screamed and laughed , Rose squealed and immediately grabbed a pillow. Both girls began playing around, jumping and screamed till they became exhausted.

" Am still mad at you tho" Rose whisphered still panting.

Stephanie smiled and jumped down from the bed " How about we head over to your favorite cafe and after that have a spa day " She suggested , wiggling her brows at Rose.

Rose squinted her eyes at her suspiciously " Just that?" She asked, Stephanie nodded happily.

As they both strolled into the cafe , Stephanie grabbed a booth besides the glass window giving them a view of the busy street, they called for a waitress and placed their order " I'll have a cappuccino" Stephanie nudged the absent minded Rose , " Just coffee with two sugar cubes" Rose said then continued to stare out at the busy street.

They orders was serves and both Stephanie and Rose enjoyed a quiet afternoon at the café, sipping their drinks and indulging in conversations. Rose felt a uncomfortable and excused herself to use the restroom.

Walking into the bathroom she went to the sink and washed her face , staring at her reflection on the mirror she patted her face and took deep breaths " Stop thinking about that jerk , like Steph said he doesn't deserve me soooo liven up" She fixed her makeup and exited the bathroom.

As she distractedly walked back, she muttered words of encouragement to herself when she unintentionally collided with a hard fleshy wall , groaning and rubbing her forehead she looked up to see that she had bumped into an extremely handsome stranger.

For a moment, she found herself captivated by the stranger's look and gawked at her stupidly, her trance was shattered as he callously pushed her away " It seems like you're not only blind but stupid as well" the deep voice sent goosebumps down her body as she knew the voice and face would be stuck in her head.

Trying to regain composure, she opened her mouth to retort back when he brushed her off rudely. Rose was shocked then angrily yelled at the retreating figure, only to be met with indifference.

Returning to the table, Rose, still fuming, attempted to conceal her irritation. When Stephanie inquired about the encounter, Rose brushed it off, insisting, "Nothing happened, no problem." However, her clenched jaw and furrowed brows betrayed the lingering annoyance beneath the surface. Stephanie sensed there was more to the story but decided not to press, allowing Rose the space she seemed to need.

Am reading for exams so I might not be posting regularly...

GummyBear17creators' thoughts