
Seducing Miss Perfect

One story, Two female leads. Kathleen Okorie, a very hard-working yet churchy and judgemental young lady, finds herself working for a new boss who is way younger and far more attractive than her former boss who happens to be his father. What happens when his eight years old daughter decides that Kathleen is the mother she wants? Kimberly Abamba a very immoral and promiscuous young lady from an influential family is given an ultimatum from her father to bring a husband home, or be disowned. How does she find the right man for the job? What price is she going to pay to keep this man? (PS, Cover photo isn't mine.)

Naijabooks · Urban
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304 Chs

One Day At A Time

"Good evening Femi," Tracy greeted immediately she took the phone from Ella. 

"Hi! How are...?"

"What are your intentions for my girl? Hope you're not planning to break my bestie's heart again?" Tracy asked, cutting him off impatiently.

"Tracy!" Ella glared at her in embarrassment.

Ken was slightly taken aback by the direct question, "I love her and I'm trying to build something worthwhile with her. You don't have to worry, I have no intention of hurting her," Ken assured Tracy. He knew enough about Nigerian ladies to understand that the fate of most relationships rested on the individual besties of the couple... Especially the besties of the ladies. 

"You're not going to mess with her?" Tracy asked again as she reached out for the glass of juice Angela had just brought to her. 

"Never. I'm just going to love her more than anything else in this world and worship her like the Queen she is," Ken promised.