
Seducing Miss Perfect

One story, Two female leads. Kathleen Okorie, a very hard-working yet churchy and judgemental young lady, finds herself working for a new boss who is way younger and far more attractive than her former boss who happens to be his father. What happens when his eight years old daughter decides that Kathleen is the mother she wants? Kimberly Abamba a very immoral and promiscuous young lady from an influential family is given an ultimatum from her father to bring a husband home, or be disowned. How does she find the right man for the job? What price is she going to pay to keep this man? (PS, Cover photo isn't mine.)

Naijabooks · Urban
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304 Chs

Fire Outbreak

"Why are you not eating with us?" Pete asked when he got to the dining and saw Amanda eating already, while Kathleen seemed like she was busy in the kitchen.

"I wasn't paid to eat with you, was I, sir?" She asked sarcastically.

"You weren't paid to clean my kitchen or make breakfast for me either." Pete reminded her.

Kathleen closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before dumping the napkin on the kitchen counter and taking off her apron, "My apologies then. I'll just stick to making sure Amanda is okay." She said as she took the seat beside Amanda, and pretended to watch her face intently as she ate.

"I didn't mean to be rude." Pete said in a barely audible voice.

"What's your daddy saying? Who is he talking to?" Kathleen whispered to Amanda with a false confused expression while Amanda giggled.

"It wasn't my intention to be rude to you. I'm sorry." Pete said, deliberately ignoring her side comment.

Kathleen's phone started ringing, so luckily she didn't have to respond to Pete's apology as she picked up her phone, "Excuse me." She said as she walked away from the dining before taking the call.


"How far? Hope your house wasn't affected? I just dialed your number the moment I saw the news." Sharon said before Kathleen could say a word.

"News? What news?" Kathleen asked in confusion.

"The fire outbreak in your neighborhood na. Abi you have moved from that place and I don't know?" Sharon asked with a frown.

"Jesus! There was a fire outbreak in my neighborhood?" Kathleen asked in surprise.

"Wait o, you are not at home, are you? You know what? Just check the news and go home to confirm your house wasn't affected. You will tell me where you spent the night later." Sharon said and disconnected the call.

Kathleen quickly went on Twitter and gasped in shock when she saw that her street was trending on Twitter. No one knew how the fire had started, some said it was a gas explosion, others said it was a candle that caught on a curtain, and some others said it was an adulterated kerosene. It didn't matter which, from the pictures she could see, her compound was affected.

"You can't..."

"I'm leaving. I think there was a fire outbreak in my neighborhood, and I need to be certain my house wasn't affected." Kathleen said as she headed for the door.

"What? Fire? Wait!" Pete said as he quickly picked up his car keys and carried Amanda before hurrying after Kathleen who was already heading for the gate.

"Get it, I'll take you home." Pete offered.

"Why? So you can bring me back if we find out my house is okay? You always want to get things your way, don't you?" Kathleen asked, with a disapproving frown on her face.

"I really don't give a damn what you think about me, just get into the damn car." Pete told her with a scowl as he buckled Amanda into her seat, while Kathleen got into the front passenger seat.