
Seducing a King: Irresistible Temptation

....he turns around and walks closer to you. His hands are inches away from yours and he searches your eyes. You smell his musky scent and it prickles all your senses. You don't know if it's his dark brown eyes staring into your heart or the way his face glows for you, but you feel excitement brewing. "Lady Winters, it's so kind of you to see into my soul and show me your affection for my trouble. This is what attracts me so. You don't just see the King, but you see me. I have a lot of troubles, Lady Winters but when I'm with you, every last one disappears...." It's the 19th century. The King is betrothed to Princess Catherine since infancy. You're a woman of nobility and the King is head over heels for you...

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasy
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84 Chs



He looks at the princess as she stopped dead in her tracks. It is clear to him that she is surprised by his question. It can mean one of two things. One, she does not want him to know about her illness, or two, she is surprised that he even knows about it.

"Well, princess? Are you?"

She slowly turns around and he can see that she is looking for the right words. He knows that she could be lying in everything that she will be telling him. He can but only hope that she will tell him the truth.

"Sire, why would you ask me such a question?"

"Does this mean that you refuse to answer my question?"

He watches as her face turns a brighter white color than what it already is. He does not like it to be lied to and he hates it, even more, when someone avoids his questions. It is clear to him that she is occupied with a conflict within herself.

"Sire, I am perfectly fine. I have no reason to lie to you"