

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


It's been a week after the royal banquet and my mum has been disturbing about my intention for Princess Laura.

I told her I was less interested in her and I was dead serious about it, ever since then she had been moody and angry with me but I don't give a fuck.

She wasn't in the palace today and I had that opportunity to call my female friends to party with me in the palace even though I knew it was against the palace rules.

' I don't give a damn!'

I applied my exotic gel on my hair as I combed it and wore my expensive shirt and shorts.

Can't wait for the girls to start drooling with me.

I fought with Emilia, I just can't stand her bossy character telling me what to do, so we haven't been talking lately.

I took my shades and went out of my room going to the swimming pool that's in the palace that's where I'm going to have my fun.


I was strolling along the palace corridors with my friends as we giggled and laughed.

"Emilia is so bold, you need to see the way she tongue-lashed the prince," Mia cooed while everyone burst into laughter.

I recalled the event that happened.

I was with the Prince in the library and he was expected to read books that curtail wisdom about his kingdom.

Mia was there with me as she was a witness that day, she was cleaning the shelves and books.

I caught the Prince reading a Cosmopolitan magazine that contained nude and eroticism.

I was angry and stormed off to him.

"My Prince, you are expected to read the kingdom books and not this," I said calmly as ever.

"To hell with it," He replied bluntly.

I snatched the magazine from his hand and gave him the book to read.

He was shocked and I rolled my eyes at him.

He threw the book I gave him away and I gasped.

"Give me the magazine!" He said furiously standing.

"No, I won't!" I shot back at him as I kept the magazine behind me.

"Give me the fucking magazine!" He roared as he started walking to me.

"Mind the language!" I fired back at him as I glared at him.

"When the fuck, do you start controlling me huh?" He asked as he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him.

"You are supposed to be learning more about your kingdom and you wanna fucking rule this kingdom," I shouted back at him.

Mia gasped and we both glared at her as she continued with her work immediately.

"What did you fucking say bitch!! You are playing with your life," He said evilly.

" And you are playing with people's lives, if you can't rule the kingdom, do you think your mother is happy with the way you behave?" I said putting words in his brain.

" Learn to mind your fucking business, what I do is non of your business!" He said angrily as he pushed me backward storming out of the library.

I breathed deeply as I cover my face with my palms.

Mia clapped as she chuckled.

"You've got such a temper!!" She chuckled.

" Shut up!" I murmured as I took the book the Prince threw away angrily.

"OMG!! Look at what the Prince is doing, he has no shame at all," Aria gasped pointing towards the pool.

I glanced in the direction and gasped too.

"It's such a pity, the Queen had a son like him, she's way too good to be his mother," Mila said irritably.

' What the hell! How dare he brings sluts into the palace'

"I'm coming!" I said to my friends as I ran off.

"Where are you going?" Mia screamed.

"Coming!!" I said loudly not bother looking back.

"I've got to tell the Queen's Advisor about the Prince before the Queen gets back from her trip, it won't be funny at all," I muttered to myself.

I ran as fast as my legs could to the Advisor chamber but the guards stopped me.

"Please I have to see Master Mateo," I said desperately as they crossed their spears in front of me.

I don't know why I cared about the Prince not as I cared, I was afraid that the Queen would meet him in that awkward situation and she will be so pissed off.

"Please this is important!" I begged as their face was adamant.

The door opened and Master Mateo walked out in his royal robe.

He was a nice man, and he acts like a father to me.

Well, I was highly favored in people liking me immediately.

The guards immediately left me and went back to their position.

"You looked so panicked dear, what is it?" He asked worriedly as he moved closer to me.

"It's the Prince, he's having a party with sluts at the pool," I told him and his eyes widened.

"That boy is a disaster, he won't kill his dear mother," He said sadly.

" Follow me we have to stop him before his mother arrives," Mateo said as he walked away immediately while I followed him.

We got to the pool as Prince Alex was drinking merrily and the ladies sitting on his lap giggling while some were in the pool playing.

Their sight disgusted me as I hiss.

"What's all this, My Prince?" Master Mateo said angrily.

"Wanna join Old man," Prince offered rudely.

' Is he drunk??'

' Of course, he is, Don't you see how he's behaving as a lunatic' My mind said.

" Prince Alex stop all this before the Queen arrives she won't be pleased to see you in an ungodly manner like this!" Master Mateo said furiously.

"Please listen to him!" I begged.

"Yo-You reported me to him huh!!" He said as his eyes burned on me.

He stood up but staggered as he tried to get hold of himself.

His bitches got hold of him immediately.

"Baby take it easy you don't have to stress yourself the cause of an old man or a lousy maid." One of them cooed as she rubbed her hands on his chest.

Mateo glared at her angrily.

' You know nothing, you will beg for mercy by the time the Queen comes back'

" Watch your mouth young lady before I tell the guards to kick you out," Mateo warned pointing at her.

"And who gives you the right to fucking order me around," Alex said as he tried to move closer to Mateo.

"What the hell is happening here??" A feminine voice screamed at our back and everyone shuddered.

' Oh no!'

" Mother, what's up?" Prince Alex smiled as he tried to get himself.

We all looked shocked, he has no respect at all.

"You are drunk again, what are you doing with these crazy sluts in the palace," She fumed angrily.

"Mother I'm trying to ease myself, I'm bored," The Prince gawked as he tried to vomit.

His sight was irritating.

"Guards kick them out," The Queen ordered and the girls were chased out.

"Mother you can't do this to me," The Prince said angrily and I scoffed as he glared at me.

"You are nothing but a disgrace to this kingdom, I'm so frustrated with you and your crazy attitude, when will you ever change," The Queen blasted him moved to tears but he just smirked.

' You are a son of a devil,'

"Guards!!" The Queen called and three guards ran up to her.

"Lock him in his room, he is not allowed to go anywhere until I say so," The Queen said and Alex's face fell.

"Mother! You can do this to me!!" Alex said angrily as the guards grabbed him and dragged him off.

"Mateo! Follow me!" The Queen ignored him walking away while Mateo followed behind her.

' Good for him!'

I watched as the Prince was dragged into the palace and I smirked.


The Prince was dragged into his chambers as his door closed behind him.

He was fuming seriously.

"Let me fucking out of this room!" He said angrily as he kicked his leg against the door.

"You can't control me this way," He gritted as he banged his fist on the door.

After spending hours shouting angrily, he went to his bed feelings mixed with anger, frustration, and sadness.

He laid on his bed feeling tired and angry at the same time before he finally dozes off.


I stormed angrily into the royal chamber and sat on the throne.

" Your Highness, I'm sorry for the scene the Prince caused out there, please forgive him," Mateo begged as he went on his knee.

"Please stand up Mateo," I said.

He nodded and stood up immediately still bowing his head.

"I'm just frustrated with how the boy behaves, he just makes me sad always," I said sadly moved to tears.

"It's okay, Your Highness, he will change with time," Mateo said.

"When!!" I said frustratedly.

Mateo just bowed without saying anything.

" He needs to be dealt with,'

" Mateo! I need you to come up with the best punishment I can give the Prince," I said.

"M-Me!! Your Highness!!!" Mateo said shockingly.

"Who else is here? I've given my orders, come up with the best punishment by tomorrow, you can leave now!" I said annoyingly.

" Your wish is my command, Your Highness," Mateo bowed and left the chambers.

I sighed frustratedly as I close my eyes breathing deeply.