
Sedora(the devil's mate)

[mature content] Sedora was a princess who was betrayed on her eighteenth birthday and sold to a slave trader going to the vampire realm by her maid out of jealousy. Soon she was bought by a vampire princess as a present for her betrothed a 10,000-year-old demon king Louis. Louis is a ruthless king that ruled over vampires and demons with a heart as cold as stone he vowed never to love again after his ex-wife placed a curse on him for thousand of years. Until the day he saw sedora at his castle, she was a replica of his ex-queen and wife but it was a different girl that stood in front of him he knew she was human and he could sense her soul and it was innocent and pure. His fascination for her got his cold heart to become soft. Will sedora fall for him or find a way to escape back to her home the human realm? Let's find out.......

WriterTEE · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 1

Sedora stood on the sunbathed hill amidst Torah's wilderness with eyes looking up to the sky.

Red flowers budded through the sheath of blue weeds and grass beneath her feet, her hair fell straight on her back as she stood there wondering if she could run away .

Today was her birthday she just turned 18 but she didn't feel any different from yesterday, she smiled and a teardrop fell from her eyes she missed her mother so much .


She knew it was time to go home the beast of the wilderness was now returning from their hunt and she didn't want to become their free meal.

She climbed her horse and cleaned her face to remove any sign that she had cried,she knew king Daren the king of ORA her father would be sad if he saw her that way without wasting any time she rode to the palace in time for her birthday banquet.

She got to the gate of the palace and saw Maria her maid and best friend looking worried and tensed, as soon as Maria saw sedora a relief smile formed across her face .

"your Highness where have you been?" asked Maria from beside the horse trying to help sedora from falling off the horse.

Sedora laughed "I went to look for an escape route," sedora said

"I'm sure you didn't find any"Maria said as she took sedora's arm pulling her towards their secret entrance of the palace

getting to her room she could see that the maids had already prepared a bath for her she quickly took her bath and they helped her wear a long white gown .

it had a long bouffant styled skirt with blue pearls stripes around the full necked gown that went all the way down to ankle, she wore matching earrings and a thin gold necklace with a blue pendant that belonged to her mother she was looking so beautiful.

"you look very beautiful your Highness... you are surely going to attract a handsome Prince to appreciate your beauty and kindness," said Maria smiling.

"I'm not looking for marriage all the princes have met are dumb egotistic men with no morals"sedora replied angrily as she looked at herself in the mirror

she loved how the blue pearls on her white gown brought out her hazel eyes.

"drink this it'll keep you calm, "Maris said as she gave sedora a cup of cinnamon tea.

Sedora took the cup from her and nodded she felt nervous she hated crowds and parties she sat down and gestured for Maria to sit close to her

"I don't feel happy or sad, everyone is either going to laugh and talk badly of me as soon as I enter the ballroom they all want me to marry Prince taxi I just can't!!," she said feeling a little down cast .

Maria grasped "Prince taxi is handsome and his the next in line for the throne of the garden kingdom ,he would make a good husband and beside you aren't engaged to him so this Means other suitors can apply", Maris said hoping to help her feel calm

"I know!! let's go out now my father would be pissed if I come too late it's my birthday" sedora said feeling light-headed she heard light strains of sounds as pain erupted her senses.

"are you okay your Highness?" Maria asked as she held sedora by the shoulder to assist her in getting up.

"I can't see I'm in pain my chest hurts maria. I think it was the tea?" she said as the pain began to increase.

Maria dropped the act immediately she knew this was her time to exact revenge on sedora for having everything still pretending to be nice.

"Sorry princess but I just poisoned your tea with deadly nightshade," Maria said as she walked away from sedora to sit back on the couch with an evil smirk on her face.

"what!!!! Maria what going on?"sedora asked as her face twisted in pain she fell to the ground ,Maria got up from the couch and walked to where sedora lay and laughed like a deranged person and started stroking sedora's hair.

"poor princess!!! I guess your stupid head hasn't figured it out yet, well let just say i want you dead and I'm pregnant for Prince taxis and the idiot won't look at me he only wants you, i went to tell him about my pregnancy he ordered the guards to throw me out before i could say anything ,sedora dear you have everything and i have nothing all i want is to be Prince taxia wife but your dumb father and everyone wants you to be his wife and that will never happen not when I'm alive" Maria said as she continues to laugh enjoying the pain sedora was going through.

"ahhh please help me Maria you are my bestfriend and i have nothing to do with Prince taxia believe me i don't even like him, please call the royal doctor and let's talk about this later when I'm fine I can't die now Maria please," sedora said crying.

She tried to scream so the other maids could hear

"there's no need to shout dear, I asked everyone to leave this premises because you wanted a private time have contacted my friends in the vampire realm and they already found a new master for you, I'm sure your father won't be Able to find you there... I'll use the money I got from selling you to leave a good life here in the human realm I'm sure your new master is going to love the blood of a princess" Maria said laughing .

she opened the door for five men to come in and take sedora

"help!!!! Somebody help me" sedora screamed her lungs out but the music from the ball was too loud suddenly she felt numb her eyes became too heavy she passed out.

"are you sure about this what if she dies before we reach the vampire realm and what will you tell them happened to her?" the man asked .

Maria looked at the man with an unbothered expression on her face and threw a bag of silver at him

" that isn't your concern ,check the bag admist the silver there is a cure inside give it to her when you are very far from the kingdom she still has forty minutes to live so hurry I don't want her dead and one more thing don't ever contact me again, i'll send you the balance once I hear from the vampire slave trader now leave and use the route I showed you earlier it's safe and no one passes through there" Maria said.

she watched the men take sedora out through the secret passage, she was all smiles her plan had worked she took out a knife she had bought earlier from the market and stabbed her right arm.

she winced and watch blood rush out of her flesh staining her gown and the ground.

she walked like a weak person she walked to the hall of the banquet and the other maids that saw her quickly ran to her aid she was crying.

"they took the princess... They took princess sedora" Maria cried when she saw that she was getting everyone's attention she pretended to faint.