
Chapter 1 Security Guard

What's the meaning of life? Why is everything so…, boring? Day after day, everything is always the same. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, finish work, go home, eat, sleep, repeat. Nothing changes. This is the daily life of a security guard, Eito Aku Akira. A 21-year-old male living in a small apartment by himself, with low rations and thin walls that can constantly endure the noisy neighbour's absurd bawling and shouting; he wishes they would just hang themselves, or better yet, he should do it to himself. He always goes out for food and for his day shift at an office, working as a security guard and smiling at people when they walk in and greet him with a similar fake smile. He doesn't have any friends to talk to. He has no lovers to call and no family to hug. He has been by himself for four years since his parents divorced and left, leaving him at a shelter at 17. Life struck him from that day forward. He would pay his rent on time and never spoke to anyone. Day after day for 4 years, he was stuck doing the same routine and had no free time. He would start his shift at 6 a.m. and until 6 P.M. Eito would take the same bus to the station and the same train to his destination. There was no meaning to his life every time he would wake up, sit on the bus and train, and stare at the bystanders who would take the same transportation as him, thought to himself every time he looked at them with gazing and wondering eyes, "Why is everyone so…, boring? Why can't there be anything fun to do in life? They all look like they hate their lives as much as I do. Why can't we just stop what we're doing and stare at the stars at night? Everyone's pathetic, including myself. I wish my life were a bit more exciting." His thoughts would haunt him day and night, especially during his shift. Time flies as he greets guests into the building and puts on his mask of a fake smile, hiding his true feelings of despair and loneliness. His shift comes to an end. His night shift partner arrives and takes over the post. Eito packs up his belongings, changes outfits, and leaves from the back door towards the train station.

While waiting for the train to arrive, he puts in his wireless earbuds and listens to music. The train arrives at his station, and Eito walks inside and sits on a seat. The cart is practically empty. Only a few passengers, including himself, were in the last carriage. Eito paid no attention to the other passengers. He tilted his head upwards while listening to his music and shut his eyes. 2 stops remained before Eito's. He woke up and noticed the cart was empty. "Everyone got off quick," Eito thought to himself. He got up and walked towards the door with his bag to depart from the train. When he stood near the door to get off, the train didn't stop; It kept riding onwards and started to exhilarate its speed. Eito got pushed back. He quickly reacted to the situation and grabbed hold of a bar attached to the train. The train didn't have a means to stop; its speed kept increasing with five stops before the end of the tracks. Eito was sure his life was starting to flash before his eyes, Literally. A white light appeared and covered the train as if Eito and the train went through a dimensional portal filled with bright colours that he'd never seen or heard of existed. The colours were flying past him as the train was speeding up. The colours started getting smaller and looked like they were floating. They looked like fireflies as he was staring out the window. The train slowly starts descending into a hole with a similar white light that drags it in. It made Eito fly to the end of the train, banging his head on the back and knocking him unconscious. The train flew into the white hole and crash-landed on solid ground, breaking a couple of trees and demolishing the earth in its landing. The light hole closed, and the train and Eito were in new territory; with no intelligent life form in the area, only birds and insects were to be heard. Eito woke up from his train ride thinking it was a dream and hadn't slept enough from working all week. He looked out the train window and thought to himself, he's in a new construction area; construction workers must've placed the train in the area for a new railroad track, and they didn't check for a passenger in the carriages while bringing the train to this new location, with trees and grounds. He used the manual lever to open the carriage doors and jumped off the train. He looked around the area and didn't see construction workers or humans around. He was left wondering where he was and how can he get home. He spotted a shadow figure moving behind the bushes and was still running. Eito chased after it and tried asking it for help, but it didn't stop running. Eito caught up to the mysterious figure running away from him, and he jumped on it just as he remembered from playing rugby. He looked up and saw a boar/gazelle creature trying to escape Eito's clutches. Eito confirmed the portal, and the colours were all real; he was in a new world. He was left speechless at the same time he felt a strange sensation pounding, into his chest he hadn't felt in a long time, joy. For the first time in his life, Eito is free from his boring, joyless life as a security guard and can finally enjoy his life like he always wanted. He decided to become a ruler of this new world and do as he pleased with his new world. His dreams of escaping a meaningless and corrupted world came true, and no one would stand in his path. He started exploring and gathering items he sought that were interesting and worth taking for experiments. He went around the bushes and climbed on trees to collect food, plucked out the seeds from the fruits and buried them in the ground. He was full of energy and life, like a child with a new toy or a baby that learned to smile for the first time. Suddenly, as Eito was walking around the forest to find more fruits and interesting objects, he came across a gigantic woolly mammoth with lizard scales creature that didn't take kindly to creatures that came to his territory. Eito drops his bag filled with necessities and old uniform as he stares at the beast.  The creature swung his trunk at Eito, but Eito stuck both his hands in front of him, hoping to grab onto it or push it a bit so he didn't land on something hard and die just before he got to live his new life. As the trunk approached him, an arrow flew onto the creature's back and avoided hitting Eito. The creature turned its back and looked for the one responsible for the arrow. The mystery figure that launched the arrow flew out of the trees with wings and a bow in its hand and used magic arrows onto the creature that disintegrated after they pierced through their target skin. It launched countless arrows at the mammoth before it bent down to its knees and collapsed, shaking the surrounding areas to its core. The winged creature flew to the ground and stared at Eito. Their eyes were in sync; neither one flinched or moved from their positions. It took out its bow and stretched its string, and the arrow appeared with a light-halo glow to it and aimed toward Eito. Eito didn't have time to think. Before he could escape, the creature released the string and launched the arrow.