
Secure Contain Protect SCP

the scp foundation is an organisation made to protect the world from the danger of anomalous creatures and are main lead fits that category perfectly

MTFsoldier · Action
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4 Chs

that was unexpected

beep beep beep

jake looked at his phone 11:45am with a disappointed look on his face "like it makes a difference" he then got up putting his phone in his pocket. his food was already on the table as per usual he sat down on the chair and began to eat his coco pops. what he was not aware of was the right between the scp foundation and the chaos insurgency on the other side of the facility if ypu are not aware of what these organisation's are well your not supposed to know about them but I will tell you about them anyway the scp foundation is and organisation which contains and studys anomalys like jake so they are all about not letting you know about them and the chaos insurgency or "serpents hand" which is there official name are about having a world where scps and humans live together which is not Actually that bad although they are willing to kill anyone to get there way depends on who you ask anyway thats the run down of those guys now back to the story. bang bang "COMMANDER WHERE THE HELL IS THE BACKUP!" the commander looked at the Sargent and said "20 minutes" the Sargent looked like he had seen a ghost "WHA-" his sentence was cut off by and explosion the Sargent quickly grabbed his gun from the floor and started shooting at the chaos insurgency he then got a hail of bullets to the head by the chaos insurgency own commander to which he said to his men "get me the commander" but before the soldiers even started looking the foundation commander came out from hiding and put his hands up "I GIVE UP" the chaos commander looked at him and said "ok then.. I was not expecting that but fine where is the boy" the foundation commander replied with" the room at the end of the hall please don't ki-" the chaos commander just shot him in the head there's no need for prisoners. the commander and his soldiers continued down the long hall way on the way killing all reachers and guards he saw when they finally arrived to the door at the end of the corridor he was surprised to see the door open but he was even more surprised with the 30 mtf guards pointing there guns at him he heard a voice from behind the mtf "if I where you I'd just leave unless you want me to rip you a new ass hole" the church looked surprised he heard that the kid was powerful but not powerful enough summon a whole squad of mtf god knows what this kid could do " hay chill out im not here to hurt you kid just come with us and you will be fine"