
Two new Specialties!


Before the King withdraws from the room, he suddenly turned and faced Lin Shu.

"Sect Master Lin Shu, I want your sect to represent the upcoming thirteen kingdom martial arts discussion."


Looking at the confused look of Lin Shu, he explained.

"Thirteen Kingdom Martials Arts Discussion, as the words says, it is the martial arts discussion of the Thirteen neighbouring kingdoms. Each Kingdom will send a group of warrior below the age of 30. Furthermore, the champion of this discussion will get the temporary ownership of the 'Nanshu Mountain' which lasts for 5 years, in which the discussion will happen again. This mountain has a special type of spirit called the 'Spiritium' which lets an individual have a chance to increase the comprehension of the martials arts and cultivation method they mainly use. The discussion will then happen 3 months later."

When the door closed, only those young individuals were left in the room.

After a brief of moment of silence, he released his momentum and showed his majesty as a sect mater to them:

"Before joining the sect. Your so-called Imperial Power does not exist here. I know that some of you became arrogant and eventually became rampant just because of the background you have. Here, none of those exists. And everyone of you is just a disciple of the sect."

On some individuals, sweat appeared on their foreheads.

Indeed, some of them became arrogant and ignored the rules just because of their background.

"Do you understand what I mean?" He continued.

"Yes Suzerain!"

"Yes Suzerain!"

"Yes Suzerain!"

Almost at unison, they gave their respected and saluted.

"Everyone of you must have a space ring, so here." With a sway of his hands, large amounts of Low Tiered Magic Stones and Mid Tiered ones appeared, floating in the air. Then these slowly flew towards each one of them, being perfectly distributed.

"Okay, you may leave now."

Then they started to scramble and formed groups the moment they left the room. Along the way towards the exit, their eyes kept wandering around, seeing the magnificence of this sect. Especially in terms of finance which blinded their titanium dog eyes.

Before you know it, three days passed by.

In these three days, the King frantically used his manpower to deploy countless recruitment stations which greatly attracted those youngsters. Lin Shu was also cultivating pretty hard these days.

Also, when someone broke through the heaven grade, their first move was to go to the outside world and join the recruitment project of their sect. The reason is, when the first batch of Heaven Core Realm, they 'accidentally' leaked the salary when they do such things. In which caused the envy of the disciples within the sect, especially those in the Peak level of the Earth Core Realm.

Generally, these days, every single day, dozens of individuals who just broke through eventually followed along.

When these dozens of people continuously pours out of the sect, they King was yet again shocked by the power of the sect. He even laughed for making the greatest decision of his life. Which is to let their younger gens to join this sect. Not only them, but also all of the groups of organization within the Twilight Kingdom's area ranging from sects, guilds, groups, and etc. Occasionally, martial arts discussion happens within these area. In which the Linshu disciples were challenged.

So far, not a single one has defeated of disciple of theirs. Thanks to the high quality of aura they absorbed on the Hidden World. With their strength, the earliest of the Heaven Core Realm can fight against a peak one. With these occasions happening, Linshu sect's disciples became a status. No one dared to provoke a single member of them considering the background behind them.

Without Lin Shu being aware of what's happening in the outside world, the Lin Shu sect unknowingly became the top powerhouse sect in the entire Twilight Kingdom. Just this temptation alone allowed the recruitment proportion to multiply.

In these days, the five new elders recruited from the Summoning Card when he broke into the Nirvana Tribulation are now fully integrated to the sect.

Amongst the five, one was a Tier 6 Alchemist, however, two of them has a unique specialty.

They are:

Name: Xie Yuan

Cultivation Level: Tier 8 Nirvana Tribulation

Skills: Purple Cloud Boxing Technique + Tier 6 Blacksmith

Name: Wan Qiu

Cultivation Level: Tier 4 Heaven Core Realm

Skills: Tier 7 Array Mage + Tier 6 Weaver

What surprised him was the specialty called Weaver.

He found out when he visited Wan Qiu on her new building.

Dozens of clothes were floating in mid-air, a few of them, like a printing machine were being printed in the air, and there's something attached to these things, they were some sort of a translucent yarn that frequently releases an Aura fluctuation, and as for the material of that special yarn, it is some sort of a special type of cotton. When you touched it, it became as hard as steel, but under the manipulation of Wan Qiu, these types of clothing can also became as hard as steel when something hard, or sharp suddenly pierced through it.

Thanks to her, the Linshu Sect finally has their own uniform, it is a uniquely weaved hanfu, and each uniform has their own colour which represents their status on the sect. White are for the outer disciples, blue for inner, and gold for core disciples.

On the other hand, when he visited Xie Yuan, he saw him smashing a block of iron that sometimes shows a beam of light. These beam of light, when one smashes a block of some sort of metal with a hammer, these releases called the 'Metal Vision', in which is tiered depending on the height of the beam of light. The higher the beam of light it releases, the higher the tier of the metal, at the same time, the impurities' concentration will also depend on this thing.


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