
Secrets We Shared

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Tried to kill her

Sebastian eyes opened once again when he felt someone patting his shoulder . He saw nurse saying "Sir wake up! You have to give her a massage and we have to bath her today too". Sebastian rubbed his eyes and straightened his back letting cracks out . Sebastian said " Did I over sleep". Nurse smiled and said " It's normal sir . You sleep on this uncomfortable couch . Take care of your wife all day long . You are such a great husband". The last line of hers made Sebastian wish that if he is a really good husband .

Sebastian took a hold of Hazel . Only one week was left for the completion of 3rd month of Hazel being in coma. He carefully took her bathroom and lay her there. Nurse gave him information how to bath her " Don't wash her face with tons of water . Just take wet rag and wipe her face . As per body apply gel and wash softly don't rush and being hard . Once you are done . Dry her hairs with towel". Sebastian listen to it very carefully . After Sebastian was done .

He took her and made her lay on bed and give her massage . His shoulders was aching badly . He wanted a massage too but he can't leave Hazel alone .

He lay beside Hazel on hospital bed . The bed was uncomfortable plus he had a giant body . But he was ok as long as he was in the warm embrace of Hazel . He wrapped his arm around her lower belly .

He fell in slumber immediately .

At midnight

Sebastian felt something fell . His eyes half open. He saw someone in completely black from head to toe injecting something in hazel's drip bottle . He instantly got up ready to attach the person but the person ran faster . Sebastian shouted " Hey! Hey ! Catch him". The guards at the door was sleeping and the person flew away . Sebastian shouted " Doctor!! Doctor!! Check my wife drip bottle". Doctor got in and immediately take the drip off .

After one hour they examine someone tried to poison Hazel .

Sebastian angrily looked at doctor and said " This is your hospital security . My wife almost dies because of those guard!!". Doctor said " We are really sorr---". Sebastian was red in rage " I don't care about your sorry". Doctor bowed his head looking at ground . He continued " My wife is pregnant plus she is in coma do you think it's easy for me to forgive them and calm down".

He looked at guards and said " You two!! I'm sueing you!!". They left a d now Sebastian realize he has to hire guards for Hazel .

He called Stefen and said " I need two bodyguards in hospital. Remember they should be bulky and strong ". Stefen said " Yes sir!". He hung the call and kissed hazel's forehead. He thought " I have to protect her at any cost ". He called Roman and told him " I think it's Skyla".

Roman said " I will see brother".

Sebastian just hope that Hazel wake up so that he can take her home soon .