
Secrets We Shared

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs


Hazel got in the room after watching herself getting pity from every family member . She got in bed because her back was hurting from working in kitchen continuously. She thought of getting a nap. She got in the bed and started to think how Sebastian show affection towards Skyla not to her . She don't know what she did for making Sebastian hating her to core .

She was always ignorant of what he does. It does hurt when he cheats on her with Skyla. She closed her eyes and Roman came in her mind. He calmed her even tho he didn't do anything last night. His presence his body scent was comforting Hazel . She would be happy if Roman help her.

She closed her eyes . After taking nap for an hour she got up scared that someone was screaming outside in the garden. She knew that voice belongs to Skyla. Curiously got the best of her and she got up from bed to see from balcony what is happening. Her world froze of what she just saw.

Sebastian was on his one knee with his hand gripping a red ring box. Skyla was looking at him happily. He asked " Will you marry me Skyla?!". Skyla not missing the opportunity said " Yes yes I will". He made her wear the ring and tears rolled out of Hazel's eyes with every laugh which left Skyla's mouth. Hazel looked at the sky and thought " Why did is happening to me God. I never hurt anyone . Why!! why me!?".

Door flew open Hazel was still in her position not caring who came . A hand squeezed her shoulder and Lily said " I'm sorry Hazel for my brother's behaviour. I don't know why he is doing this. He doesn't know that marrying Skyla is his biggest mistake". Hazel said hiccupping ensuring Lily that she is fine " It-its o-oka-okay lily". Lily hugged her and said " No Hazel I know it's not ok!! You have to stop showing you are ok". Her voice and words made an pact on Hazel and Hazel suddenly cried out from the pain drilling in her heart.

Lily gently laid her on bed and gave a glass of water. Hazel kept weeping and Lily got out to give Hazel her privacy.

She angrily got into Sebastian office and saw Skyla with him. She walked to Skyla and said " Bitch that's why you were so eager to come huh!! Bark now!! You come to break my brother's marriage".Skyla was about to slap Lily back but Sebastian hold her hand and said " Lily is older than you". Skyla lowered her hand and Lily pointed a finger at Sebastian " Brother whatever you are doing is wrong . Hazel was the perfect wife for you . Why did you do that!!!!". Her face was red because of anger.

Skyla was ordered by Sebastian to leave the room. Lily said in rage " I don't want to hear anything. Just answer dad about his question. Don't ever try to talk to me ever again Sebastian Knight". He didn't know that his decision of marrying Skyla can create tsunami in his house. Roman entered in the house after taking a look of garden. He already knew what happened. He saw Sebastian talking to decor manager for proposal setup . He didn't interfered.

Lily got out of office and Roman saw her all red from anger. Alex and Ruth still didn't knew about the step Sebastian has taken.

Sebastian got in the room and Hazel was watching moon. She didn't turned around and Sebastian backhugged her . He smelled her body scent and felt comfort. He felt warmness he has been looking after Amber died. Hazel trembled while crying and Sebastian said " Why are you crying huh? That I'm marrying Skyla !". Hazel stayed silent and he continued " I can't let a lesbian give birth to Knight's heir".

Hazel turned around and said " What did I ever do to you". Sebastian found helplessness and broken thing in her voice. He looked in her eyes totally empty but still it tells him that she loves him. He said " You think I will not marry after getting to know that you are a lesbian". Hazel stayed quiet . She turned around again facing the moon. Sebastian was getting hard watching Hazel golden hairs and her body in cold breeze shivering. But what Skyla said that Hazel and her used to be in a relationship was disturbing for him.

He pressed his body against Hazel's back and said " Did you like my surprise?!". Hazel froze and said facing the moon in a low voice not enough audible for Sebastian to hear" I'm not a lesbian".

Sebastian left the room leaving Hazel angry at her decision for claiming herself as lesbian and for trusting Skyla even tho her grandma warned her that Skyla us not a good person. Now she knows that her grandma knew Skyla's true color. She didn't know what was coming next . She have to ask for help from Roman.