
Secrets We Shared

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Paying visit to Hazel

Hazel was dreaming about something familiar . Some incident happened before she fell off the stairs . The short clips of her past was coming in her brain . Her head was continuously moving left and right . She saw " Rap... Sebastian.... Amber .... Jules... Gonzalez".

She felt someone waking her up . It was her new sweet side Sebastian . Sebastian got worried and said " Hazel! Hazel what happened!?". Hazel got up sweaty and looked at Sebastian . Without thinking twice she hugged him tightly . Sebastian froze and calm after minutes.He rub Hazel back comforting her " Did you had a bad dream ". Hazel hummed and Sebastian said "Remember hazel I'm always there for you and I love you". Hazel hugged him more tightly and said " I love you Bastian". Sebastian frowned and said " Bastian!? ". Hazel hummed and cutely said " Yeah!! It's your nickname now".

Sebastian said lifting his hands " Alright Alright we will sleep now".

They both slept again . The yellow dun was out now . Sebastian got a call from his parents . They told him they are coming to pay a visit to Hazel . He told Hazel " Hazel my parents are coming to meet you". Hazel let out an "Oo". Sebastian said " No ooo you are going to get ready ". Hazel smiled and got up from bed to get ready .

Sebastian got out of the room and saw Skyla . Skyla ran towards him and said " I missed you so much Sebastian ". Sebastian pushed her and thought " God I hate her so much . I should do something about her".

Skyla felt anger got the best of her but didn't said anything and went to her room.

Knights was already here . Hazel got downstairs with the help of Sebastian . Mrs knight hugged her and said " Thank god we saw you like this Hazel". Hazel smiled and Mr knight said " Thank you thank you so much Hazel for giving my son heir . He really likes children".

Skyla snickered and said " I could give that too". Mr knight ignored her and Hazel said " I don't know why this maid is like that . Sebastian should fire her".

Mr knight laughed and said " Sebastian told you she is a maid" . Hazel hummed and he said " Indeed she is". Mrs knight slapped him on his arm . Roman was also there . Sitting on couch not caring about anything else . Sebastian got Hazel some cutted dragon fruits and said "Finish it completely. I will come to check the ball". He kissed her forehead and Hazel said" Yeah yeah" . Roman was happy his brother was finally how he used to be with Amber . Maybe the whole story of revenge ended here.

Hazel looked at Roman and said " Don't you like to talk ". Roman said " No ".

Hazel felt sad .

Everyone was going back now . They waved bye to each other and Sebastian was massaging Hazel foots now. Hazel ordered " Do it correctly don't you know how to do it!?". Sebastian tried to do better but Hazel said "You are the worst massager ". Sebastian said defendly " I didn't worked at a massage shop ok . I'm trying my best". Hazel rolled her eyes and said " Yeah yeah ".

Another day was over of Hazel with lost memory . They slept and waited for next magical day to arrive but little did they know something else was going to happen tomorrow.