
Secrets We Shared

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Baby names

It was second day of being welcomed in Knight's mansion . Hazel was completely fine . Skyla was working like a maid 24/7 because of Sebastian's order . Cutting and serving fruits, giving medicine to Hazel in time was now her part time job.

Sebastian shifted twins to their rooms .However when its time for their food he caddy them to hazel.

Watching Hazel feeding them was a really mesmerizing site for him.Their little hands carrying Hazel's bossom and Hazel massaging their heads was a wholesome moment for him .

He looked at Hazel and Hazel looked at him and immediately looked away .He sigh and said "You know we can't stay like this forever Hazel. We are a family now". Hazel looked at him and said "When are you divorcing me!?". Sebastian sharply looked at her and said "I have already told you that I'm not separating them from there mother". Hazel didn't said anything .

He was about to go when Sebastian said "Mom and dad are coming to see them". Hazel wore them clothes which she bought with Sebastian from mall . Everything seems new to her . There was no one by her side no mom no grandma only her and her alone . Roman took Brodie because Sebastian told him .

Hazel was sitting on bed and Sebastian entered . He asked " Are you ready !?". Hazel said "Hmm".

He walked towards her and kissed her forehead. " You are looking beautiful Hazel". He saw her cheeks getting red . He was getting shy too . He immediately said " And are my babies ready!?".

He carry them in his arms . Hazel was standing by staircase . She didn't know how to get down . Roman who was standing downstairs and noticed Hazel . He hold her hand guiding her downstairs . Then he saw his nephew and niece .

Everything was going nice when the family members started fighting on " No! This name is old".

Mr knight said " I'm the older I will name them". Mrs knight " No honey You name your kids it's my turn! ". Roman " No I'm his big uncle I have the right ! ".

Lily and Alex on video call

" No we will name them righ- right brother we will name them ! ".

Alex " Yes yes we will name them ". Finally Sebastian spoke " Enough me and Hazel will name them".

Hazel looked at everyone and said " Yeah w.. we will name them".

Mrs knight " So what are you naming them!? ". Hazel " I didn... think ". Sebastian cutted her off and said " The boy name gonna be Zenith Knight and Girl name will be Dazdi". Hazel looked and said " Dazdi!!?? ". Sebastian smiled and said " I'm just kidding you will name her ". She smiled and Finally the whole function was over .

She was wondering where was Skyla .

Meanwhile Skyla in red room. "Ughh!! This Sebastian gave me sleeping pills ".

Sebastian came in the room and asked "You name her yet Hazel ". Hazel said " No not yet I will soon. I'm looking for a unique name ".

Sebastian asked Hazel " Hazel if I divorce Skyla will you be normal !?". Hazel said " You treated me bad because of Skyla ? No right !. Then why do you expect me to normal".

Sebastian sigh " What happened is already happened . We can't change it Hazel". Hazel took the duvet over her and closed her eyes . She will forgive him and start a new life one day but the time is not now .