
Secrets We Shared

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs


Hazel after running upstairs shut the room door closed. She slide down the door . She was breathing heavily. How can Sebastian say too many lies. He never asked for Hazel's opinion . He never give a damn about her. He was a total ignorant husband for Hazel.

Hazel got up wiped her tears. But one thing what made her happy was Sebastian was going to divorce her. She will be free from this hell. She will start a new beginning . She started to pack her clothes when Mrs knight asked loudly " Hazel can I come in". Hazel didn't wanted to face anyone but Mrs knight always gave Hazel mother's vibe. Hazel lightly said " Yes come in". Mrs knight saw Hazel packing clothes and said with a sigh" I know Hazel what's happening is not easy for you. I don't know why my son is acting like that. After Amber he never fell in love but now after 5 years he fall in love with that Skyla. I know Hazel my son doesn't love Skyla you have to do something". Hazel said politely" Mom whatever decision Sebastian had taken maybe he thought of something we didn't ". Mrs knight sigh and said " If you are ok with Sebastian getting married who am I to object but remember Hazel it is bad for you to be ok". She left and Hazel helplessly mumbled " If I had the position to reject his wedding proposal I would've done it till now".

Everyone sat at dinner table and Skyla came in dark red revealing dress . She sat showing Roman her cleavage . Hazel uncomfortably moved on her seat . Sebastian started eating his meal and Mr knight said " Sebastian didn't you told your wife its is forbidden to dress like this in a family dinner". Sebastian looked at Skyla's cleavage and said " Sorry dad it won't happen again". Skyla was eating her food and she said " Baby what do you want to call our children ?! ". Sebastian froze and Mrs knight angrily asked " YOU ARE PREGNANT!! ". Skyla casually replied " Not now but soon". Mr knight said " Sebastian you know exactly I want first heir from you and Hazel. It would be better if you focus on Hazel more". Sebastian sigh and said " Yes Dad".

Hazel gulped listening to conversation .

Roman said " Dad didn't you said Sebastian will divorce Hazel". Mr knight looked at Hazel and said " Sebastian will divorce Hazel after Hazel will give birth to Knight's heir". Roman said " But dad did anyone ask Hazel if she wants to give birth or nor". Sebastian cutted Roman off and said " About that Hazel is agree to give birth dad ". Roman looked at Hazel who was shockingly looking at Sebastian. Sebastian again said " Dad you will get good news soon about my wife getting pregnant". Mrs knight said " Sebastian think again before marrying this Skyla ". Skyla looked at Mrs knight angrily but stayed quiet.

Sebastian got in the room and Hazel as expected sitting Infront of moon. He had to sleep today with Hazel . His parents were here and they were here till tomorrow. He walked towards Hazel. Hazel looked at him and looked down . Sebastian said " Why aren't you saying anything". Hazel said deeply " Did you ever gave me a right to say anything".Sebastian grabbed her jaw tightly and said " What are you trying to say ?!". Hazel lightly caressed his hand on jaw and said " You never ask about me being ready with getting pregnant". Sebastian said venom getting out if his tongue " Stay in your limits Hazel . You were never my choice to marry. I'm your husband I will decide when I will get you pregnant . You are just a womb for Knight's family". Hazel said submissively "ok". Sebastian left her jaw with a push and Hazel head hit the glass window.

Sebastian got in the bed and Pulled duvet on himself . Hazel just looked at him questioningly that why he is doing this . If he is too disgusted by her just divorce her .

Hazel woke up when she felt someone presence on herself. It was Sebastian . It was already 6:50 am . Sebastian kissed her neck and stated sucking on it . Hazel panicked after thought of getting pregnant crossed her mind. She struggled " No no get away".Sebastian held her wrists and growled " Stay still". Hazel stopped when she heard threat in his voice. He bite her neck and she lets out an "~ahh". Sebastian hand started travelling to her vagina when they heard a knock . He heard Skyla saying " Bae come outside everyone is waiting for breakfast . What are you doing in with that bitch?!. She opened the door and saw Sebastian on Hazel. She angrily walked towards Hazel . Sebastian moved away ready to go to his room when he heard a slap echo in the room. He turned around to see Hazel cheek crimson red . Hazel sat shock on bed . Skyla grabbed her hairs and said " How dare you Slut seduce my fiancee?! ". Sebastian frowned at Skyla's word . Hazel was his wife before Skyla being his fiancee. Hazel thought Sebastian will say anything to Skyla but he just gripped Skyla's wrist and said " Let's go everyone is waiting ". Hazel looked at the couple and thought is she the same Skyla which she preferred as a perfect life mate. Tears rolled out of eyes. Skyla isn't even his wife yet she started to raise her hand on her and Sebastian didn't said anything.
