
Secrets: The Weird People In The Campus

When the capital is in the hand of a mysterious criminal mastermind, Luke and Jenny, the troublesome brother and sister find themselves in the Royal Academy for Elites. When magic is strictly forbidden in the Royal Academy, they both try to survive the brutal world of nobles.....only to find that the academy is somehow related to all the murders happening in the capital and the magic is dominating the very core of the academy itself.........

jfh993 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Lost In The Crowd

Jenny was with her brother watching the weird man on the stage doing some fantastic tricks with knives when she saw a man in black cloak standing beside her. He was really fascinated by the show because he was intently looking at the stage. "he must really like tricks," thought Jenny. He was so quiet in the crowd that normal people wouldn't notice him at all. Jenny couldn't see what his face looked like but the more she saw, the more it looked like to her that he was deliberately avoiding people and suppressing his presence. His body looked familiar somehow, although she could not identify him. But just for a second, she felt the presence of magic.

" Should I try to talk to him?" she thought," he looks suspicious.....maybe he's just afraid of people. I better leave him alone."

"Jenny, look!" exclaimed Luke as the strange man on the stage threw the knife between the target's legs. In that moment the cloaked man looked in Luke and Jenny's direction and after that, he was gone from the crowd. " Where did he go?" Jenny thought." Do I know him?"

When the show was finished, Jenny somehow got carried away by the crowd and since she had little strength, she got separated from her brother.

" Luke? Luke where are you? Luke!!!"

She saw herself in the middle of a road with streams of people rushing all around her. She could only think of going back to the circus but it looked like the crowd was taking her further away. At last when she got back to the circus, Luke was nowhere to be found.

"What should I do?" she thought, " Should I go back to the mansion and tell them that brother is lost? But I have to face father alone....." She started walking in a direction she thought that would lead her to the mansion ( which was the wrong direction) and after walking for sometime, she had no clue where she was. There was a beautiful melody coming from the street side. The street musician looked really handsome. He had black hair and his cheekbones were really sharp. He also played the lyre beautifully. Listening to him, she actually felt the tension in her body going away.

" What're you doing here, little girl?" the musician asked Jenny as he noticed that she was standing there for quite some time and was also alone. She wore expensive clothes and seemed to be from a rich family." She must be lost," the musician smiled in his head, the inner wolf in him waking up, "Are you in trouble?"

Jenny felt really relieved, finally someone could help her! She told him all about her troubles , even gave him the duke's address. Then she finally had the courage to ask him if he could take her to her house. The man was really kind though, he agreed without a second thought, "Don't you worry lil' girl! I will take you there." Then he lead her to the direction which he said, would take her to the duke's mansion ( which was the wrong direction).

After a while, they came to a road that didn't have much people.The musician seemed weirder and weirder as time passed. He lead her to a dark alley and at that time not a single person was around them.

"Mister, where are you taking me?" Jenny became careful at last because the man was obviously kidnapping her by taking her to a deserted place." Looks could be deceiving," Jenny realized bitterly. "My house is around here, maybe we could eat lunch fi...." before he could finish his sentence, they both saw the thing. The thing that was eating raw meat. The raw meat of a person that was lying down at the end off the corridor, probably dead. The thing that was eating the flesh of human was not a dog. It was a wolf, big brown one. And as it sensed their presence and looked at them, both of them had only one thing in mind," We're dead."

The musician was actually regretting his actions. His life was more valuable than money after all. On the other hand, Jenny was pondering in her mind, "How the hell did this thing come here? Why hasn't anyone seen it?....Because they were already dead" she realized. But still it was a mystery how it passed the crowd outside. But if she died then how would she get revenge on Kelly for spilling tea on her dress intentionally? How would she find her lost brother? " RUUNN!!!!!" she shouted. Before she could actually start running, the wolf jumped at the speed of light and blocked the road ahead of them. And the next moment, the musician's head was ripped off by that wolf.

"AAAAhhhhh.....!!!!"Jenny could only scream. The next one to die would be her....How the hell had she come into a situation like this?

The wolf looked at her for sometime, it's eyes looked really intelligent. The wolf then slowly threw the musician's head at her. Jenny grabbed the head by instinct only to scream harder, "AAAHHHHH!!!!"

The wolf was simply playing with it's food, enjoying the reaction of a pretty blond girl on the verge of death. As she looked at the bloody head in her hands, something in her snapped. She could feel her desperation turn into something else at the tips of her fingers. She could feel magic all around her body.

The wolf could understand the presence of magic. It's eyes widened as it sneered and tried jump at the sudden threat. But the shadows that grew from Jenny's hands swallowed the head to turn them into ashes. Seeing that, fear covered the wolf's eyes. As it turned to run away, Jenny somehow managed to embrace the wolf. Instantly, the wolf she touched faded into thick ashes.

The next few hours were a blur to Jenny. She somehow ran out of that alley and ran back to the road she came from (this time she actually remembered). After sometime, she was in font of the circus again. She sat there for a few hours before she heard a familiar voice, "JENNY!!!"

Jenny looked up to see Luke standing beside her, trying to catch his breath. Luke searched for her for hours without success and thought that if he was lucky, she might come back at the circus again ." WHERE WERE YOU???" he shouted, "Do you know....wh..what....I've been through?"

"Luke..." Jenny was surprised to see tears falling from his eyes. "I've looked for you everywhere!! I thought you were abducted by those murderers.....,"he said.

"I...I'm...sorry...Luke," at some point, Jenny started crying too. "You wouldn't believe what happened!!" As they walked through the streets again, she told him about the incident. Luke was shocked but strangely calm after hearing it.

"Can you still feel the magic?"

"A little....."

"Hmm...it's sad that you got your powers first! How come I don't have mine yet?" Luke complained,"I want superpowers too..."

"You idiot! I had to nearly die to get them and that's all you care about?" Jenny stopped crying and said angrily," Why did I get a selfish brother like that..."

" Bye the way," Luke said as they stopped in front of an ice cream shop, "Wanna eat some? Let's search the rest of them after eating...."Jenny nodded.

Luke and Jenny never had the chance to search for their friends because the search team got them first. They were scolded for many hours by the duke for being lost so they decided to keep their mouth shut. Jenny realized with fear that she was really lucky to actually come out alive in that situation. But for some strange reason, she felt thrilled as well.