
Secrets of the Wicked

A plan that was supposed to involve saving her friends turned into a full-blown mess that plagues Anberine wherever she goes. The worst part is that it's not just any boy, it was the King's Son! How will she cope with her bully who now behaves like a puppy on not just any leash- her leash! Short Except- "What could you possibly want with her?" Marcus asked coldly only to pause as he saw Prince Skye show Anberine a withered purple flower which had yellow on the bottom petal that he had in his right jacket pocket. Anberine's mouth parted while her eyes as she narrowed them showed she was in disbelief, what was he up to? "Seriously...? A dead flower?" Anberine asked dryly not at all impressed by what he was up to. "Well it matches your eyes" Skye commented as he saw her newly changed violet eyes which were still not amused, clearing his throat he kept the flower visible "Violets that sparkle, flowers despite withering never suit you anymore than they do now" Skye said mentally blinking at what he was saying. 'Wait what? What did I just say?!' Prince Skye screamed mentally not believing what he had just said. 'Why did I said something so dumb?' he berated himself for the stupid comment. "What?" Marcus was left baffled while Anberine was even more confused, to prove she was confused she tilted her head and her expression showed she was completely lost. "What has he been drinking?" Anberine asked still in shock as she tried to observe any features that would have been off. "Did you sneak a sip from your father's wine cellar? Or did you hit your head when no one was looking?" Anberine asked bluntly now looking at Marcus who shrugged. "I did drink something" Prince Skye admitted causing the pair to stare at him quickly, that was odd why was he admitting anything and to them no less? "I've been drinking in your beauty and for a rat-faced girl, you look cute" he added with a sly smile. -Author's notes- Please let me know what you think, feedback and comments are truly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story and thank you to those who have and are reading it.

LilWhiteFox · Fantasy
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59 Chs

So much for chivalry

"How can you even study when we're in a sacred lake?" Skye asked as she kept her eyes on the book.

"Surely you should be going crazy being in such a place?" Skye asked looking at her with a semi perplexed look despite feeling grumpy at how she was behaving in such a sacred place.

"I never said that I would do anything else, you dragged me here remember" Anberine commented causing him to flush in shock.

Th-that had to be a joke.

'I did what?!' Skye almost cursed as he tried not to stand up in anger and scream at her for lying, only before he did he spotted a long line mark on the side of her forehead.

Skye blinked rapidly at how she could have such a mark.

However instead of asking he kept quiet, no he was going to observe her until he found out the whole truth.

As Anberine continued to read her ears caught the sound of water and wisps of wings leaving her feeling more comfortable despite the company, without caring about the prince she smiled faintly at their comforting noises until before she knew it.

Anberine had passed out with her book resting comfortably on her lap.

Her head meanwhile rested on the side of the trunk of the tree as content filled her tired body.

'Sleep well child'

Skye meanwhile took out a sandwich from the basket stared at the creatures that lived in the area with curious eyes.

It seemed enchanting for one who visited the area for the first time, he stood up slowly and approached the lake to see a few small fairies flying past giggling as they paid him no heed.

This was their haven and if Nimue said it was safe then who were they to fear?

A small smile formed on his lips despite the budding questions that filled his mind.

What had happened to make him arrive at the lake?

Staring at the untainted water Skye tried to see if the sword could be visible only to his dismay it was concealed thanks to Nimue's influence.

After eating the last of the sandwich Skye turned to look at Anberine and froze from seeing her smiling, however that wasn't the only thing that got his attention.

"Oi! Wake up!" Skye yelled as he stormed over towards her, placing his hands on her arms he shook her slightly earning him a low groan from the tired girl.

Opening her eyes weakly she glared at him.

"What do you want?" Anberine muttered darkly, seeing that she was awake and not cursed by the forest gave the prince dare he admit it- relief.

The last thing he needed was her being trapped in an eternal sleep, knowing that would demand a lot questions for why it happened.

Questions that he could not fully give.

"You know we're not allowed to sleep in this area" Skye huffed as he stood up and folded his arms.

Staring at him blankly Anberine yawned slightly, twitching Skye spied a sandwich and shoved it in her open mouth causing her to release cry of panic.

"You're attracting flies with how big your mouth is" Skye muttered as he looked away. His cheeks burned slightly to his annoyance, why did she look- cute? And just by yawning no less?

Anberine gave him a foul look before taking the sandwich out of her mouth, how rude could he get?

'That idiot! I almost choked thanks to him!' Anberine almost snapped before sighing heavily to avoid getting worked up.

"Well excuse me for being tired. I just got out of the physician's office yesterday" Anberine muttered darkly now munching on the food coldly. Skye flashed her a look.

"Dare I ask why you were there?" Skye asked bluntly earning him an odd look.

"You know what happened, the physician said you wouldn't leave the room thanks to what Elaine did" Skye's jaw clenched from hearing that girl's name.

It always annoyed him that she would cling onto his arm, at times she would shamelessly do things claiming it was for him.

That and badgering their fathers to make him marry her left him wanting to tell her to get lost, only his father would no doubt punish him for that.

So he held his tongue despite wanting to shove her away.

"Are you not even going to see the lake?" Skye now wanted to change the subject as he kept his hands in his trouser pockets, the cool relaxing air tousled his near dried hair leaving her staring at him blankly thanks to his attitude.

"Fine" Anberine muttered as she got up only to stumble thanks to the roots, seeing this Skye reacted before he could realise what he was doing and grabbed her arms allowing her to bump into him.

Skye flushed at how her face bumped into his chest while his arms had held her torso in place.

'T-To close!' Skye wanted to shove her off him but found himself unable to do so leaving him baffled at why his body refused to move.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Skye muttered as he stared at Anberine who was now looking at him with a furious look.

"So sorry sire" Anberine pushed herself off his chest lightly and walked towards the lake, Skye's right eye twitched angrily at her sassy tone but followed behind her silently.

Despite her biting attitude he did take in her appearance, she looked... pretty but then again he would always see her keeping to herself while wearing their school uniform.

It was truly strange to see her wearing normal clothes and yet they made her appear captivating even if she was not wearing accessories, if anything just the thought might make her look gaudy.

Seeing him staring at him in the reflection of the lake she turned to face him.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Stop it" Anberine asked hotly as she folded her arms tightly, blinking Skye tilted his head while his hands remained in his pockets.

"It's just strange seeing you wearing something that isn't the school uniform" Skye commented nonchalantly as she frowned at him.

"Well, if you don't like seeing me this way. Then why did you ask me to wear it? It's not like I wanted to wear this you know" she says bluntly causing him to blink in surprise.

'Since when did I make her wear this? Is she even alright in the head?' Skye pondered at her comment, how could he have somehow asked her to wear something like that?

That definitely was not like him and yet here they were in a sacred place...alone.

Looking around discretely he saw that only the creatures of the forest.

The fact that they were truly alone which caused his face to burn at this.

"I want to go back" Anberine said snapping Skye out his musings, seeing her frowning he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well you had better pack up the stuff, I'm not doing it for you" Anberine's eyes flashed at him in anger.

"Oh well thank you sire! So much for chivalry" she muttered the last part earning her a dirty look from Skye.

"I am not doing peasant work! You brought it here" Skye barked as she packed up her stuff only to his anger-

"You did! I am not going to stand here and be insulted. Honestly why are you being rude now?" Anberine retorted angrily as Skye's hands shook in fury. Huffing she turned towards the exit and walked away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me! You know that I am the prince right!?" Skye yelled not caring that he was scaring the creatures, "I can have you thrown to the dungeons if you don't come back and pack this up!" to his annoyance she ignored him and continued to walk away until she was out of sight.

"You-Ugh! Fine! I'll pack it up" Skye added loudly before packing the items into the basket quickly, once done he rushed after her knowing that non royals could get lost in the maze like forest.

As he left a translucent blue figure appeared at the foot of the lake, titling it's head slightly a soft sigh left it's lips.

'My dear child, such a misfortune grave indeed' the figure said softly as it watched the pair leave.

'May you come back soon' and with that the figure vanished leaving nothing left of it's presence.

Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think

Have a lovely day/evening

Take care and stay safe, those unwell get well soon

LilWhiteFoxcreators' thoughts