
Secrets of the Wicked

A plan that was supposed to involve saving her friends turned into a full-blown mess that plagues Anberine wherever she goes. The worst part is that it's not just any boy, it was the King's Son! How will she cope with her bully who now behaves like a puppy on not just any leash- her leash! Short Except- "What could you possibly want with her?" Marcus asked coldly only to pause as he saw Prince Skye show Anberine a withered purple flower which had yellow on the bottom petal that he had in his right jacket pocket. Anberine's mouth parted while her eyes as she narrowed them showed she was in disbelief, what was he up to? "Seriously...? A dead flower?" Anberine asked dryly not at all impressed by what he was up to. "Well it matches your eyes" Skye commented as he saw her newly changed violet eyes which were still not amused, clearing his throat he kept the flower visible "Violets that sparkle, flowers despite withering never suit you anymore than they do now" Skye said mentally blinking at what he was saying. 'Wait what? What did I just say?!' Prince Skye screamed mentally not believing what he had just said. 'Why did I said something so dumb?' he berated himself for the stupid comment. "What?" Marcus was left baffled while Anberine was even more confused, to prove she was confused she tilted her head and her expression showed she was completely lost. "What has he been drinking?" Anberine asked still in shock as she tried to observe any features that would have been off. "Did you sneak a sip from your father's wine cellar? Or did you hit your head when no one was looking?" Anberine asked bluntly now looking at Marcus who shrugged. "I did drink something" Prince Skye admitted causing the pair to stare at him quickly, that was odd why was he admitting anything and to them no less? "I've been drinking in your beauty and for a rat-faced girl, you look cute" he added with a sly smile. -Author's notes- Please let me know what you think, feedback and comments are truly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story and thank you to those who have and are reading it.

LilWhiteFox · Fantasy
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59 Chs

My prince! I’m so sorry I-

Staring at her for a bit the prince was about to take another bite before handing it back to her gingerly.

"I'm not a fan of apples, I think what you put on the apple tastes funny... sorry" the prince said with an apologetic look that startled her deeply.

'But... how?! He's not even responding to the potion, we made it like Anberine instructed so what's going wrong?' Morgana masked her unsettled look as she smiled thinly but in a pleasant manner.

"That's alright, I'm sorry that the apple didn't taste right. It is my first attempt of course in making something" Morgana admitted knowing that he wouldn't catch on the double meaning, hearing her words however took Skye by surprise.

"Oh? Well... I'm sure that if you practice you'll get better" the prince said surprising her once more at how he was being really polite to her.

'I hope I haven't offended her, I did tell Anberine I would try to be nicer' Prince Skye pondered not seeing her reaction.

"Ah- thank you your majesty" Morgana said before hearing some cruel giggling, her eyes then went straight to Elaine and her group causing Morgana to scowl.

"Cow... how she thinks it's okay to treat people like dirt is beyond me. Noble scum..." Morgana muttered coldly, forgetting that the prince was right next to her and that she was voicing her thoughts out aloud. The prince blinked in shock before spotting Elaine who was walking into the food hall. A frown formed on his lips.

"Not all Nobles are like that, I'm sure that there are some nice ones in school" Prince Skye said startling Morgana who now remembered who she was with.

"My prince! I'm so sorry-" she froze as he lifted his hand up, a sad look formed on his face.

"Don't, I know that I am no better than her. Don't feel so guilty for what is true" the prince said calmly before spotting one of the girls at a distance from the group, a smug look was formed on her face confusing the prince until he saw why she was acting like this.

His stomach dropped in horror as he saw Anberine struggling to stand up with blood running down her forehead to near her ear, gripping the wall tightly her knees looked as if they were about to buckle and it was then that he ignored whatever consequences that would come about from what he was about to do.

Rushing over towards the injured girl the prince didn't notice or see if Morgana was behind him, instead he caught Anberine's knees buckled causing her to collapse.

Her eyes were heavy lidded and unfocused, not aware of where she was now or who was holding her.

Prince Skye as he was checking for anymore injuries kept one arm under her legs while the other arm was pulling her body close so her head rested on the crook of his neck.

Morgana as she approached the pair felt pure anger and bitterness form in her now slitted venomous eyes, something he caught on quickly.

"Don't! They're not worth it" Prince Skye ordered the furious Morgana who wanted nothing more than to teach the girls a lesson.

"Focus on Anberine, she needs help so can you help me take her to the medical wing?" Prince Skye asked, Anberine's breathing soon became laboured to his dismay but kept his eyes trained on Morgana.

"Morgana!" Prince Skye snapped shocking the Dark Dweller enough to look at him sharply "focus! She needs help so ignore them, it's not going to make things better if you retaliate when you could have helped" stunned Morgana's eyes slowly reverted back, gone was the slits and back was the forest green eyes that shone with worry.

"Oh Anberine..." Morgana knelt down and moved some hair from Anberine's weakened face. "Let's go" she said softly now leading him to the third floor, at first the prince was left baffled from the fact she would take him up a set of stairs when there was another medical wing on the ground floor but didn't argue.

Instead the prince followed while keeping his grip on Anberine who was out cold in his arms.

Skye was soon greeted by a medical wing on the third floor near the eastern tower, which as result contained a reliable but kind physician who reacted straight away the moment she saw the injured girl in the prince's arms. The woman had fae like eyes that shone thanks to the light, this caused her eyes that were originally grey to change into light grey.

The prince remained silent as he watched the physician work, at times he was told to leave so the physician could work on Anberine more efficiently only to their dismay he refused to move.

"I won't leave until I know for sure she's okay" Prince Skye said stubbornly to the woman's annoyance, the physician's lips pursed tightly before shaking her head.

"Hand me the bandages and scissors from the cabinet located on the right side of the room please sire, Morgana go and retrieve the small tub over there" the woman said as she soon shooed the pair in order to obtain what she needed to treat Anberine.

At the same time knowing that the prince would be occupied with finding the items, the physician then removed the clothes Anberine wore only to tut as some of the fabric remained stuck to the injured girl which no doubt was thanks to the blood.

Eventually thanks to Skye handing her a pair of long grey scissors she was able to remove the remaining articles of clothes without causing anymore bleeding, however she often checked to make sure that the prince was not looking once more given how it was inappropriate for a boy to see a girl in her underwear at least.

"Fractured ribs... someone even hit her with ice-covered hands?! What an earth is going on around here?" The physician snapped as she glared at the prince once she was done.

Thank you for reading,

let me know what you think of the story so far.

Hope everyone is doing well, if anyone is ill I hope you make a full recovery. Stay safe and try to remain as positive as possible, I know it's easier said than done but it is doable :)

Take care everyone

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