
Secrets of the Wicked

A plan that was supposed to involve saving her friends turned into a full-blown mess that plagues Anberine wherever she goes. The worst part is that it's not just any boy, it was the King's Son! How will she cope with her bully who now behaves like a puppy on not just any leash- her leash! Short Except- "What could you possibly want with her?" Marcus asked coldly only to pause as he saw Prince Skye show Anberine a withered purple flower which had yellow on the bottom petal that he had in his right jacket pocket. Anberine's mouth parted while her eyes as she narrowed them showed she was in disbelief, what was he up to? "Seriously...? A dead flower?" Anberine asked dryly not at all impressed by what he was up to. "Well it matches your eyes" Skye commented as he saw her newly changed violet eyes which were still not amused, clearing his throat he kept the flower visible "Violets that sparkle, flowers despite withering never suit you anymore than they do now" Skye said mentally blinking at what he was saying. 'Wait what? What did I just say?!' Prince Skye screamed mentally not believing what he had just said. 'Why did I said something so dumb?' he berated himself for the stupid comment. "What?" Marcus was left baffled while Anberine was even more confused, to prove she was confused she tilted her head and her expression showed she was completely lost. "What has he been drinking?" Anberine asked still in shock as she tried to observe any features that would have been off. "Did you sneak a sip from your father's wine cellar? Or did you hit your head when no one was looking?" Anberine asked bluntly now looking at Marcus who shrugged. "I did drink something" Prince Skye admitted causing the pair to stare at him quickly, that was odd why was he admitting anything and to them no less? "I've been drinking in your beauty and for a rat-faced girl, you look cute" he added with a sly smile. -Author's notes- Please let me know what you think, feedback and comments are truly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story and thank you to those who have and are reading it.

LilWhiteFox · Fantasy
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59 Chs

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'She's cute when she acts scared-wait what?! No she's not cute! She's patheti- naaah! She's not, who am I fooling?' Prince Skye's mind continued to remain conflicted leaving Anberine unable to decide on whether to close the door or not so he could figure things out on his own.

'Why am I even bothering? He's never been nice to me so why should I be nice to him?' Anberine muttered darkly as she eyed him weakly.

"Sire? Is there something-?" Anberine froze as Prince Skye not only invaded her personal space but had quickly pressed his lips onto hers for a brief few moments.

Immediately her cheeks went hot and her eyes went wide showing disbelief, once he parted from her his mind which had melted from the fact he had kissed her immediately shut down the part that continued to resist.

A crooked smile formed on his face as he saw her look completely shell shocked, something that made him want to laugh but resisted the urge to.

Instead he nearly lifted a hand that he was planning to graze her cheek with only he didn't, his hands however remained at his sides before placing them in his pockets.

"Be seeing you again Rat Girl" he winked playfully before her eyes twitched in anger.

"I'M NOT RAT GIRL YOU DEVIANT! I HAVE A NAME SO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Anberine screamed at the top of her lungs as he ran from the dorm door with a smile on his face.

"Shameless rogue! Go after some other noble that's willing to go after you!" Anberine growled angrily now slamming the door shut just as those who were living on the same floor as her were about to open the door to see what was going on.

"What a scoundrel! Where's the chivalry? What kind of noble does that and he's a prince no doubt! No honour what so ever!" Anberine snapped now wanting to go after him so she could punch him, not caring if it meant losing a hand or two in order to teach him a lesson.

Distress and anger continued to fill Anberine as she tried to make sense of what had transpired, soon she huffed and placed a hand to her lips. She froze and felt her mouth part in shock, a weak cry left her lips followed by a low distressed moan.

'That scoundrel stole my first kiss! What a low life scoundrel!' Anberine wanted to find the others and cry but refrained from doing so; instead she locked her door and made sure that not even the prince could use his magic to enter without her knowledge.

Meanwhile Prince Skye who was running continued to smile at what he had done, to his surprise the kiss wasn't even that bad. The feel of her lips that still lingered on his own lips had made his heart skip quite a few beats.

If anything it made his heart sing knowing that he had done it and felt not shame regardless of her reaction.

Despite changing her eye and hair colour she always looked pretty and just being close to her without hurting or upsetting her did feel good, now thinking back to how he tripped her up did his mood grow sour.

'I really shouldn't have done that' he mused as he thought back to how sore her hands and chin looked, the prince was sure that she had cut herself somewhere whether it was noticeable or not.

Just knowing that he had caused such injuries had left him wanting to go back and check on her only to throw the thought away, after all he would be seeing her tomorrow at class time.

Most of his lessons were linked to hers given that they were in the advanced classes.

While he had tutors thanks to his father the girl however he was sure practiced alone.

It was no secret to him that her friend's scores were not as high as hers, which only led him to assume she studied hard to be where she was now.

Just thinking about this left him admiring her more than ever, why was he even bothering with tutors to begin with?

Why was he not studying himself without outer interference?

His feet soon stopped at one of the physicians' rooms, thinking back to her injuries once more he entered the room in order to locate a cream that would treat any cuts or bruises she had sustained.

Finding a tub he smiled before pocketing it and left knowing that he would not be stopped by any of the physicians given who he was.

'I'll give this to her tomorrow, she'll be happy once I give it to her' Prince Skye said with a smile as he went to his room to study due to the fact he had a test tomorrow.


Anberine meanwhile groaned weakly the next day now dreading to go to class given the situation, Marcus who had seen her almost had to double check the girl beside him in order to make sure this was Anberine. What happened yesterday? She was fine when he left. To his dismay Anberine remained silent and miserable that even Morgana, Merlia and Helga could not snap her out of it. Instead Anberine released a silent wail and hugged a now startled Merlia who patted her friend's back. No words left Anberine's lips except whining and groans which left the four unable to understand what was going on. Did the prince do something?

"Anberine we don't know what to do to help you if you don't tell us" Merlia said kindly as she sat on the seat she would usually sit with Anberine in magic class, to her frustration only groans left Anberine's lips leaving the other two girls baffled. Just then Mordred and Perceval entered only to raise their brows in shock from how Anberine's mood had dropped rapidly.