
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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13 Chs

no way, lost in a mart?

I creased my brow in confusion, "pooping isn't fun" I said to her dismay.

Could it have been possible for my uncle to send a dullard after me? Or perhaps she's faking so I believe she isn't dangerous....too bad I don't believe your act one bit.

"And what are you here to buy?" I ask, obviously still suspicious of her stalking me.

She pouted and looked away, "some girly stuff, I can't tell you" she said

Can't tell me? Girly stuff? I'm a girl too ain't I?. Sounds suspicious.....

Unless...short hair, big boots, black T-shirt, trousers.

Perhaps she's a tom boy, a name given to girls who dress up nd behave like boys because they feel comfortable that way.

I never cared enough to notice that she's one of them. No wonder she's acting all shy after saying she's here to get girly things.

I shake my head helplessly.

She looks at me again, "what are you here to buy?" She asked.

She looks into my shopping cart and concluded "oh you have pets at your home"

I look at my cart like I didn't even know what I had bought. Truly any one would have been sure to make such conclusion seeing as though there are treats and toys in here.

But then it's in the end all up to me to answer yes or no. If I agree that I own a pet it would yet again be another thing she'll know about me other than my name.

And it wouldn't be long she'll figure out it's a cat I have. She already knows much, I can't risk it.

"Uh....no, no it's my neighbor's, they want me to pick this stuff up for them" I lie through my teeth.

"Ah..I see. You must be in really good terms with your neighbors. It's all good" she replied and thankfully she didn't have any doubt that I may have lied.

But neighbors though, I do have them but I'm not interested in knowing who they are. When I first arrived to that neighborhood, the neighbors brought gifts to welcome me

I never once opened the door for them or accepted their gifts. Who knew what they would've carried in their 'gift', a bomb or worse a surveillance camera. They all hate me, I know.

"Yeah" I murmur in response.

"If you're only shopping for your neighbors you must be done already. I'll see you another time then" she said with an attempt to walk away.

Okay, if I say yes I'm through I'll definitely have to go home cause if I don't and still hang around, if I cross her path again it'll be too awkward and she'll know I lied. Hell! She'll know I've been lying.

"I...uh..." She looked back at me


"I still need to get my own things, I'm looking for the isle with veggies and frozen meat or fish " I say, with hopes she'll still walk away.

She seemed happy now, "that's good. I'll join you" she said and I frown slightly

"No need I'm not a child. Do your shopping separately" I say coldly still frowning

She scratched the back of her hair, "Im also looking to get vegetables and some meat" she said

You! Liar! I stare at her unbelievably. That was such terrible lying.

"You're a bad liar" I say to her

"You might get lost its a big store" she said quickly in her own defense

I almost choked on my own spit, get lost? Yeah sure.

"I insist I follow you just in case and don't worry you wouldn't even know I'm there" she reassured

I highly doubt that.

Luckily I see an employee walk by, I could tell because of their blue uniform and the name tags they wore.

"Excuse me miss" I call out to her attention, she looked busy.

"How may I help you both" she asked.

"I'm looking for section with vegetables and frozen meat or chicken or fish" I reply

She nodded, "follow this path" she said pointing behind her, she continued "turn right, just around there you'll know it when you see it. Excuse me"

She left. I understood nothing, that path she pointed to had a lot of rights which one do I turn to??

"I understand her" said Maya who was behind me.

"I highly doubt that" I say.

No choice, we had to start walking. We turned so many rights without finding what we were looking for and as for Maya, the Maya who said I would hardly acknowledge her presence

Had been talking all the way, asking ridiculous questions and telling me her shower thoughts one by one.

"If 1book plus 1book equal two books and two books plus two books equal four books then is seventy books plus seventy books equal to a library?" She asked.

Didn't wait for a reply from me she moved to her next question

"Bathing is supposed to make us clean right? Why is it that the bath towel gets dirty when we use it after bathing "

"If someone asks you what's up, should you say nothing much or tell them that the sky is up"

I sigh, so much for you wouldn't even know I'm here. I look ahead, after we turned another right and see a large freezer with a transparent top.

I gasp with relief, "we're here" I exhale.

Her ranting stopped immediately after my words, thankfully.

"Finally that was starting to annoying " she said in reference to the path which had to follow to get here.

Annoying huh! You don't say.....

I take one well packaged frozen chicken and place it in my cart. I notice Maya looking at them weirdly.

"What's the problem? Won't you take one?" I ask her

She shook her head, "on second thought I didn't actually budget for that" she said

I give her a dry look.

For the next 15minutes we found the vegetables we wanted and picked them out.

My cart was nearly full with the stuff I wanted and stuff I bought on impulse like ice cream and a cat designed mug cause it reminded me of Kiki.

"Uh.... Adeline?" Maya called me.

Say, she just left me here without reason and now she's back. "What?" I ask her

"I think we're lost" she said in panic, her eye brows knitted in worry

"Huh!? Lost? Oh common thats next to impossible" I try reassuring her. I had a hunch we might get lost here considering how vast the place was.

"Let's walk for a bit, we'll find the exit no worries" I say.

We walk for a bit and some how ended right where we started.

"What the what! How'd we even get back here" I raise my voice, nothing is more annoying than this.

We tried several times and soon we became totally confused, even the place we kept getting back to was no longer anywhere to be found.

"I knew it, we'll be here forever" Maya was panicking.

She leaned against a shelf and squat down with her head on her knees.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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