
Secrets Of The Dark

The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears And the kindest of hearts have felt the most pain.... ////////*>>>.Raven Jada Knight.>>.Harper Quinn Oakley.

Georgia_Towers · Teen
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21 Chs

Déjà vu

"Right Luna here is your time table and your locker combination. If you hurry you just might make it to your next class before the bell." I feel her glare burn into the back of my hand as I reach into the bowl of mentos. She grips onto my wrist and harshly flings it away from her 'precious' mints.

"Not for you deary, you don't deserve it!" She screeches, giving me a sneer. I swear if looks could kill...

"Well thanks Linda, I guess I'll be seeing you around. Have a good day." I give her a nervous laugh and in minutes I arrive at my next class.

I walk in and close the door softly, hoping not to draw anymore attention to myself. Apparently my hope wasn't enough.

"Ah! Lost again are we?" I give myself a moment to breath, a moment to process what he had just said.

I guess this is what people mean when they say 'déjà vu'

"You are the girl who interrupted my lecture this morning are you not?" I nervously swallow the lump that had formed and lodged its way into my throat. I was suddenly aware of the twenty pairs of eyes burning away at my scull. I couldn't help but turn a deep shade of scarlet.

"Um- uh...." I stammered finding it hard to form a sophisticated sentence with all the glares. Giving up I walk towards the teacher with my head down. The floor couldn't look more interesting at this present time.

I hand over my turquoise slip and sit down in the only empty seat, which just happened to be between the one guy that has hated me since the day he caught me looking through his freezer and the guy who's under the impression or some weird delusion that he's my best friend.

"Lulu! We're in the same class?! This is amazing! We can be partners!" He ranted in a fangirly way.

"Oh yeah, sounds pretty fun! I thought we were partners!" Mystery guy says sarcastically.

"ENOUGH!" I hear a booming voice coming from the very front of the room. "I will be partnering you up!" Suddenly a there was a chorus of groans.

"When I call out your name you will find a place in the gym and one of you will be blocking while the other does side attacks.

1.Jim and Courtney

2. Jane and Barry

3. Wally and Chloe

4. Emma and Keith

5. Joel and Harry

6. Blair and Imogen

7. Taylah and Becky

8. Claire and Cory

9. Jasmine and Wendy

And that leaves.... Luna and Harper."

"What! I don't want her! She's weak! And she's too annoying!"

"I'll be paired with her coach!" Suggests Cory.

"If it makes you feel better princess Harp then you may swap with Cory half way." Harper groans.

"Take it or leave it your highness" coach walks away.

"Ugh fine let's get this over and done with! Don't go crying to your daddy if I hurt you." Tears start to well up in my eyes but I push them back. I don't need this Harper guy knowing that he has this kind of affect on me.

I walk over to one of the many mats that layer the gym floor and stand in a defending stance. "Uh no, there's no way that I'm going to be sent to the principals office just because I've knocked you off your pretty little feet" Harper confides.

Scowling I step into an orthodox stance. He smirks and takes his place, standing in a defending stance on the opposing side of the mat.

"Just so you know, I've been doing self defence for the past six months." He smirks and continues, "Maybe if you get down on your pretty little knees and beg I might go easy on you" I roll my eyes, does this guy seriously think that he's gonna get me to beg?

I straighten up and look around at everyone else. Nothing, they were doing absolutely nothing. Oh and the coach? Nowhere to be seen, I swear the teachers are as lousy as the students. I look back over at my partner but all I end up seeing is an old teared mat covered in graffiti.

"You're nothing! You hear me? Nothing! I don't even know why you're here, I mean nobody needs you here and nobody wants you here that's for sure!" I hear a familiar voice sneer followed by laughter. I walk over towards the bleachers, where a crowd has started to catch on to the drama. "what? got nothing to say? Ha! Pathetic! Nerd can't even stick up for herself!" Laughs yet another familiar voice. Pushing in between crowd members I make my way to the front of the group only to see my so called 'best friend' and my partner bullying a girl.

"STOP!!!" all heads turn to me, I guess a lot of people thought I was pretty quiet huh? "What are you doing Cory?" I ask in a small calm voice, it sounded as if I was hurt. The teasing smirk that he had had on his face now melted into a nervous smile, he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck as if he was intimidated by the calmness in my response.

"Oh hey Lulu, shouldn't you be practising self defence?" I give him a sarcastic smile.

"Aren't we all supposed to be doing that? I mean I definitely wouldn't be over here if my partner hadn't of bailed on me to go bully some poor girl with a guy who calls me his bestfriend." he opens his mouth to speak but I shove my hand in his face using the 'talk to the hand' gesture. "No Cory I don't want to hear it, if this is who you really are then I don't want to know you" before he can even try to make up an excuse I push past him and help the girl who is now on the floor looking for her glasses and various other objects that Harper had thrown to the ground. Once everything has been picked up the girl runs through the parted crowd and out the door. I sigh and just as I start to follow her a voice calls out.

"Don't follow her Lulu... being with her gives you a bad rep, if you stay with me you wont become a scrap of the cafeteria" I turn around and look him in the eyes.

"So be it" I whisper, just loud enough for Cory and his 'Gang' to hear. I turn and sprint out of the gym and down the various hallways looking for the girl that I had just helped.

//////////// Ten minutes later////////////

Its been ten minutes and I still haven't found her. I've been everywhere but the toilets and the old gym. I start heading towards the library but stop as soon as I hear the most beautiful sound to have ever graced my ears....