
Not just science....

" what are you doing ?? "

The scientist entered the laboratory hesitantly... observing his colleague at the keyboard of the multi- screened console....

" You are Not authorized for that computer ! "

"...really now ? " the other responded , in a low , gravelly voice that sent a shiver of apprehension through the other scientist.....

"...you Know you cannot stop Me....or This ! " he gestured towards the screens showing live-feed videos of different cities around the world...

" This is necessary for the Reset ! "

" We have NO authority to initiate ....." the first scientist replied while approaching the other , intent on removing him forcibly if necessary.....

The other scientist pushed himself away from the console with a snarl , teeth bared....eyes a strange red glow....

They met in a tangle of arms...fists flying...teeth bared...biting...back and forth they fought...

The ruckus brought other scientists into the room and they now tried to pull the two men apart....

Suddenly alarms sounded....

During the melee , no one noticed two men in dark tactical gear silently entering the room....no insignia...no badge...moving so silent that thier feet hardly seemed to touch the floor...

They spread out to opposite sides of the room...one of the scientists notices movement out of the corner of his eye...turns...and he see only a human-shaped shadow..then blackness...

Another scientist yells at the blood splattered across his face...then he is killed by the single bullet that enters his head.

Soon all in the room , except the red-eyed scientist are dead....expertly killed by single shots to the head .. silently... efficiently...

"....you can't ....stop....what is to ...come..." He rasped ,

"Dr. Lark..." said one of the omnious shadows "...yes...we will..." then opened up on full auto...obliterating the head of Dr. Lark.

Somewhere on a Caribbean Island , a meeting of Heads of Government of all the Caribbean Basin convenes...

After this meeting...a man walks into a room, phone in hand....

His encrypted call is answered...

"...they are coming....the Project is approved...."