
Chapter three -Misfortune

Naomi froze trying to calm her racing heart as she looked around, Noticing that the house was trashed with barely anything left.She begins to creep around carefully,in case the intruder was still hidden somewhere. Naomi turned her focus to the lightly illuminated room,her thoughts began to race fearing for the worst outcome. Naomi moved around with caution, suddenly she steps in something wet, looking down she felt her heart drop to the her stomach. As she notices a body on the ground naomi stumbles back knocking against the coffee table, she catches herself before tripping. Feeling her guts twist and churn naomi bends down next to the body ,carefully turning it over gasping as she sees its Natalia with her eyes half open. Feeling panic rise within inside her she begins checking for a pulse,realising that there was none, she begins to feel tears prick at the corners of her eyes. Naomi moves one hand to close Natalias eyes " may you find peace, after all these years" Naomi whispers standing up she closes her eyes ,preventing any tears from falling down her face. Naomi begins to walk away slowly only to realise, one of the rooms futher down the hallway was still being illuminated by a light source.Confused Naomi swiftly made her way to the last room at the end of the hallway ,she notices the door is slightly creaked open, and peeks inside the first thing she sees is pale blue hair realising it was Araina she feels relief flood inside of her. Just as she was about to open the door she hears another voice "did you kill Natalia?" the voice asked Naomi felt her blood run cold, the more she listened " yes it was easy since she was already injured, foolish girl thought she could make it out alive" Araina said smirking ,while cleaning the blood of her outfit. Naomi moved herself slightly to get a better, look at the second person she places a hand over her mouth, to stop any noises as she realised that the person was a government official dressed in black. "Good make sure you don't expose yourself cause you know we would have to get rid of those who know to much just like Natalia" the offical said pointing a gun towards Araina, smirking Naomi sees Araina place down the bloodied cloth. "Of course I know trust me ,I wont I've earned the black thorns trust they wont suspect me .Especially since the stupid girl Naomi thinks she has my loyalty" Araina says looking at the man dead in the eyes, the official lowers his gun "good and keep it that way" the offical says slipping the gun back into its case, just as he turns around with his back facing the door. Naomi steps back accidentally stepping on a loose floor board creating a loud creak, she curses herself quickly backing away. Just as Araina and the government official turn towards her direction she, quickly turned on her heels and bolted towards the front door. "The damn girl she heard everything!" the government official yells, he moves to grab his gun and runs out the door followed by Araina, naomi managed to escape fast enough out the door before slamming it shut behind her. She runs to her bike quickly strapping on her helmet ,and pulls out of the driveway she hears the door being slammed open ,and sees the official load his gun she accelerates her bike faster, just as the man takes aim at her she swiftly moves out the way just as the bullet, grazes her cheek hissing slightly she touches her cheek and wipes the blood off. Only briefly looking back noticing ,Araina looking at her with hatred in her eyes but she could care less and continued to speed towards the base, knowing she wouldnt have alot of time before the government caught up with her . Reaching the base naomi quickly runs inside, retrieving Natalias laptop along with what she could grab shoving it all into her bag and flings it over her shoulder. She rushes towards her office, grabbing a remote that would blow up the entire building. Without a second a thought she shoves into her pocket, as she quickly leaves glancing around one last time before making her way out of the building, and towards her bike she places the bag securely on her back .Reaching for the remote before driving away from the base, with a good distance away she presses it with a loud boom. Naomi could feel the vibrations of the explosion ,from the building she briefly looks at her side mirror and sees smoke coming from the distant, where the base used to be. Feeling slightly relieved knowing that the government wouldnt be able to access the building anymore, she continues to drive towards the gang house, shoving any thoughts about Arainas betrayal to the back of her mind, choosing to focus on a way to keep the rest of them safe. Suddenly Naomi notices from the corner of the mirror a black car was tailing her , knowing she couldnt lead them to the gang house, she makes a last minute decision and drives faster towards a tunnel. She cautiously watches the black car start to speed up towards her direction, as she drives futher in hoping to cut them off. Naomi sends her location to the gang for back up just as, she reaches the end of the tunnel Naomi brakes her motorycle in front of the black car, from going any futher. Stepping off her bike ,she pulls out her gun pointing it at the car. "Why don't you step out of the vehicle,and we can do this properly" Naomi says smirking at the figure, as they step out with their own gun "guess we're really doing this then " Naomi says aiming her gun towards the light,hitting it dead on causing the tunnel to go pitch black.