
Secrets of How the World Changed

DON'T READ THIS NOVEL PLEASE The most powerful being in the world, the World Monarch, overseeing everything in the world like it was in the palm of his hands. But like all great power, a heavy burden came with it. The 10th to succeed grew tired of it all and wanted to lessen the weight he was bearing on his shoulders, to have a more comfortable life, and to have a family. He decided to split the World into Ten Domains and made his loyal Knights become the Domain Monarchs. Each of them became the Monarchs of Nine of the Ten Domains, with him overseeing only the Tenth. He named the domains from the names of the World Monarchs, including himself. After 36 years of peace and prosperity, a Great Catastrophe occurred, causing each Domain's countries to merge into one complete landmass. People who had inhuman abilities started to show up, and creatures of terror pouring out from who knows where—plunging the whole world into utter mayhem. These vile foreign creatures took over the Three of the Ten Domains, while the remaining are barely holding their borders from the monsters. Everyone looked to the man who was once called the "10th World Monarch", the symbol of authority and power, for guidance through their intense hardships. However, he was nowhere to be found. All hope was lost. The protagonist of the story, born after the formation of the Domains, rescued an old man from a dangerous situation that led him in harm's way. Being in a vegetative state, he was unaware of everything in the outside world, including The Great Catastrophe. Waking up with the world already in ruins, and people adapted to the changes. The game-like mechanics that only Liu Kai can see will help him throughout his adventures to discover the mysteries of how the world evolved. =========================================== Join our Discord Server using this link (https://discord.gg/vZtfKFx), and you can suggest to the novel to a certain extent that we would allow you. Enjoy our community with your fellow readers with respect. Thank you for everything.

Nocturnal_Dreamer · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Optional Quest

When the torch lit up, they saw the brick walls of the tunnel.

Jin Chow froze the moment the torch lit up. He felt an ominous wind blowing inside where there shouldn't be because they sealed the dungeon. All the hairs on his body rose.

'It feels like the dungeon doesn't want me to be here.' Jin Chow thought to himself. He narrowed his eyes and tried to check the only direction where they could go.

"Hey! Are you sure this is not a cell?" Jin Chow asked, still not trusting Liu Kai.

"A cell? Well, it looks like a cell for me too, but it isn't." Liu Kai narrowed his eyes and explained while imagining what it looks like.

Jin Chow suddenly realized how Liu Kai knew the place.

"Hey, don't tell me yo—."

"That's right. I woke up here." Liu Kai cut him off, knowing what he was going to ask.

"We just have to go straight from here, and we'll find a room with only one bed, so you will—"

"THERE'S A BED!?" Jin Chow asked excitedly.

"Yes, why?"

"Ever since my team and I left the Monarchy to investigate this area, we've only been camping outside and only slept on the ground while traveling." Jin Chow answered as he ran excitedly like a kid and giggled.

Liu Kai's eyebrow twitched as he watched Jin Chow be all giddy and happy, but he was relieved that Jin Chow wasn't thinking about what happened to his squad for the moment.

"By the way, is this a labyrinth? I don't like mind games?" Jin Chow whined while looking back at Liu Kai.

"It's a straight path, so keep moving forward." Liu Kai answered as he followed the eager Jin Chow and started their long walk.

As they got closer to the room, the more dejected Jin Chow became.

'This is giving me bad vibes.' He thought to himself.

Jin Chow can't explain his feelings, but he's sure it's not just coming from his thoughts. Something from the Dungeon is causing it.

After a few minutes of walking, Jin Chow felt restless and asked Liu Kai.

"How far is the room you're talking about? This tunnel feels like it won't end. And are you sure there's a bed?" Jin Chow asked suspiciously.

"Yes, there is. So stop complaining and just keep moving forward." He exasperated. And after a few more minutes of walking that felt like hours, they've arrived in front of the room.

Jin Chow was about to open it, but he felt that he's transported to a complete darkness place for a moment when he touched the door. He flinched and took his hands back.

"What's the problem?" Liu Kai asked after looking at him flinched.

"Nothing. Open it. I don't know how to open it." Jin Chow said as his alibi.

Liu Kai narrowed his eyes looking at Jin Chow but decided just to let it go because he's tired and wanted to rest. He opened the iron door and went in.

Jin Chow followed and went to bed directly.

"Hey kid move, that's my bed." Liu Kai stared down at Jin Chow.

"How can you be so sure that I'm younger than you?" He asked.

"You said you were a Knight Apprentice, right?"

"You have a point. How old are you then?"

"I'm 22 now since I'm born on the first day of the year." Liu Kai answered.

"Oh, I see. What are you planning to do tomorrow?" Jin Chow acted more like a kid when he heard that he was younger than Liu Kai.

"I don't know yet."

"Don't you have a family?" Jin Chow quizzed Liu Kai.

"My mother died when she gave birth to me, and my father abandoned me." Liu Kai answered and looked more annoyed when he mentioned his father. He had no plans on finding his father and instead looked for ways to survive on his own, just like how he always did even before all this happened.

"What about you? What are you planning to do tomorrow?" Liu Kai asked Jin Chow to shift the focus to him.

"I need to continue my mission and go East to survey the lands there. Since you don't have plans yet, why not accompany me for a while?" Jin Chow requested. He hoped Liu Kai would say "yes," since he brought him instead of leaving him behind.

"I'll think about it. For now, I want to rest so get out of my bed." Liu Kai answered while he swiped Jin Chow off the bed.

"Tsk." Jin Chow frowned but still moved out of the bed and lay on the ground.

Liu Kai lay down on his bed and thought to himself. 'What do I want?'

Liu Kai slept on the bed while Jin Chow slept on the ground.

***Underground Dungeon***

"JIN CHOW PLEASE RUN! You can't save us. You're going to die too after your blessing expires if you don't run."

"HAAAAAA!" Jin Chow woke up from his dream. Everything that happened replayed in his dream, and he heard his Captain's last order to him before he died.

Liu Kai is awake already but still lying on the bed. He changed from lying to sitting on the bed and asked Jin Chow.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Liu Kai asked calmly.


"Me too. It's about the accident 2 years ago." Liu Kai calmly said.


"Mine is... the tragedy before I met you." Jin Chow answered while looking at nothingness.

"Something is odd in this dungeon."

"Yeah, I felt that too." Jin Chow answered before he took out his fire starter and set the torch on fire.

"Have you thought about it? Will you be coming with me?" Jin Chow excitedly asked.

"Yes, I'll accompany you for now." Liu Kai nonchalantly answered.

Liu Kai thought about it the whole night and realized that it would benefit him after all.

[Optional Quest: Accompany Jin Chow survey the lands in the East]

-Rewards will be given after the completion of the quest.

"Hmm." Liu Kai looks at the screen emotionless.

Liu Kai was still wondering about the 'window' that always appeared in front of him, but he needed to know more about the world. Last night, he set a goal for himself, and that was to know the truth about what happened to their world.

Let's go and seek for the truth

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