
Secrets of a Confesser

Susan is an average teenage girl who starts having weird dreams of magical lands and mysterious people. One night in her dream she encounters a vampire and decides to make a deal that will change the course of her life forever...

DaoistfX06rS · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:

The moment I shook Manon's hand, everything went black, and then I woke up suddenly. I was sitting in an upright position on my bed and my breathing was still rapid. After I controlled my breathing I looked at my arm where Manon had grabbed me and and saw that it was red and bruised.

"So it was real", I say half in awe the other in shock. "What was real?", a rough teasing voice came from my doorframe. Standing there was my dad, 6 feet tall and built like an ox, anyone would be intimidated if he were to question you but I just got out of bed and gave him a hug," Nothing papa, just had a weird dream, it felt so real"

He looked concerned but then smiled," I made some pancakes to celebrate the last day of school," My eyes lit up," Pancakes really? Are there strawberries as well." He gave my shoulder a nudge then we walked towards the kitchen," Ofcourse there are kiddo!" And just like he said there was a stack of fluffy pancakes on the table ready for us to eat.

It almost made me forget about the promise I made to Manon, almost. How was I going to explain all of this to my dad, last thing I want is for him to be in danger because of of my rash choices. All these thoughts spiralling in my head made me naseous and the pancakes didn't look so appetizing anymore.

I excused myself to go get ready for school but my dad's concerned voice stopped me," Kiddo what wrong, you always eat my pancakes, did something happen." Even though I wanted to tell him so badly I realised this is something I have to keep to myself," Sorry Papa I'm not really hungry, might just be the excitement of school ending." His facial expression didn't change but he nodded, so I walked back to my room.

Manon didn't say where or when we'd meet nor how we would sort out this situation, but one thing is for certain and that's that there is no way I can go through with the deal if my family is at risk. Worry knawed at my gut as I got ready for school and I sat indulging in my thoughts until dad called from the kitchen,"Kiddo, Daniels here, don't make him wait!"

I gasped, I totally forgot about Daniel! How am I going to keep this secret from him, he always ends up knowing everything. I walk outside to see Daniel in his jeep and jump in by shotgun." Hey Susie", he says cheerfully leaning back in his seat and starting the car.

Daniel had been my friend since 8th grade, my only friend actually, and is like family. His kindness is the reason why my dad and I like him so much and I've always wandered why he became my friend in the first place when I am so normal and plain and he stood out among the crowd.

Even now in school uniform he stood out with his bronze tan skin and dark black curls framing his unearthly face, his figure strong and muscular even when he has never participated in any sports.

That's not only the reason why I am so surprised he became my friend. He is the kindest person I've ever met. He has this aura to him that makes you feel safe and has always stuck by my side. He always knew when I was holding something back and I can never bring myself to lie to him.

So trying to keep my pokerface I reply," Hey Danny, excited for our last day?" He scoffs, keeping his eyes on the road," you bet...you don't look so well though, had another dream?" I suck in a deep breath.

Just like what happened last night I've been having these weird, realistic dreams that were odd and most of the time didn't make sense, but unlike they one with Manon I was unable to control my actions or the situation around me, so it felt more like watching a movie rather than lucid dreaming. And the thing about these unusual dreams is that some of them are reaccuring, the same setting and same situation over and over again which usually keeps me up at night and recently had lead to me having insomnia.

And of course I couldn't keep it a secret from Daniel, he talked it out of me after seeing how prominent my eyebags became and how I could barely get through two classes without falling asleep. Since then he's always tried to give me advice how to deal with it.

As we neared school he glanced in my direction and said solemnly," Was it the boy again?"


Hey readers, I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing with the new characters but keep reading, all shall make sense soon!

But before that comment your theories and thoughts about what might happen in the future!

DaoistfX06rScreators' thoughts