

It's so dark. Where am I? Why can't I talk? Where's everyone? Why can't I see? Where did it all go wrong? Why's everything happening to me what did I do to deserve this? I did everything you wanted me to do, why all of a sudden? "You didn't complete your mission." I heard a deep voice coming from no where. "Now your going back to school and you're going to finish the job" what do you mean? "You didn't get the things i told you to get. Now your going back To finish the mission and you can't deny it" The voice fainted slowly. Then i woke up in my bed and found my alarm clock going off. "Oh it was just i dream. I knew it was to real to be true." I said in relief i got ready for school then went down stairs to go eat breakfast. There i found my two brothers, they looked mad. "WHY DIDN'T YOU COMPLETE THE MISSION" they yelled angry. Then I thought to myself wait it wasn't a dream? If its real then... I put my hand on my neck feeling if i had a necklace on with a cross and then I checked my ears and i had earrings with crosses. I gasp in shocked "wait it wasn't a dream? I really have to finish the mission? And with you guys this time!?"

"YES" the said together still mad. I didn't want to go back on that mission, but I'm Katie Gomez nothing gets in my way so i took the challenge. After we had a nice long talk we got our backpacks and left for school. From there went our separate ways, i always wonder what they do without me. Then i saw my friends, i ran up to them then told them how I'm getting a puppy for my birthday. Then the most when we were walking down the hall the most popular boys came up to us, i still couldn't believe my brothers where in that group. All my friends started to scream inside i can tell because i can hear them. Once the boys heard them screaming in the inside the thought they were to over reacting and that they were to easy to impress. I was going to walk away without them but someone grabbed my hand before i could then i looked up and saw my brother Kade grabbing my hand. I shanked his hand off but then my other brother David grabbed it then Kade grabbed my hand again. Then Max the leader to the group came up to me and told me "never try to run away from us. I think you know why we're here. Do you know why?" He said in a charming evil voice. "I..." before I can say why he interrupted me. "Because you failed the mission" then i notice my friends were still here "are you stupid or what?" I said while movie guys my head towards my friends then he saw and came up with an excuse. "You failed your mission to bring me the chocolate i told you to buy me at the store." I thought that was the most stupidest excuse ever but i played along "right? I'm sorry i'll get you another one when i have time"

"Yeah and meet me at the rooftop you know what time. See ya!" I left with them leavening my friends behind.