
secrets and lies

who can be trusted...who can’t be trusted... who will stay and most importantly, who will go?

twinkly_joon · Teen
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8 Chs

chapter 6!

The poor boy looked heartbroken to say the least, his eyes looked like ones of a hurt puppy, his mouth was agape just a little.

"A-Amare ..."

I trembled out while hopping off Lewis.

"Don't. Just...don't."

He mumbled sadly, he placed the phone on the smal table by Lewis's door and left the room without another word. Angrily, I turned towards Lewis.


If anything he was quite amused by the whole situation; a feeling I didn't quite share.

"Why are you laughing?! This is anything but funny!"

Lewis cackles, but then snaps out of it and looks me dead in the eye, his mood swings are quicker than me on my period.

"Oh peaches relax. You're so sensitive about everything. Go on. You can leave now that you've managed to offend your one true love."


Storming out of there, I had no idea where to go. Enter Amare's room and hurt him either more? Or Sleep on the couch where it was freezing cold. Lordt help.

"Something troubling you're peaches?"

Blake asks from behind my shoulder making me jump a lot.

"You scared the shit out of me."

He chuckles.

"That's my job peaches."

I actually manage to smile with him, I haven't actually had a proper interaction with Blake, the occasional nod or eye contact, yes; but not a conversation.

"Why were you coming out from Lewis's room? Where you two-"



Blake holds his hands up.

"Okay okay no need to get your panties in a twist."

I roll my eyes.

"I've fucked up Blake...."

I sigh, opening up to him. Somehow I felt this weird sense of trust with these guys, the unfortunate death of Leo must've brought us closer. A weird sort of close.

Blake slowly put his arms around my shoulder and leads me to his room, oh god here we go again.

"Tell me everything peaches, this is a no judge zone."

-some nsfw-

Somehow I found myself being lead into Blake's room; the only time I've been here was for a shower and that was it. Blake and I didn't know much about each other but that can be changed.

"So peaches, what has the lil brat been doing?"

"I am not a brat."

Blake smirks.

"True brats deny that they are brats."

this little dick

"Penis breath."

I Mutter the weirdest insult I can think of.

Blake scoffs.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Let me spell it out.

P E N I S B R E A T H"

If any of the members hear this then we are going straight to the basement. Oh lord.

"What the fuck are you too shits talking about?"

Sam walks in looking disgusted, I look at Blake and he just rolls his eyes.

"Ask penis breath."

I slouch on his bed. Sam stares at Blake.

"Don't ask me, ask the writer who thought that penis breath was a good insult."

"Hey I thought it was reasonable"

(yes I am now apart of my own story)

"Author-nim get the fuck out of here and hurry up writing this book."

"Sorry sammie..."

(okay i leave now)

"Sam it's fine, me and peaches are just having a talk okay?"

Sam nods and leaves quickly, at last.

"Okay brat, here's your chance."

I take a deep breath and start to explain my feelings for Amare, it's basically no secret anymore, my kiss with Amare and then my kiss with Lewis, surprisingly he was quite understanding.

"Well peaches, I'm no expert in the boy's department."

"But you are a boy-"


oh he did not just hush me.

"What I'm saying is, it is crystal fucking clear that Amare likes you a lot and it's also very very easy to see that Lewis is just playing you to irritate Amare, the two of them do it all the time; sure it's not the right way but then again, boys will be boys and Lewis will be Lewis."

It made sense...in a strange perverted way. Amare had been there for me since the first day I got here, he did everything in his power to make sure I was safe-ish. Lewis only cared about me when it benefited him. Gross. I knew what I had to do.

"Thanks Blake."

I stood up from his bed.

"Where you going?"

I turn around to face him for the last time tonight.

"I'm gonna claim my man."

*cringe alert* ^


slight smut warning

I stormed into Amare's room although I did feel a little bad as the boy looked half asleep under his covers.

"What do you want?"

He groans as he props himself up on his elbows, im making my move at last. It's an instinct deep inside me, I just had to do it, it's feels so...right.

I walked around to his side of the bed, straddling him over his covers, his eyes suddenly went from tired and hooded to dark and dominant.

"Baby girl. I warn you, you are playing a dangerous game."

I lean forward, our foreheads making contact, his hot breath fanning my blushed face.

"I like living dangerously, it's a game I'm willing to play."

In one swift move Amare had his hand around my neck and pulling me towards lips, we connected with desperation. Electricity was bouncing off us, his hand worked wonders on my sides; he takes his opportunity to suck on my bottom lip, a mission to make it as swollen as he could get it, he was succeeding.

We pull away, a string of saliva trails between us.

"Such a dirty girl going off to Lewis like that, kissing another man baby? Such a whore."

Arousal clearly must change the way I think about words because if it was any of situation, I would slap him for calling me a whore, however in this occurrence, it made me ten times needier.

"And then going off to Blake's room? You think I didn't notice? Such a sneak around."

"Amare I-"

His grip tightens around my throat and my mouth drops to suck in some air, from me being on top he flips me over so he's now above me. Oh boy.

"No fucking talking otherwise you'll get it even harder tonight."

talk y/n talk y/n talk y/n.

"I might just have to talk-"

The boy slaps my thigh making me gasp. If this is what I'm in for, I want it. Badly.

He starts to remove his shirt and mine, I can see scars from previous missions, gorgeous tattoos on his arm that I could just stare at all day...maybe another time. I remove my jeans myself to find Amare had gotten rid of all his clothes.

"Needy much?"

I giggle but all I got was a dark glare, I knew I had to shut it.

Thinking I had to remove my panties myself, Amare grips my wrist.

"Allow me to."

I nod, not expecting his next move. He started removing them...with his TEETH.

Dragging them down my thighs effortlessly, I got embarrassed quickly and covered my heat with my hands, Amare furrowed his brow.

"Baby no... you're beautiful."


I shake my head no, he comes back up to stroke my cheek lovingly and planting a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Baby, you're Perfect okay? Every inch of you is...dont cover yourself ever again?"

He rambles softly while brushing the hair out of my face, I needed to confess something, something that humiliated me.

"I-I'm a virgin..."

I blurt out then cover my face just like he didn't want me to do.

"Aw bub. That doesn't matter. It's perfectly normal."

"No...I've never kissed a guy until you, Ive never had sex, I haven't shaved my area, I don't know how to please a guy...what if I'm not good enough for you?"

My eyes water a little, thinking that jongho would hate me and ask me to leave, but instead he did the opposite.

"Who cares? I don't care if you've never had sex, it makes you ten times more perfect than you already are, and also, who cares if you haven't shaved? It's just hair baby, it's a natural thing. Everyone has hair yeah?"

that's right ladies hair is natural! embrace that shit!

I nod quietly, gulping, he continues.

"And tonight...it's all about you. Don't worry about me okay. I want you to have the best night ever, you'll be amazing no matter what and I know that for a fact."

He peppers kisses all over my face, giving me extra attention to the small droplets of tears under my eyes, kissing them all away just like my worries.


After a lot of kissing, a lot of touching and some mind blowing foreplay that the writer won't write about because she's a pussy and can't bring herself to write about it, she's just an innocent bean at heart ;)

The pair of you were finally ready...for a night you will never forget, Amare lines himself up at your entrance; interlocking his hands between yours.

"Are you sure about this bub?"

He asks for the hundredth time.


I whine, getting more hungry for him.

"If it hurts, squeeze my hand or just kick me, even bite my shoulder and I'll stop yeah?"

"Biting huh? Amare the kinky boy."

I say trying to lighten the mood, he laughs along.

"We'll wait for another night to discuss my long list of kinks."

lord help me.

And with that, the night of utopia started. You were in for a long night.


"J-Jason ... why aren't you breathing?"

to be continued:)