
My Eighteen Girlfriends Are Powerful Mages

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Hydrogen_Starr · Fantasy
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11 Chs


While Ella was on her way to the Monroe family mansion, she had received a message from Harry, threatening to release some pictures to the public.

In order to make Ella believe what he was saying, he had sent the copy of the pictures to her through a messaging app.

Initially, Ella had thought Ray was working for Harry, and had maybe took pictures of her in bed. But upon seeing the pictures, her whole reasoning had changed slightly.

The pictures consists of when the two of them were at the bar talking. At some point, they had kissed each other. And except the part where they had left the bar together, no other pictures were taken.

Seeing this, she let out a sigh of relief, and then proceeded in calling Harry.

"Is that all you got? I thought you had my nude somewhere or something?" Ella said tauntingly.

"What?! You're not scared of what will happen if I release those pictures!" Harry shouted.

"As long as you don't have my nude, then I don't care. Do whatever you like."

Before Harry could even reply, Ella had ended the call from her side. She was thinking about a couple of things.

Although the pictures doesn't have her nude or the pictures of her and Ray in bed, it can still cause a bit of problem. Humans are so selfish.

If the photos get released to the public, haters and trolls would use the opportunity to reveal dirty secrets that aren't real about the individual.

"Ma'am we're here." The driver announced, snapping Ella out of her thoughts.

"Oh okay." She replied as she looked through the car window and could hear a few adults gossiping with each other.

They were talking about a man who had suddenly came to the Monroe's party, claiming to be wedding the daughter of the Monroe's family today.

Ella continued to listen to the conversation till she had a good knowledge of what had happened so far. At that point, an idea had crossed her mind.

Since Ray had been denied of the rights to marry Grace, why don't she seize this opportunity to seduce him into marrying her instead.

After all, she needed a husband, and Harry wasn't the type of person she was hoping for. Since Ray was willing to marry someone, she might as well convince him to marry her.

"Yeah… 'cause who wouldn't want to marry me, Ella, the goddess of beauty. The genius business lady." She boasted to herself. "Besides, didn't he also ask if I was willing to marry him? I guess it'll do no harm if I was to tell him yes."

Having concluded in her heart, Ella had immediately made her way into the party where she had found Ray and had kissed him in front of everyone.

To avoid misunderstandings, she announced to everyone that Ray was her fiancée and they will be having their wedding soon.

"He said he was engaged to Grace Monroe and couldn't marry me, but since Grace had rejected him, I'm so happy to announce to you that Ray is officially my fiancée."

The big announcement from Ella had came as a shock to everyone, including the Grayson's family. And Simon, upon hearing the news had tried to persuade Ella from changing her mind.

He had immediately walked over to approach her.

"Miss Queen, I think you might have made a mistake." He said.

"What do you mean?" Ella asked.

"This guy here is just a country bum. How would you decide to wed to him? How did you even know him in the first place? We are quite influential in our family and our youths are very successful, they can help you financially with multiple business ideas. You shouldn't waste your time on a trash like him."

Of course, Simon was talking about himself. He was the only successful person in their family. He was hoping Ella would decide to marry into their family, and if possible, cancel the wedding with the Monroe's family.

So he was trying to badmouth Ray so Ella would decide against marrying him.

"Mr Simon, when I came here, did I say I came for the Grayson family, or to wed to one of your youths?"

Simon shook his head negatively to Ella's question.

"And how dare you try to lecture me on what to do and what not to do?!" Ella roared.

"I'm sorry Miss Queen, I didn't mean to say it like that. It's just that Ray is a trash who doesn't deserve to be married to a goddess like you."

Simon felt like he must have step on the toes of Ella, so he was trying to set things right. However, the next action from Ella had shocked him.

A loud sound echoed through the halls of the room as Simon was slapped across the face by Ella.

"Why did you hit me, Miss Queen?" Simon cried, clasping his burning cheek.

"How dare you call my future husband a trash! One call from me and you'll lose everything you've managed to gather over the years. Is that clear Simon Collins Grayson?" She called his full name.

Ella was very well aware of Simon's identity as a junior officer in the army. But she wasn't fazed at all as she had so many connections in the army.

She had even inquired about Simon's position in the army before appearing here. That's how she knew he was a low ranked soldier.

With her threat, she knew he won't try to do anything stupid. But that wasn't all, she needed to warn the general public too.

She had heard the public calling Ray different names and hauling multiple insults at him, so she wanted to change that. Also, she was doing all this to impress Ray and have him agree into marrying her.

"From now on, anyone that calls my future husband any name apart from Mr Smith, would be dealt with seriously. Insulting him is like insulting me too. I won't take such an offence levity!"

The words from Ella was loud and clear, and no one would dare try to go against it. At least not in her presence.

Ray who was still in shock at everything that had unfolded in front of him had decided to take action. He grabbed Ella's hands and pulled her out of the party.

Her bodyguards wanted to interfere but Ella had stopped them. Instead, this action had proved to everyone that Ray was indeed acquainted to Ella Queen.

The realisation had made Grace to collapse on the floor, making the people around her to rush to her rescue.

This series of actions had humiliated both the Monroe's family and Grayson's family. But the most affected among them was Simon.

He still had his hands placed across his cheek from where he was slapped by Ella.

His brows were creasing deeply with anger, but it wasn't Ella he held a grudge against, it was instead Ray. He felt like he was the reason why he lost his pride today.

He was regretting to have listened to his father and not have fought him back then.

"Arghh, Ray Smith. I'll get you!"