
Chapter 47: We March!

A spear was picked from its rack, tied to his back

A waterskin thrust into a black bag and tied shut as its flog over the shoulder

Silver blue hair tied into a ponytail with the pin and crystic necklace in place

Black garment with cloud white design wore as the back belt is tighten, shoulders hand drew up with black glows

Tap tap

The figure moves out of his room, kicking the door open with force as he radiates death

Dylan walks out ready for an adventure or say a hunt

He kicked the door close with a bang as he moved out of his field

[ Dylan wait! ]

[ you aren't seriously going right? ]

Dylan didn't answer as he just continued his walk, pushing his fence open he strolled out

Cias flew in front of him which made Dylan to stop


He commanded with an air of anger, his grip was getting tighter

[ they'll be back soon ]

[ you don't have to go ]

[ this is a suicide mission ] stated Cias irritated

"and how so?" asked Dylan glaring at Cias

Cias noticed he scowled up

[ I.. Mean it just getting a present ]

[ maybe they got lost ]

[ it's not like their anywhere dangerous.. ] Cias stated nervous as the scene showed the fight of them and black masses before returning to present

Dylan wasn't buying this as he gripped the top of Cias screen and pulled him to the ground

"what is it that you're not saying"

Cias tried to fly away but Dylan grip was tighter

[ what blasformy do you mean? ]

[ I've never hid anything from you ]

[ and if I did its for your own good ]

"then tell me were my kids are?" asked Dylan

Oh boy..

[ don't know ]

Dylan just grew more angry as he started to shake Cias like a toy

[ Hey! ]

[ you're gonna break my screen! ]

"your a system and has the power to find anyone"

"you would even alert me if the king stepped foot in bloom village"

"and yet you say you can't find a bundle of little kids!" shouted Dylan as he threw Cias to a tree

It cracked and the tree fell in two with Cias in the middle

Dylan has gotten stronger from his training as even a small punch can tumble a tree now and Cias seems to be his practice dummy

Cias fell to the ground defeated

Dylan huffed, crossing his hands he moved

Jordan sits on the bed as he stares out the window

Liam had excused himself to his room after Dylan left, he noticed the distant look on Jordan's face when talking to someone who looked like his missing brother

He had changed his garment to a purple colored half sleeve, something free to move as the wind blows his hair back

The moon hung high and mighty as its glow illuminated the town

It was empty as many had left for home but the contract white of funeral clothes were still as bright as ever

'a foolish king and a useless father'

'a useless father?'

Jordan hummed

A song his mother always sang to him

A song his older brother had made while in isolation

'come to me oh darling child'

'sing this song and let it flow'

'for all is well and mary may'

'for the moon shines for all to see'

'cherish life cherish love'

'who can go against it'

'leave the life live it well'

'love is gone'

'but I.... still live'

Jordan stared at the moon as if it was singing along, the song was sad and lonely

He lived but devoured of love

A life of hell

Jordan opened his mouth to continued but hesitated

He wonder if his brother would have sang the full song for him as his mom only knew a little of it

She had caught him singing it one quite morning from his room window to the moon

A pathway for him out of his home of torture

Jordan was about to say the next frase

Tap tap


Jordan looked down, the road was quiet but he could sense someone coming

Tap tap

There got louder

Jordan readied his sword, who ever it was if he was a threat he would fight

"leave me alone Cias"

Jordan stopped

That voice

Lord Noah?

Jordan stared out the window as Dylan walk in

He seemed distracted as he talked to someone



Jordan noticed his attire, he didn't look like he was going for a walk but more of a battle

Jordan stayed quiet and let Dylan to pass

He looked around his room before gripping the handle of his window and leaping off

He landed on the ground with a thud


Dylan turned around as Jordan disappeared behind a shop

Dylan scanned the scene

I heard something

Dylan turned but not before noticing purple clothes sticking out from the side

He smirks

Jordan waits a few minute before leaving his hiding place

He placed his sword on his hip as he followed Dylan ten steps back just to be safe


Dylan hit a stick by accident, he groaned as he picked it up only for it to carry dust as it was a handle of a broom

Jordan closed his eyes only to open them in shocks, Dylan had disappeared

What the...

Jordan picked up his pace as he maneuvered through the empty street

He turned left, then right but Dylan was no were to be seen

He stopped next to the big gate of bloom town, it was locked, showing no sign of someone leaving

"couldn't sleep"

Jordan stilled as Dylan form is seen behind him leaning on a store handle

A bored expression on his face as he asked the question

Jordan stilled but then laughed

"you could say"

"very hard to sleep in a new environment" stated Jordan calm as he turned to meet Dylan stare

"I could say the same for you Lord Noah" said Jordan as he gestured to the spear behind Dylan

Dylan looked at the spear and then Jordan before smiling

He rubbed his hand in a nervous fashion

"not quite" he stated

Pushing himself up he walked past Jordan who turned skeptical

"you're not?" asked Jordan, he noticed Dylan was leaving town

Dylan didn't answer as he pulled the gate down open, closing it behind him

[ you could have answered me ] stated Cias as the two were now leaving bloom town

'and why does that matter to you'

'you're keeping secrets from me and until you tell enjoy being ignored'

Dylan moved faster away from Cias who floated annoyed

[ it's not like I like keeping secrets from you ]

[ but if I told I'm toast ] Cias huff as he remained floated


Cias looked and saw Jordan passing the town gate

He was still following Dylan

[ persistent our we? ]

Cias floated closer to Jordan who followed Dylan like a lost puppy

He scanned him


[ I can't lie he really does look like you ] said Cias to Dylan who turned back and noticed Jordan looking shy

He frown

"excuse if I'm rude.."

"why are you following me?" asked Dylan a little annoyed

Jordan looked nervous and shy as he contemplated his next word

"I.. I wanted to help"

He said as he eyed the spear

"you're looking for something right?" asked Jordan

Dylan noticed that the kid was just being a helper and eased off his glare

"I'm going to find my kids" stated Dylan as he turned back to his path

Jordan stood shocked

Kid.. KIDS!

"you're married!" shouted Jordan in disbelieve

"no I'm not"

Jordan calmed

"I adopted them"

"they went to get me a present because i was down but haven't been back yet"

Dylan pushed leaf out of his way as Jordan trails behind him

Jordan moved closer to Dylan who gave him a questioning look

"the white clothes?"

Dylan turned sadden

"Granny Han passed away but it doesn't matter you wouldn't know her"

"only people who grew up in bloom town would have any recognition of her" stated Dylan as Jordan turned sad

He must really miss her

Jordan noticed the dragon pin on his hair and how it matches Dylan

He smiled like a little kid

Dylan noticed this and stopped

"you're still following me?"

"I said I wanted to help and help I will"

"what about that guard of yours?" asked Dylan

Jordan froze as he didn't tell Liam he was leaving

His gonna have a panic attack when he walks up

Jordan imagine the trouble it would be if he didn't return before Liam left to tell his father

He wanted to go back... But....

Looking at Dylan he looks like his big brother

His drew to him and he doesn't want to leave

Liam can hypervate for awhile

Do it as a free vacation on his path

And freedom for me

Jordan shrugged as he just moved forward past Dylan who smirked before following

Cias hummed completely bored as he floated upward towards the moon, as it seemed to glow brighter as if smiling

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