
Secretive Girl

She's hiding her identity and he's finding his perfect other half. She's a spy and he's a business tycoon. How they met ? what happened to them after their first meeting? ~~~~~~~~~~~~••••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~ Anna and John both are finding the truth . Anna is finding the culprit of her parents death and John is finding his parents . Author's note:- I am editing the chapters as there are some grammatical mistakes. Regards. ~~~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY OTHER BOOK :- ~ Loving You With Everything I Have ~ Queen Of Darkness ~~~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~~~

_hazel_black · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Spending time together

John has his gloomy self-on for rest of their flight. When they arrived at the airport they separated as John and Shawn has to go to their company while Shawn call driver to send Anna to their hotel where they are going to stay for few days. When Anna arrive at hotel , Manager personally come downstairs to escort Anna to her room as Shawn already make a call to them .After freshen up she went to bed to take rest.

John and Shawn arrive at one of the subsidiary of his company. From outside this building looks very peaceful but inside there's an uproar in the company as their Boss is upstairs in his office. Even usually silent director of the company is also having hard time. Today John has extra dark face and it all Thanks to Anna. He's getting angry at each and every person who comes to his office and rejecting each work of his employees. Shawn , on the another , is also busy as John gave him some work. As for Anna, she just woke up from her sleep and having lunch while sitting in balcony of her room. John and Shawn were come back to their hotel around five in the evening. Both went to their own room to freshen up.

At dinner, Shawn call Anna to have dinner with them . Everyone on the table is quite. After dinner , everyone went to their respective room.

Next Morning, Shawn went to office , leaving note to John as saying ' HAVE NICE TIME TOGETHER' . John went to Anna's room and knock on the door and ask Anna ," I'm going out to shop for grandma ,do you want to come?" Anna said yes in reply without thinking because she wants to go out and roam around. Soon they arrive at MY Mall . They went to John's Grandma favourite perfume store to buy that and later to clothing store . After buying cloths for his Grandma , he pick dress that he saw first when he enter the shop and give it to Anna and said ," Try and if you like then buy it " it return Anna said ," I don't need any dress" but John reply her ," I am just buying it to show Grandma and see more also so that she think that we are actual couple" . Anna didn't say much and try the dress . When she come out of dressing room John was still in his position to see Anna. Both were looking at each other but not saying anything. When one of the salesgirl interrupt their starring compitition then they come to reality. John didn't said anything to Anna and tells salesgirl to pack the dress. When they come out of the store Anna tells him that she's hungry so John takes her to food store to eat. John didn't come to mall's food store usually but Anna is hungry so he takes her their. John order pizza . It's Anna's favourite pizza and by looking at it her face lit up. John was observing each and every reaction of Anna . He was comparing her to someone who's very close to him. Anna didn't put oregano on her pizza slice as she's alergic to it. He don't want to think that she's his Ann but her making face to oregano and putting it away is same like her. Anna was busy with her pizza that she didn't notice that someone was starring at her keenly.