
Secretive Girl

She's hiding her identity and he's finding his perfect other half. She's a spy and he's a business tycoon. How they met ? what happened to them after their first meeting? ~~~~~~~~~~~~••••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~ Anna and John both are finding the truth . Anna is finding the culprit of her parents death and John is finding his parents . Author's note:- I am editing the chapters as there are some grammatical mistakes. Regards. ~~~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY OTHER BOOK :- ~ Loving You With Everything I Have ~ Queen Of Darkness ~~~~~~~~~~~•••••••••••••~~~~~~~~~~~~

_hazel_black · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Shawn was thinking about the mysterious person in Alex's room. He decides to first investigate this matter and later tell John the whole detail. As he knew what type of person John is. He hates two things in his life, lies, and woman.

Here, a woman is lying to him. So, he decided to first investigate this mysterious girl in the room and then inform John about this matter.

On the other side, Anna just finished her conversation with her supervisor. She was thinking about this double standard man, who has a double personality as in front of everyone he hates women and didn't like them near him and behind the wall fulfilling his desires.

She already has doubts about him. No one knew how he become a billionaire in just seven years without having any support. So, she decided to take matters into her hand.

While thinking about his double standard and his hatred toward women, she fell asleep.

On the other side, Shawn has started his research on this mysterious person who calls himself John's bodyguard. John went to his bed as he knows that he is going to wake up soon because of his nightmare.

In the morning, all were busy in their respective jobs. Shawn has started his investigation about Alex while Anna starts observing John and others around him.

Anna didn't know that Shawn was investigating her. But he didn't realize that Anna has very powerful backing and he can't able to find out about her easily. He wants to know about his/her past, family, career, people...

As expected, John woke up at 3 in the morning and he is busy with his office work. He always wonders why he had this nightmare of the same day that he wants to delete from his life. He did everything, consulting a doctor, meeting someone else but that person cheat on him and even try to change places but this nightmare is like the plague to him.

Grandma Ria was ordering the servants about breakfast.

The whole day everyone was busy with their thoughts. John was dealing with his clients. As they went to the office.

Shawn asks for a half-day holiday from John and later asked, " Why do you want to take a half-day off? "

Shawn said, " I am investigating someone and that's the reason I want to take a half-day off. " John nodded his head and wave his hand to signal him 'GO.'

Shawn told him about his investigation because he feels that he is going to get something about this whole investigation. Later he had to tell John about this so it's better to let him know that he is investigating something.

John didn't ask further as he knew Shawn very well. He never trusts someone easily. Shawn is the only one after his grandma who he trusts. He doesn't know why he trusts Shawn a lot.

Shawn leaves the office as he gets a lead that Alex has some relation to the Orphanage. John once told him that this Orphanage is part of Matthew Corporation.

He wants to take over this Orphanage also but the manager of this Orphanage, Madame Rey shows them the papers on this Orphanage. In the paper, it is written that Madame Rey is the owner of the Orphanage. It doesn't matter whether the land, where the Orphanage is built, is Mathews or not.

John takes a step back after this. But he didn't keep quiet. He set up a legal team to review the papers. He wants one loophole and then this is going to be his.

He knows a lot of things about John. But he didn't know why he wants this Orphanage and why he takes over Matthew Corporation. This company is already facing bankruptcy.

But he feels that this is related to his nightmare. John told him about his nightmare. People in burning cars, and his parents went missing.

John hire investigating team to find his parents who went missing after that accident from which he had nightmares every night.

Shawn met him in the hospital, where John was hospitalized.

He went inside and ask around about Alex. When he shows the kids the picture of Alex, they said they didn't know.

He takes out Anna's picture, which was given to him by his sources. One of the children said, " Sis Anna. She stays with us here. But not now. Mama Rey told us she is busy."

The kids called Madame Rey, Mama Rey. Anna never calls her that but she respects and loves Madame Rey as she loves her mother.

Shawn Reply, " Do you know anything about her? " The person with whom Shawn is talking is an 11-year-old boy. He knows Anna as she comes here on Sundays whenever she is here.

He said, " Yes. Sis Anna always comes to meet us Sunday. I think maybe tomorrow also she comes. "

The girl beside the boy said, " But she is coming tomorrow then Mama Rey gonna tell us Keth. I don't think that sis Anna is here. She went on another business trip. " Keth had a sad pout on his lips.

Shawn asks, " Do you know what she does? " Before Keth and May gonna say something, one of the staff asks kids to have lunch.

Shawn didn't say anything but he leave that place. He is going to tell John about this investigation.

While on the other side, inside Mr. Kim's office. A knocked on the door and comes inside a man after he heard come in from his boss.

He gave a paper to his boss and said, " Sir, someone is investigating Agent A9*. This is the person who investigates her."

He gave the documents to Kim. In the documents, there was an unknown name but Kim recognizes the person.

Shawn uses the company's IP address and Kim knows it very well. How? Once Kim tries to hack this company. He didn't say anything and said, " Did you let them know the information that I asked you to show them? "

Cris replied, " Yes Sir. " Kim, " Good." Cris nodded his head in understanding and take his leave from the office. But one thing he didn't understand. Why did he let them know about our Agent information? This much is enough for them to know about Anna's whereabouts and who she is.

But one thing that he didn't know was that he wants that Anna meets John. Not only him but someone else also.

*Agent A9: - A9 id Anna's code name.

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