
Secretary of the Empress

Fame. Money. Love. All of this, Joe had for eighteen years, of his life. Until a tragic accident happened before the peak of his football career. Which destroyed it in only a few seconds. When everyone loved him, they left him alone, broken in a hospital bed. Before he could come back, he lost the last members of his family. Then his former club comes with allegations, of a broken contract from his fault, and he lost all the earned money. He was left, with nothing. For eight years, he lived from day to day studying, working, having rehabilitation for his injured knee. As they say, what one time is taken, is given back. As he accidentally becomes secretary of Megan Clark by everyone called Empress. His life changed drastically after it. He found love in his boss, who first say these words to him. ‘Secretary of the Empress’ is a story about love, which slowly grows in the main characters. Because of many things which they will meet in their journey of revenge and protecting each other. -------------------- While now great view on sky and city below show up, boss turned to me, and when she looked at my eyes, she said: “Joe, I have something to tell you.” “Yes, boss,” I said while looking at her eyes, and when she walked closer to me, we looked at each other eyes. She said, “I like you.” While hearing her words, I had no answer for this, and while I looked at her, I asked, “excuse me?” “I love you, I want you to be my boyfriend,” she said, and while I looked at her, I couldn’t believe that this has happened, and while my mind still processed her words, she looked at me, and then she said, “so what is your answer?” ------------------------- Daily upload at 8:30 and 18:00(server time) The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Urban
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1663 Chs

Like a donkey

Outside of Joe's room. (Megan POV)

When I looked at Alice, she said, "I found who done this."

"Tell me now," I said, while looking at her. When she hears me, she looked at Marcus, and she said, "I used your password."

"OK, babe," he said while patting her head, and when she looked at me, she said, "sixty-six."

"Those fuckers. Nicole knows about it?" I asked while she means that gang name.

"Yes, I told her," she said, and when she looked at me, she added, "I checked one again, this land which you bought, and they use it to transport. While I was checking the space probe, I found photos from a few days ago."

While hearing her, I looked at her, and then I said, "so what this means."

"This means that they are using this area to move their drugs," she said.

"So they must be," I started saying.

"Yes," she said.

"So we know how they missed cameras," I asked.

"No, I don't know," Alice said, and as I hit the wall, I looked at her, and then between, my teeth's go out, "they will pay for what they had done."

"Nicole is working on it," Alice said.

"I know," I said, and as I walked back to Joe room, I looked at his face, and while I couldn't recognize him now, even if he hadn't had this bandage on his face, I walked out and while seeing Alice and Marcus still talking I said, "I will go back to workplace take care of him."

"He is under me, so he is protected," Marcus said, and as I looked at Joe room one again, I walked back to the car, and while being there, I drove to work. While being there after some time, I go directly to my office, and then, I could see Angela sitting there. While seeing her, I said, "what are you doing here."

"Not in a mood," she asked.

"Yes, so tell me," I said, and when she looked at me, she added, "nothing important, I will go," and when she said it, she runs away from my office.

While seeing it, I sit on my chair, and as I turned to see the view of the city, I used a button, and as everything close, I looked there, and while feeling tears going out, I cleaned my face. When I had done this, I turned, and while opening the database, I started looking at what I can do to this gang now. When I was searching, I could see that they are owners of a small company.

While seeing, it smiles show up on my face, and without thinking, I started using my resources to find the rest of the companies, which they had even fucking bars, and while having it all, I started from nowhere making troubles for them as I can take them easily. When I was doing it, my fingers go all-around keyboard as nobody could stop them, while my goal for today is to take down everything that they have.

In Joe room. (Joe POV)

When I was lying like that, and I could hear that some people come and go away, still I couldn't see what is happening. At one point, I could see millimetre, and it slowly started being more, 'thank god I can soon see,' I said to myself. While trying to move a little, as I needed to use the bathroom. As I was doing it, I touched a button, and when I had done this, someone comes, and then I could hear a nurse voice, "help with something?"

"Yes, I need to the bathroom," I said.

"Oh a moment," she said, and when she walked out, not long after, Marcus come, and while he was there, he said, "so bathroom."

"Yes, help me get up," I said.

"You need help," he asked.

"No, I can see a little, so I can do what I can, but help me get up and go there," I said, and while hearing me, he looked at me, and then he said, "how many fingers."

"Stop showing me the middle finger, and help me get up," I said, and while I could hear his laugh, he said, "good, but it wasn't middle."

"OK, so I can see, so now help me," I said, and when he walked closer to me, he said, "you are like a donkey."

"Oh well, I don't kick," I said, and when he helped me get up, I could feel that my legs are made from jelly, but for now, I haven't thought about them, and then I slowly walked with his help to the bathroom. While being there, we come to the toilet, and then I said, "I don't need help."

"OK," he said, and when I could hear that he walked out, I have done what I needed to do, and then I moved a little to the side while holding the sink, and I started washing my hands. When I had done this, I looked in a mirror, and while seeing that my face is fully swollen, I started slowly cursing. When I was doing it, I could hear his words, "OK, go to bed, I need to check how are you feeling."

"Great," I said, while looking at him.

"I don't know what is with you as a normal person after this can't even stand," he said.

"You know pain is the worst part, but when you are alone after surgery, and nobody wants to help you move, you need to work on your own," I said while remembering this, bad time in hospital last time, and while I turned, I could feel that he grabbed my arm, and then we walked back to bed.

While being there, he started questioning me about my surgery, and as I was telling him where I was and what happened there, he checked my body. When he had done this, we talked for a short time, and then he walked out, and I lay while trying to fall asleep, which comes to me not long after.