
Chapter 65

Carl put Edgar on his chair, hid the wheelchair, and brought Mrs. Shaynie in.

"Your Grace! I've never been treated this way in my life. Her Grace's actions are clearly problematic."

Shaynie was determined and spoke before Edgar even asked why she had come. She left out the part about how she had treated the girls and made it look like she was the victim. In her story, Rubica was an arrogant and stupid woman who kicked out her, the strict teacher who truly cared about her pupils' future, just because she disliked her.

Edgar waited for her to finish talking and asked, "So what do you want me to do?"

"Please talk to your wife and tell her to cancel her decision of firing me. It's the only way to keep your honor and the Claymore's reputation."

Talk to her? Edgar had to hold back his laughter. It would only make him get scolded. Shaynie had come to the wrong person. He really couldn't find any way to defeat her. It would have been better to plead to Carl or Ann.

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