
Chapter 181

"We should just leave her alone. I'm sure she'll run out of her room in less than two hours and tell us everything."

The countess assured herself by saying so and told the other family members to leave Gabriel alone as well.

A day passed like that, and another came, but Gabriel didn't change. She even went into her room every evening, locked the door, and let no one come in.

"What if… what if she has made a mistake in front of the duchess?"

"Maybe she is going there again next week to apologize, not because she has been granted another audience," another maid replied, and it made the countess anxiously jump up and down.

Her lady-in-waiting advised that it would be better to wait for Gabriel to talk first as she was a teenager in puberty, but it was in vain. Fickle people tend to lack patience.

In the end, the countess couldn't hold it anymore and knocked on Gabriel's door that night.

"Gabriel! Gabriel!"

"What is it, mother?"