
Secret That Lies In The Heart

There's a secret no one wants to hear. There's a secret no one knows. There's a secret that is kept in hidden inside of you. There's a secret that only you know. There's a secret that the world doesn't believe in. There's always a second chance,a second start, a second beginning.Bethany who was rumored to be dead was very much alive and well.Her family hated her for a crime she didn't commit.She swore she would avenge them. Given the opportunity to prove she had moved on from her past relationship she unexpectedly meet an stranger who she knew nothing about.And the worst part is,she's stuck with him,she didn't let him go. What do she do when he doesn't want to let her go?will she stay with him and fight till the end? Despite the warning signs,she failed to listen and now she's stuck with the devil. There's always something waiting at the other side of the wall.She knew this and yet she wouldn't give up she was determined.The devil stared at her longer than she expected, what did he want from her. He calls her different sweet names like sweet,butter, cherry.But he kept it away from her, there's always something that's waiting for you.A secret of the past, a pain of the past you left hidden. When you suddenly think everything is going well for you but suddenly it's gets revealed. Yet to come.Yet to fulfill.Yet to see. He was her devil.He was her lust.He was her desire. She hated him She wanted him She loved him ... Bound with him! Leave him! Destroy him! "How could you do this to your own brother?,"Bethany asked feeling all hopes crushed. "Because to get you of course...I mean why else do I have to do this," "No! I have no business with you...infact I hate you!!!"Bethany yelled. "Hehehe if I were you I'll shut my mouth," "Where is he? please take me and not him he has suffer enough,"She pleaded. "I see your blind with that brother of mine," "He helped you...so why doing all this to him?for payback?"She asked. "I like it when you get fierce," What did that mean? //////////// My first book here please support me and give it a try! And you won't regret it. Xoxo

Favi_gold · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Run! Find her!

It's been two days since she had left Liam's house.So far so good things,were getting better than before.She booked a hotel she was staying in.She looked at the stars when the,dream of her mother played in her head.

Even till now,the dream felt so real like it just happened.Bethany looked at the view outside,it was beautiful, mostly in the night.With everything that had been happening to her now was not the time to give up.She had to find out who was responsible for all that was happening ,to her and who was after life,so far so good,she tried not to step on anyone's toes.

She had been so far, well to those who deserved it.She wondered what Natasha and Margret were up to lately.She didn't want to think about the scheme those two would play.

Bethany rubbed her hands while staring at the star, which reminded her of her past.A past she didn't want to remember, a past she didn't want to think about but she couldn't help it.She knew...yes she knew how she came across them.She wasn't stupid,she remembered the first time she stepped into the house,it was a hellish one.Her first day there wasn't what she didn't want to think about.

Bethany remembered how happy she was when she was going to meet her sister, she remembered how much she loved her sister back then.But the very one sister treated her like trash,a waste, it even got to the point where they started calling her, a slut.

She could still remember everything it felt like yesterday,but she wasn't that naive girl,she wasn't that girl who they could intimidate.

No!,they didn't own her,it wasn't their life it was hers! ,So yeah they should back off!

Her eyes roamed around the room looking for anything useful she could use with her hands.Great now look at her, she was getting bored as the day went by,it was like a storm that didn't want to end at all.

She stood up wanting to go and wash her face when she heard a knock at the door.She opened the doorknob as the opened, however,she saw the hotel assistant giving a apologetic smile.

Bethany just stared at the hotel assistant, the hotel assistant didn't waste anymore time as she said,"Sorry for doing disturbing your evening but someone wants to see you,"

Casting the hotel assistant a glare which she turned her head to the other side,"Is there any problem,"she asked.That was the question that came to her mind, who wanted to see her.

Oh no,she prayed it wasn't her so-called family,or those men she encountered in the night.

The assistant gave her a smile, before she shook her head at her,"No,No, there's no problem it's just that someone seeks your presence,"The hotel assistant urged her to follow her,but it seems she was quite smart after all.

"I don't know who he is?"she questioned the poor assistant who was in the verge of crying, had to keep on answering her questions,"And who is he?"

"Ma'am please you have to follow me, his waiting ma'am, I don't want to lose my job,"The hotel assistant pleaded with her. Bethany couldn't let someone lose his or her job because of her."Fine let's go,"She followed the hotel assistant, who's lead the way.

Bethany noticed they were going outside, they've left the hotel building and they were now outside, who wanted to see her outside?

It looked like her questions had found it's answer, bethany noticed two black cars and some men in black, she noticed the aura they possessed.Why was she feeling she just encountered danger itself?

Stepping forward a little, a man walked towards her, she noticed his smirk, he looked dangerous.

Wait dangerous?

Her instinct told her to run, but...

"You have to come with us,"

Excuse me? Follow who? Firstly she doesn't know who are these people are, and they expect her to follow them, they must be crazy.

"Excuse me, did I hear you well?"she asked.She noticed the strange aura mostly coming from him, and who was he to process fear into her?

"You have to..."

Before he could complete his words, which she didn't want to hear,she said,"I'm not going anywhere with you ,or whoever this people are,"She didn't like the aura they possessed it made her somehow scared.

"Then you leave me no choice,"He said.He didn't want to stress her or anything, but it looks she was quite a stubborn one.And he dispised stubborn women, and she out to be a stubborn one at that."Boys take her,"

Take who? Her? No,No she wouldn't let that happen again.Her instinct told her to 'Run'.To run for her life, and she did just that.

And she ran, she didn't care about anything but to run for her life, she could hear the man we're telling his men.

"Find her!"Bethany could hear her heartbeat very well, as if wanting to leave her body, she could hardly see since it was already getting dark.She noticed the men wanting to meet up with her.No, No she wouldn't let them catch her and only God knew what they would do to her, Bethany ran as her life depended on it,and her life really depended on it.

"Don't let her escape!!"She heard one of them shouting almost meeting up with her.She saw another path which she could pass, she ran towards the path direction.

Her blood pumped faster than usual, she didn't want them to catch her,she continued to run, running for her life.She stumbled on and fell, she quickly stood up and continued to run.

"Run! Find her!"She heard the men's shouting and she could tell they've lost her,and she was grateful for that.But she heard one's voice catching up to her.

"Stop!"She didn't listen, more like she didn't want to stop, she noticed the quietness of the of the place she was running to,and it looked like there was no shops or people around.She turned towards another way, but unknown to her someone was already there waiting for her.

"Your quite an interesting fellow,"It was the same man who ordered his men to take her, how did he catch her, he used his palm to cover her mouth, so she couldn't scream and her struggle were futile.

"But baby girl the fun is over,"He said to her as he injected her, suddenly her eyelids felt heavy ,her consciousness slipping away.
