
Secret of the Prince's Knight

In a world of secrets and power plays, Lady Emily Hamilton stands out with her spirited nature and a touch of tomboyish charm. She isn't a fan of Prince Sebastian Aldridge's playboy behavior, typical of a future king. But when Emily disguises herself as a knight to help her twin brother with his mission, her destiny collides with the enigmatic prince. As their worlds intertwine, Emily and Sebastian feel an undeniable pull. Beneath his charming exterior, Sebastian guards his heart due to a painful past. Emily, intrigued by his complexity, is determined to break through his icy facade. Amid deceitful schemes and looming threats, their hidden truths spark a forbidden attraction. Navigating danger and teetering on exposure's edge, Emily must choose between her family's honor and her growing feelings for Sebastian. In a journey of discovery and redemption, can their masquerade save them, or will it lead to their downfall?

Ms_Avvi · History
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19 Chs


As I walked along the village path, determined to find my brother and mother, I spotted a quaint little bakery. My stomach rumbled at the delicious aroma wafting from the shop, and I couldn't resist the temptation to buy some treats for my family. After all, a surprise gift of pastries and bread can brighthen anyone's day.

With a basket filled with freshly baked goods, I continued to walk ahead. But to my horror, I soon realized I had an unexpected companion. A large, shaggy dog with playful eyes had taken an interest in me and was following my every step.

"Oh, dear," I mumbled, trying to ignore the persistent canine. "Please, go away. I have to find my brother."

However, the dog seemed determined to befriend me. It wagged its tail and gave me a puppy-eyed look as if saying, "Please be my friend and share your treats."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight, but my fear of dogs quickly resurfaced. It was a childhood fear that had never quite left me, and here I was, faced with an overenthusiastic four-legged friend.

"Alright, alright," I said, trying to sound firm. "I'll share, but just a little."

I reached into the basket and offered a small pastry to the dog. It eagerly devoured the treat, and I thought my plan had worked. However, it seemed that the dog's appetite was far from satisfied.

Before I knew it, the lovable furball was still following me, tail wagging with excitement. It seemed I had gained a loyal companion, whether I liked it or not. As we walked, I tried to keep my distance from the dog, hoping it would eventually lose interest. But instead, it stuck close by, as if we were the best of friends.

With each step, my anxiety grew. I didn't know how to handle this persistent pup. "Please, go find someone else to bother," I whispered under my breath, but the dog paid no attention to my plea.

Suddenly, the dog let out a loud bark, startling me. I jumped and clutched the basket tightly to my chest. This was the last straw – I couldn't handle this anymore.

"Alright, you win!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with desperation. "Take the whole basket!"

I quickly placed the basket on the ground and stepped back, hoping the dog would be content with it. But it seemed my bribe wasn't enough, as the dog continued to bark and bounce around, wagging its tail.

I decided to make a run for it. I picked up the basket and dashed down the path, the dog following closely behind. We raced through the village, me laughing and gasping for breath, and the dog barking merrily.

People on the streets watched with amusement. Some chuckled and called out, "Looks like you've made a new friend!" while others offered sympathetic glances.

Eventually, I found myself on the outskirts of the village, breathless and still giggling. The dog finally stopped and sat down, its tongue hanging out.

"Well, I guess you're not so bad after all," I said, smiling at the dog. "But I really need to find my family now. Thank you for the company, though!"

But my peaceful reverie was shattered when we suddenly stumbled upon two other dogs in the distance. They locked eyes with my furry friend, and in an instant, their playful demeanor turned hostile. Their barks grew fierce, and I could sense the tension in the air.

"Oh, no," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. "Not again."

Before I could react, the dogs began to quarrel, baring their teeth and growling aggressively. The peaceful countryside setting now felt like a battleground, and I found myself caught in the middle.

Fear surged through me as the dogs' quarrel escalated. Instinct took over, and I tried to slowly back away, hoping to avoid getting caught in their crossfire. But my movements seemed to agitate them further, and they turned their attention toward me.

The chase was on once again, and this time, it was not a playful chase. Panic seized me as I ran, my heart pounding in my ears. The dogs' snarls echoed in my mind, pushing me to run faster, to escape the danger that nipped at my heels.

My breath came in ragged gasps as I sprinted through the fields. My eyes darted around, searching for an escape route, but the countryside seemed to stretch on endlessly, with no safe haven in sight. My foot caught on a hidden root, and I stumbled, losing my balance. Time seemed to slow as I tumbled to the ground, the world spinning around me. The dogs closed in, and panic threatened to overwhelm me. I managed to get back on my feet, my heart still racing with adrenaline.

I'm doomed.

I could hear the dogs drawing nearer, their barks echoing in the air. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breaths came in shallow gasps. Then I spotted a nearby tree with low-hanging branches, just within reach. It was my only chance. I lunged for the tree, grasping the branches and pulling myself up with desperate strength. The dogs snapped at my heels, but I managed to climb just out of their reach.

Perched on the tree, I caught my breath, my heart still pounding in my chest. The dogs circled below, their eyes fixed on me with a mix of frustration and determination. But with the higher ground, I finally had a moment to think. I knew I couldn't stay up the tree forever, but it bought me enough time to contemplate my next move.

Gathering my courage, I started to inch my way down the tree, keeping a watchful eye on the dogs. With each careful step, I descended, my heart racing. When my feet finally touched the ground, I took off running once again, this time choosing a different path. I zigzagged through the fields, hoping to confuse the dogs and gain some distance.

Eventually, I came across a nearby farmhouse with its door invitingly open. I dashed towards it with all my might, begging for safety from the unrelenting chase. I leaned against the farmhouse door as it banged shut behind me, gasping for air. The barks of the dogs faded into the distance, and a wave of relief came over me.