
Secret of the Prince's Knight

In a world of secrets and power plays, Lady Emily Hamilton stands out with her spirited nature and a touch of tomboyish charm. She isn't a fan of Prince Sebastian Aldridge's playboy behavior, typical of a future king. But when Emily disguises herself as a knight to help her twin brother with his mission, her destiny collides with the enigmatic prince. As their worlds intertwine, Emily and Sebastian feel an undeniable pull. Beneath his charming exterior, Sebastian guards his heart due to a painful past. Emily, intrigued by his complexity, is determined to break through his icy facade. Amid deceitful schemes and looming threats, their hidden truths spark a forbidden attraction. Navigating danger and teetering on exposure's edge, Emily must choose between her family's honor and her growing feelings for Sebastian. In a journey of discovery and redemption, can their masquerade save them, or will it lead to their downfall?

Ms_Avvi · History
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19 Chs

A Royal Encounter

My heart flutters as we dance, and I can't help but be drawn to the sparkle in his eyes. "You certainly know how to dance," I say, trying to keep my tone light.

He smirks and I would be lying if he doesn't look so hot even though half of his face was hidden by his mask

"Well, I must confess, I've had my fair share of practice. But dancing with you makes it even more enjoyable."

"Please, don't start with the sweet talk"

His hand resting gently on my waist, "I'm quite intrigued by the lady behind the mask, you know."

I raise an eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'm worth your intrigue?"

As the enchanting melody sweeps us across the dance floor, the stranger's eyes lock onto mine, a flicker of recognition illuminating his gaze.

"It feels as though this is the first time our paths have crossed," he muses.

A playful smile dances upon my lips, hidden behind the veil of my mask. "I also think so. I am not that fond of social gatherings"

His laughter fills the air, a melodic sound that sends my heart into a fluterring mess.

What the heck is wrong with me? He was just another undoubtedly a gorgeous man, Emily.

"I can guess because I will surely remember you"

I raise an eyebrow, "Really? I doubt there is much to remember in me"

His gaze intensifies, "Well, one was your auburn hair and your emerald eyes"

Leaning closer, his voice lowers to a seductive whisper, his words carrying a double entendre that makes my pulse quicken. "Second is the beauty that even your mask failed to hide"

I feel a flush of warmth spread through me, and I decide to match his playful banter. "Oh, so you're saying I stand out in a sea of masked faces?"

"Absolutely," he says with a grin. "You're like a rare jewel amidst a sea of costume baubles."

I can't help but laugh at his clever compliment. "Flattery will get you everywhere, won't it?"

"I certainly hope so."

He showed me his charming smile that even though he was wearing a mask, I can definitely assure you that he was a very good-looking man behind that mask. Maybe the most handsome among the fair shair of men I encountered.

"I can show you in different ways how truthful that is" he added.

My heart flutters in my chest as his words hang in the air. His flirtatious demeanor, tempted me to step outside my own boundaries.

Behind the delicate veil of my playful smile, I respond with a coy tone. "You possess a talent for capturing a lady's curiosity"

"I would take that as a compliment from a lady that was being admired by the crowd"

I frowned behind the mask, "Pardon?"

'Relax, Emily, stop being so overwhelmed' I chanted silently to myself.

His lips curl into a knowing smile. "Do you not see the way the men in this room steal glances in your direction? Their eyes follow your every move, captivated by your allure."

A flush of warmth spreads across my cheeks, hidden behind the protective veil of my mask.

I avert my gaze, trying to dismiss his observation. "It's simply a figment of your imagination."

Curiosity lingers in his eyes as he leans in closer. "I am not one to lie, My Lady"

Before I can respond, a stunning figure glides towards us, her poise exuding an air of elegance and grace. The stranger's smile widens, and he straightens his posture ever so slightly.

"Sir," the woman says with a voice as melodious as a songbird, her words filled with warmth and familiarity.

A spark of recognition flickers within me as I gaze upon her regal countenance. Her beauty is awe-inspiring, her features delicate and refined. Her eyes, like pools of sapphire, radiate both intelligence and kindness. Her gown, adorned with intricate lace and shimmering jewels, seems to capture the very essence of elegance.

Her hair, cascading in waves of ebony silk, is adorned with a tiara that glimmers in the candlelight. Her presence commands attention, and it becomes clear that she is a woman of high status and influence.

A tinge of jealousy pricks at my heart as I realize the connection between the stranger and this captivating woman.

Could she be someone he holds dear? A confidante, perhaps?

I suddenly feel like an intruder in a private exchange. With a polite curtsy, I step back slightly, observing their interaction from a respectful distance.

A glimmer of recognition dances in his eyes as he gazes upon her, and a smile of affection graces his lips.

The woman's voice rings out with playful familiarity. "Your Highness, may I have the pleasure of a dance with you?"

A moment of hesitation flickers across his face, but he quickly recovers, "Why, of course, my lady. It would be my honor."

My heart skips a beat as I hear her address him as 'Your Highness'. Could it be that this stranger, this enigmatic and flirtatious man, holds a title of nobility? The thought lingers in my mind, filling me with a mixture of surprise and intrigue.

But then, the woman challenges him, her voice carrying a playful dare.

"Before we proceed, dear prince, remove your mask and reveal the face behind the mystique."

A flicker of uncertainty passes through the stranger's eyes as if weighing the request.

And at that moment, my own breath catches in my throat. With a graceful flourish, he reaches up and removes his mask, exposing a face that is both familiar and foreign. As the mask slips away, the realization crashes over me like a tidal wave.

The man before me is none other than Prince Sebastian Maxwell Aldridge, the crown prince himself.

My mind whirls with disbelief and realization. How could I have been so oblivious? The prince, known for his charm and playboy persona, has been dancing with me all along, hidden behind the mask of anonymity.

I gazed up at Prince Sebastian, my heart pounding within my chest as I took in his undeniable charm and devilish handsomeness up close. His features were sculpted with the perfection that left one breathless. Chiseled jawline, piercing electric blue eyes that held a mixture of coldness and charm, and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. Admiration for his regal allure stirred within me, momentarily captivated by his magnetic presence.

But as quickly as my admiration blossomed, anger surged through me when the prince immediately clasped the woman's hand, dismissing my existence as if I were nothing more than an inconsequential bystander. A wave of frustration washed over me, overshadowing any fleeting infatuation I might have felt.

Infatuation my foot!

I watched the two of them twirl and glide across the dance floor, their movements were seemingly effortless, a picture of grace and elegance.

Whispers filled the air as onlookers took notice of the prince's apparent indifference towards me. The sound of mocking laughter and hushed conversations reached my ears, their words laced with thinly veiled ridicule.

"He left her standing there like a discarded rose," a woman whispered, her voice carrying a tone of amusement.

I was luck I didn't remove my mask.

"It's quite amusing, isn't it? The playboy prince has found a new distraction," another voice chimed in, followed by a chorus of laughter.

Their words stung like tiny daggers, piercing through the thin veil of my composure. Anger simmered beneath the surface as I struggled to maintain my dignity in the face of their mockery.

I straightened my posture. This was merely a dance. While their laughter echoed around me, I turned around, making my way toward the exit, my footsteps hastened by frustration.

The grandeur of the venue seemed to close in on me, suffocating me with each passing moment. As I neared the exit, a familiar voice called out from behind me, piercing through the fog of my thoughts.

"Emily! What's the matter?"

I removed my mask and turned to see Amelia, her concerned eyes searching mine. I mustered a feeble excuse. "I suddenly feel a wave of sickness come over me. I think it's best if I retire in the evening."

Amelia's brows furrowed with worry, "Are you sure you're alright, Emily? You don't look well. Should I call for the carriage?"

I nodded, "Yes, please. I think some fresh air will do me good."

As we made our way toward the waiting carriage, Amelia's voice carried a tone of excitement, oblivious to the storm raging within me.

"You won't believe what I just heard! The crown prince is here, dancing with the princess from a distant kingdom. It's quite the spectacle!"

My steps faltered for a brief moment, surprise flickering across my face. The crown prince, who had so casually dismissed me on the dance floor, was now reveling in the company of another, a princess no less. The realization stung. Of course, he would choose a princess over a plain noble like me.

Amelia continued, her voice filled with a hint of awe. "He truly is a captivating figure, isn't he? I must admit, I've always been intrigued by him. But who could resist his charms? It's like something out of a fairy tale."

I forced a smile, "Yes, he certainly knows how to command attention."

As we reached the awaiting carriage, I bid Amelia a hasty farewell, the ache in my heart growing with each passing moment. Stepping into the carriage, I found myself gazing out at the night sky, the stars twinkling with a distant allure.

The realization that the prince's affections were easily bestowed upon another ignited a mix of emotions within me. Anger, jealousy, and a sense of betrayal swirled within my being.