

  The letter written to him was never received.

  The attic is always locked. It is a forbidden place in the Gu family.

  When Gu Cheng was preparing dinner, Gu Liusha took advantage of his unpreparedness and sneaked up to the attic.

  There was a small dark window in the attic. Gu Liusha had to tiptoe to open the iron plate.

  There was a large vermilion wardrobe in the room. It was old and mottled. Its appearance could no longer be seen clearly, but the large mirror embedded in the wardrobe was still smooth.

  With the light from the eaves, the mirror projected a corner of the room, which was empty and desolate.

  The room was dimly lit. Gu Liusha struggled to grab the small window and gently called "Auntie", but no one answered her. After a few seconds, she began to change the address, took out a photo from her pocket, and stretched it into the dark window: "Gu Sheng, photo, the photo you want, I found it for you." A pair

  of eyes finally appeared in the window, black and white, cold and clear, without warmth and without human feelings.

  Gu Liusha was not afraid. When she realized that the photo in her hand was taken away by Gu Sheng, she retracted her arm from the dark window.

  She didn't like people saying that Gu Sheng was a crazy woman. Because Gu Sheng wouldn't cry and laugh, nor would she talk endlessly. On the contrary, she was very taciturn, and her beautiful eyes were often still.

  If someone discovered Gu Sheng's existence and contemptuously called her a crazy woman, Gu Liusha would stubbornly explain to that person: "My aunt is not a crazy person, she just... just can't find that person."

  The sudden sound of footsteps on the stairs was unusually dull. Gu Liusha's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly asked Gu Sheng: "Gu Sheng, I sent the letter you wrote to him, but you haven't received his reply for so long. Think about it again, is the address wrong?"

  The voice was very low, like a child's conspiracy and whispering. Gu Liusha was not sure if Gu Sheng heard it. She only knew that the iron plate was ruthlessly pulled down, Gu Cheng held her in his arms, turned around and walked downstairs.

  Gu Liusha struggled and begged: "Dad, please, let aunt out!"

  Gu Cheng turned a deaf ear and walked downstairs faster. "Letting her out will only hurt others and ourselves. We are protecting her." He couldn't let the neighbors send Ah Sheng to the mental hospital again. He was cruel and couldn't bear it.

  "Lu Zichu--" Gu Liusha thought of someone and said excitedly: "Dad, please go find Lu Zichu. Aunt will definitely get better after seeing him." Gu Cheng's

  face suddenly darkened.

  That man ruined Ah Sheng. He was never Gu Sheng's salvation, but a disaster.

  Now, Lu Zichu is a financial dignitary, looking down on the business world, surrounded by people, and countless women around him. He probably forgot the existence of Ah Sheng. Even if he remembered, what could he do? Can he accept the fragmented Ah Sheng now?

  He and she can no longer go back to the beginning. Those letters that fell into the sea are destined to be just a dream of Ah Sheng to warm himself.

  People like Lu Zichu are not something they can afford to offend, but at least they can avoid them.

  In the attic, Gu Sheng tightly grasped the photo, his palms were a little wet.

  In the photo, she nestled in his arms, her smile was light and bright, and his smile was as elegant as the moonlight.

  Zi Chu, I have been a little sleepy recently, sometimes awake, sometimes confused. I looked in the mirror and it seems that I have started to have white hair. Don't dislike me...