

The furthest distance in the world is the distance between a fish and a bird. One soars in the sky, while the other dives deep into the sea."

  In the world of Lu Zichu and Gu Sheng, Lu Zichu is a bird and Gu Sheng is a fish. Lu Zichu soars in the sky, while Gu Sheng dives deep into the sea.

The attic is dimly lit and looks a bit eerie.

  Gu Sheng supported the old furniture and walked to the window step by step. She had a poor appetite recently and had not eaten on time. She was too weak and would be out of breath after walking a few steps.

  The window was nailed tightly with iron bars because when she first moved here, Gu Sheng broke the window glass and tried to jump down from the three-story attic to find her Lu Zichu. The family was terrified and sealed the window that day.

  Gu Sheng listened to the knocking sounds, she was very scared, huddled in the corner, covered her face and cried loudly... They took away her expectations. In

  2007, Gu Sheng was 21 years old. Lu Zichu said to her, "Asheng, wait for me."

her up every day. She lived in a daze. Everyone said she was crazy.

  At first, she would tell others, "I'm not crazy."

  "Every crazy person does not admit that he is crazy."

  Their eyes were too cold. Gu Sheng looked out the window and let the sorrow and joy drown in the world. She

  was locked in the room for too long. Later, Gu Sheng really went crazy. She was stupid and stupid. She didn't know what would happen tomorrow. She was ill for five years. Only in recent years did she get better and her consciousness began to slowly recover.

  As for the past, it was remembered by Gu Sheng before the age of 21; it was forgotten by Gu Sheng after the age of 21.

She stopped taking medicine because she was afraid that she would forget Lu Zichu. Fortunately, she was much more obedient than before, and her family no longer cared about her. They have their own lives to go. Who would pay too much attention to the emotional world of a madman?

  At the end of February, Seattle was in full bloom, and the bright sunshine was torn into swaying beams by the iron bars deeply embedded in the windows.

  Gu Sheng stretched out her hand, her palm was bright, her expression was a little wooden, she slowly grasped the beam, and then tremblingly let go. She smiled, fortunately, the warmth was still there.

  She hadn't spoken for a long time, and sat in the attic like this every day.

  Sometimes she would think that if Lu Zichu came to pick her up, maybe she would greet him in a relaxed tone: "Hi, Lu Zichu, long time no see."

  But she soon smiled sadly again. After 6 years of separation, the Gu family moved from San Francisco to Seattle. Can he find her again? Does he still remember her?

  Maybe, he has already forgotten her!

  The sound of TV rang in the living room downstairs. She stood there and listened quietly for a while. It seemed to be a live NBA game. She remembered that Lu Zichu liked basketball games very much. Was he watching the live game at this moment?

At this time, Lu Zichu was indeed watching the live NBA game, but not in front of the TV, but in New York.

  That night, the media reported that the famous model Karl and the Chinese real estate tycoon Lu Zichu watched the NBA game and behaved intimately, and were suspected of secretly dating.