
Author's Letter

To all the Girls that I love...

There is a lot of time that I was struggling, wanting something and dare to be risky but end up nothing. I am writing this letter for you girls... because I love you..

You might read this and my voice pist off your ear but please continue to read this until my hour of work is done.

There is a moment that I pray to God and said:

when I was young I said to God:

God, I want a big house where I can play with 🐕 and I can invite my friend over.

God, I want to be beautiful and smart, be one of miss universe.

God, Why do you made me?

God, I wanna die...

God ,I wanna fight back and revenge.

God I wanna kill myself..

God, why am I not enough?

God, why me?

when I get old and become one of those salary man I end up telling to God:

God, thank you for this house and let this be a shelter of every wounded heart.

God, I want you to be my universe

God, thank you for for giving me Life and a family to be with.

God, thank you for making me feel that I am enough.

God, why me? Your funny for letting me be part of your mission.

God, let's fight together.

God, let me live more.

there will be a time of your life that your already at the pit hole and whatever you do you won't be able to climb but God always looking for you and find you even in the impossible situation so lift up your head. I love you so take care and see you.
