
Secret Book

It's a new world of Kill or Be Killed. A paradise for all sorts of crazies to go wild. Lost worlds trapped in mystery boxes, fantastical terrors written inside simplistic journals, and a shop which offers anything you desire. All contained in a single game. It is surprising how quickly morals could be abandoned for personal gain. But that is what it means to be human. Personally, I believe humans to be inherently evil. You shouldn't be afraid of the demons in your nightmares. Be afraid of the demons outside of it. [BL]

LordOfRot · Horror
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Don't look. Do you have your phone? How about you call your guardians first?" Qin Feng spoke to the girl with a warm tone in pretense concern, quickly earning the girl's trust.

In a short fifteen minutes later, a team of police cars arrived on the scene despite the traffic jam that Shanghai city was known for and quickly took control of the situation.

As people who were more or less part of the incident, the police had to bring both the girl and Qin Feng to the police station to take their statements.

Calmly cooperating, Qin Feng told his part of the story, portraying himself to be someone who noticed the girl being robbed and tried to stop it.

"I really didn't expect for this matter to escalate this much." Right on cue, Qin Feng's eyebrows furrowed in regret.

"I see. Thank you for your cooperation." After hearing his explanation, the police officer in charge of taking his statement smiled at him. It was obvious that he had a good impression of Qin Feng, thinking of him as a rare good samaritan.

Meanwhile, the girl was still caught up in her panicked state, unable to speak properly without stuttering, her eyes swollen from crying.

It took a full twenty minutes for the officers to take her statement and, by that time, Qin Feng had long been done with his.

Stopping in front of the girl who had been wrapped in a warm towel, Qin Feng put on a warm smile and knocked on the table, causing the girl to look up.

"Do you drink coffee?" Qin Feng asked, holding up a cup of hot coffee to show the girl.

Attracted by his warm smile, the girl hesitantly nodded, feeling herself calm down.

Placing the coffee on the girl's trembling hands, Qin Feng took a sip of his and sat down beside her, both of them drinking in silence.

Shortly after, the girl's parents arrived in a rush, hurriedly looking for the girl and asking her if she was fine immediately after they found her.

Seeing the warm scene, Qin Feng decided that it was time for him to leave.

After leaving his phone number to a police officer in case they needed him for something else, he quietly left without alarming anyone.

But, just before entering his vehicle, a dark luxury car stopped beside him and a tall man in black suit looked at him solemnly.

"Second master, the family head is calling you back."

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He had been living on his own away from the main family for nearly two years already. Why did they suddenly want to call him back? Did something happen?

At this time, his grandfather should already be in his late seventies and it would be his birthday soon. Perhaps they wanted him to return for that? Thinking about it briefly, he decided to agree temporarily.



Inside the police station, the officer who had previously taken Qin Feng's statement was chatting with his colleague during their break.

"I mean, that girl was really fortunate. It's really rare for there to be people willing to help when others are in trouble these days." The officer downed the last of his coffee in one go as his conversation partner nodded his head in agreement.

"Are you sure about that?" A chilling voice suddenly broke through their conversation, causing the officer to nearly spit his coffee in surprise.

"D-Detective Consultant Mo! G-Good evening, sir!" The two officers saluted and exclaimed nervously.

"I've been watching nearby for a while but, for a person who just witnessed a man die in front of him, don't you think he's too calm?" Detective Mo smiled, his eyes glittering in interest. "The way he handled the situation made it seem like he already experienced such incidents. And it's not just one or two."

"In any case, his statement had a few flaws." Detective Mo leaned closer towards the nervous officers and spoke slowly. "Haven't you ever thought... According to miss Yun Ningning, none of the people who passed by noticed what was happening to her... But Qin Feng who had his car parked quite some distance away was able to..?"

Leaving that question behind, Detective Mo leisurely got up and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"Anyways, this case is not under my jurisdiction so I won't bother anymore."


"Mom, I swear I'm fine!" Yun Ningning smiled as she tried to comfort her crying mother. Just a few minutes earlier, it was she who had been crying but, as soon as she saw her parents, she had instantly felt calm and safe. Now, it was her mom who was crying while her father had no idea what to do.

"Are you sure? The robber didn't hurt you?" Her mother wiped her tears and asked again for the nth time.

"Yes! Really!" Ningning nodded, hiding the fact that her arm might have bruised from when the robber gripped her tightly. "Fortunately, a kind older brother saved me just in time."

"That older brother..?" Her father spoke up in confusion.

With the mention of her savior, Ningning's eyes lit up as she looked beside her to where Qin Feng previously sat. "He's..."

Upon seeing no one there, Ningning's eyes dimmed abruptly in loss and disappointment. "Gone..."


◇Mpoints or Malice Points are gained depending on how much malice the prey feels at the moment of their death. The more malice they feel towards their killer, the higher the points awarded.◇


Knock knock.

"Come in." A cold voice gave permission as the man in black suit who picked Qin Feng up from the police station pushed open the oak door that led to the Sun family head's office, Qin Feng's older half brother, Qin Yang.

The man in the black suit was most likely Qin Yang's new assistant since Qin Feng was unable to see Qin Yang's previous assistant anywhere.

Taking a seat on the comfortable chair in front of Qin Yang's desk, Qin Feng leaned in a relaxed manner, even blowing away the stray hair that landed on his face. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being called back?"

Qin Feng spoke casually, not paying any heed to the way Qin Yang furrowed his eyebrows in disapproval. "It seems that all that time you spent outside only made your attitude worse."

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow but didn't refute Qin Yang words.

"I need you to do something for me." Qin Yang sighed and placed his pen down. "I've struck up a partnership with King Enterprise but, right now, the project we've teamed up on is being interfered by their management which is led by Sun Xiuya, the current head, Wang Shui's second wife. Incidentally, they have a son around your age called Wang Fei. Next week, they will be attending a banquet hosted by the Sun family. I need you to get close to him for information. If you can, control him."

At this point, Qin Feng began to remember why he chose to live away from the main family in the first place.

It was because of this greedy brother of his who only had profits in his head. In order not to make any loss, he would use any means possible. Of course, Qin Feng could understand his reasons since he also thought that way but, they were just too similar to get along.

So, pretending to be interested, Qin Feng rested his chin on his wrist and smiled lightly. "Oh? I don't mind doing chores for you from time to time since I have nothing else to do but, what price are you willing to pay?"

In response, Qin Yang just threw him a set of keys.

Qin Feng looked at him in confusion.

"The villa that you wanted in Fuzhou."

Instantly, Qin Feng's eyes flashed a complex emotion.

Speaking of that villa, it was made by an English designer who took inspiration from the old Victorian palaces.

Originally, Qin Feng took an interest in that villa due to its particularly interesting history; with almost all owners being crippled someway or dying in a gruesome manner. After the death of its last owner twelve years ago, the villa was taken over by a loan company due to the owner's debts.

Of course, Qin Feng would have taken the chance to buy that villa from them but, since the company had ties with the triads, til now, he was unable to get his hands on it.

For three years, he'd been pulling strings and making connections with the underground, selling favors to gang heads, only to later find out that the loan company was a direct possession of one of triad leader's heir. He could only accept defeat and give up.

So, now that he would get it so easily without paying a cent, he really wasn't sure how to feel about it. But, in the end, he still took the keys and promised his brother he would complete the job.