


Elaine cleaned up the dinner like she always do, the day had been very tiring since she had to act ignorant to the customers stares and whisperings about her. Tom has only moved into her house today and the whole town already knows about it. Martha was even silently accusing her of stealing him way and she had to roll her eyes when she heard that, yea right, like he belonged to anybody, she had thought. She stuffed some leftovers in a bag and put some in the refrigerator while some went to the trash bin.

She closed the diner and dropped the key in its usual place before beginning her walk home in the silent night with only the moon as her light and companion. Her mind picked up Thomas' handsome face and she blushed just thinking about him. His deep blue eyes that always looked like it was calling her in and his sexy full heart lips that she couldn't help but wonder how it will feel when kissed.