


/"And if I choose to? What's your problem there?/"

/"Elaine, don't be ridiculous, you might be the one that saved his life but wake up, you don't control his life and if you think you can because he is staying in your house, you can drive him away, I will willingly welcome him into my home./"

/"Yes, I don't control him because he is not a prize possession but if there is one thing I'm sure of is that he won't like to be seen with the likes of you./"

/"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?/"

/"Whatever that came to your mind it does/" Elaine rolled her eyes /"I have had enough of your chitty chat, it appears I'm already tired with it so if you can just leave, I will like to go back to my work/" she brought her book up to her face and pretended she was invisible.