
Secrecy Eyes

Otherworld, a different reality that lives alongside ours like a mirror. There, spirits and magical creatures live together with beings of darkness and monsters, only a few are able to see this place and beings that gives them incredible powers and abilities to fight and keep balance with the Human Realm. Asaki Yuto was a normal boy before meeting the mysterious boy by the name of Sakaki Yuya, who he had a grudge against, resulting into an accident that left him in a coma and his spirit is left to wander in the world of spirits and monsters. Yuya and Yuto join together to uncover the secrets of Yuya's heritage and abilities together with Yuya's older sister Milla and her friends from Tales of Academy. What they find out is that Yuya is more special than what seems to the naked eye. This story is originally from fanfiction with the same name and the first of the Secrecy Eyes trilogy, more might come depending on the out come. Might contain bad language, violence and gross images.

BlkRockShooterstar · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Secrecy eyes & Maxwell

It was 8.30 in the morning, Asaki Yuto or Yuto for short, was running as fast as he could. No one woke him up this morning and that's why he's late. Yesterday night, his childhood friend Kurosaki Shun was very angry when he found out that Yuto didn't come to his meeting with his little sister, Ruri. He had punched Yuto's head hard multiple times while Kaito Tennouji just shook his head as he watched.

Today, the huge bump could be seen on his head. Yuto blamed himself for oversleeping. Usually, his mother would wake him up, however, today his mother had early jobs to do in her office. Well, his parents are always busy with work, but he didn't blame them.

His school, Chenskyra School was an elite school. That's why his school start at 9 in the morning because the students have done learning the syllables before the teachers start class. They come to school just to remember the subjects again and learn more shortcut ways in studying their subject.

The students there were excellent in academics and sports. Besides the principal, Sakaki Yusho, was also amazing and kind to the students and teachers in every school. He played with students in sports events and help anyone in need. Everyone respect the principal. Everyone want to enter this school except a certain someone.

In that moment, Yuto saw Sakaki Yuya talking to his friends happily at the bus stop. Apparently, they were waiting for the bus so they get to school in time. He rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Speak of the devil." Yuto muttered to himself.

Enright School is a school for students who wants to enjoy their studying and learn to entertain people. The teachers teach them using different skills that will make them happy and enjoy their studying. The school is also popular and one of the best in the country except for Tales of Academy. The students were amazing in sports but wavered a little in their academics.

Surprisingly, many people wants to enter this school because it's a cheerful school and didn't bore the students. Other than that, the principal Hiiragi Shuzo was fun and awesome. He love to cheer on the students and teach them sometimes if their teacher doesn't come and teach them for the day.

Anyway, their school starts at 9.30 in the morning because they don't have assembly like Yuto's.

"Hey there! You should be at your school at 9 in the morning, am I right?" A certain huge and muscular man asked Yuto.

Yuto, who was tired of running, quickly sits on an empty spot. Apparently, the only empty seat was right next to Yuya. However, he didn't care right now because he was too tired. Meanwhile, Yuya glanced at Yuto with a smile.

"Yeah... my school starts... at 9 in the morning...why?" He said slowly while catching his breath.

"Well... the bus will come at 8.50. If you take the bus, you'll be late." A pink haired girl said.

At that moment, Yuto stood up from his seat worried.

"Dammit! If I run now, I think I can make it to school exact the same time." He said while looking at his watch on his phone.

"Maybe you should wait for the bus." Yuya said out of nowhere.

The girl and the muscular man looked at each other confused. On the other hand, Yuto was a little angry.

"What do you mean that I should wait for the bus?! Right now, I'm late and if I take the bus, I'll be even more late to school!" He yelled at Yuya.

"Your head hurt right now, right? What if suddenly, you feel so much pain in your head that you don't realize that you're accidentally standing in the middle of the road?" Yuya said with his crimson eyes staring back to Yuto's gray eyes.

"I don't feel any pain in my head right now and after this! You're so smart because you can create an excellent story in a short time! Standing in the middle of the road?! I'm not stupid, Sakaki Yuya!" Yuto yelled.

Silence surrounds the place after what Yuto said those words. After a while, a happy smile appeared on Yuya while the two friends were in verge of madness.

"How dare you say that to our friend?!" The muscular guy shouted.

"Stop it, Gongenzaka." Yuya said shortly.


"You're right. I thought that I could fool you but I'm the one that is stupid, right? I'm sorry..." He said with a sheepish smile.

After Yuya said those words, Yuto shook his head and left without a word. Behind him, Yuya's friends glared angrily at him while Yuya stared at him worried.

He slowly glanced at the clock on his phone and looked back at the path where Yuto was running a while ago.

'8.45, at least I warned him rather than being quiet about it. I hope Milla have prepared it.' Yuya thought worried.

In the meantime, Yuto was still running along the sidewalk. In his mind, he felt guilty for yelling at Yuya but he was still mad at Yuya for trying to fool him and everyone by faking his smiles.

'I hate it. But do I really know why he faked his smiles?' Yuto thought. 'No, I don't know anything about Yuya. I know nothing.'

In that moment, Yuto shook his head and focused on his way to school. The school could be seen from where he was. Yuto quickly glanced at his watch.

'8.55, I maybe going to make it to school after all.' He thought.

When Yuto was almost there, his head suddenly was really hurt. He tried to continue running but his sight was getting blurry and couldn't steady himself. In that moment, Yuto heard a loud honking sound. When he turned around, a huge lorry carrying metal scraps was getting close to where Yuto was standing. Before the gray eyed boy could do anything, the lorry hit him really hard.

The sudden impact made Yuto fall on the road a few meters away. His head fall first on the road and before he blacked out, he wished softly to his heart.

'I wish I could understand Yuya...maybe...I wouldn't feel this pain...'


At Tales of Academy, the classes had just started when Milla's class heard a phone ringing. Everyone looks at each other and takes out their phones until a boy few years younger than Milla answer his call. He have neck-length black hair and amber eyes.

"Jude Mathis. Okay, I'll come immediately." The boy, Jude, said and stands up. "Professor, there's been an accident and I'm called to the hospital as it is an emergency."

"Okay, you can go." The professor said and Jude ran out of the classroom.

All the students looks at each other in confusion except Milla, who was shocked over what he had said.

'He isn't dead, that's impossible! Yuya's predictions are always right!' Milla exclaimed in her head. 'It looks like I have another spirit to take care of.'


Meanwhile, it been some time since Yuto was hit by the lorry and everything is still black. He could only hear his surroundings.

"I'm sorry, Miss...this all we could do to save your son..." The voice of Jude explained with a sad voice.

"Wh-what?" Yuto asked.

"It's okay. At least he is still alive..." A woman said as she hiccuped.

"Am... am I still alive?" Yuto asked.

Yuto slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a hospital room that's for sure, but the one thing that shocked him was when he saw his condition. He was floating!

His gray eyes glanced at his hands and body. That was when he realized that his body was see through and didn't have any veins in his skin.

"Wh-what happened to me?!" Yuto exclaimed.

"Yuto... please wake up..." Someone cried sadly.

In that instant, Yuto quickly glanced at his side and saw something unexpected. On the hospital bed, was his body full bandaged up with a blood tube hanging on a stand beside the bed.

Beside the bed was his mother crying, Shun was looking at him sadly, Kaito had his arms crossed and Ruri was patting Yuto's mother shoulder softly with tears in her eyes.

"This can't be happening!" Yuto exclaimed.

He slowly backed away and shakes his head in denial. When Yuto had confidence enough, he float beside his body and tried to touch his body.

Immediately, Yuto's fingers passed through his body. He looked surprised and tried again, once again passed through his body. After that, Yuto tried to touch everyone in the room and it shows the same results. Yuto crossed his arms and float to the ceiling to touch the lamp.

Suddenly, the lamp blacked out and everyone looked around their surroundings confused. Yuto sweat dropped and tried to fix the lamp but he made it a lot worse. Now he knows that he can touch, move and float things around.

"It feels like I'm a dead spirit." Yuto said to himself.

"The policeman, Ludger Kresnik, said he was hit by a huge lorry in the middle of the road at 9.00." Kaito explained softly.

"Wa-wait a minute..." Yuto said hearing something familiar somewhere before.

"In the middle of the road?! What was he doing in the middle of the road?!" Shun asked-shouted.

"Shun, stop it. Auntie is sad right now..." Ruri said softly. Shun shut his mouth while Kaito let out a sad sigh.

"In the middle of the road?" Yuto questioned. "Where have I heard those words before?"

"Your head hurts right now, right? What if suddenly, you feel so much pain in your head that you don't realize that you're accidentally standing in the middle of the road?"

In that instant, Yuto was shocked over that what Yuya had said in the morning have really happened to him.

"What Yuya said is happening to me! Do Yuya know something?" Yuto said and thought about what to do.

After making his decision, he float out of the hospital and headed forwards Enright School to get some answers.


Back at Tales of Academy, Milla was leaning against a wall in one of the hallways with her phone in hand. In her other hand was a bag that wasn't the one she owned but rather Jude's.

"Milla, what's on your mind?" Milla looks up to see a girl her age with extremely long black hair and gold colored eyes.

"I'm thinking about the accident Jude talked about, I think my brother might have something to do with it." Milla explained, standing up.

"How?" The girl asked crossing her arms.

"That is a secret of our family, Velvet." Milla said. "Not even our Father knows about it."

"So it's as dangerous as my own gift." Velvet said and Milla nodded slightly.

"Somehow it is, for both us and the humans." Milla said as the school bell rings. "Time for class, I guess I have to give Jude his bag with I get home."

"I'm actually kind of glad you get to live at your home instead of the dormitory apartments." Velvet pointed out.

"I live there in the beginning of the week actually together with Leia, Sophie and Cheria." Milla explained as they go to class.


With Yuto, he arrives at Enright School. He floats around along the corridors, his eyes searching for the tomato haired boy.

"Hey, Yuya!" A sudden voice called out.

Yuto quickly float to the ceiling and saw Yuya talking to the person that called out to him. Yuto floated beside Yuya and tried catching his attention, he waved his hand in front of Yuya's face and see if he would do anything. But Yuya showed no reaction at all. The truth is, Yuya could see Yuto but ignores him completely. He doesn't want his friends to know his secret ability. Yuto on the other hand was thinking through if Yuya could see him or not.

"Can he really not see me?" Yuto said and remember his actions at the hospital. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe we can try something else."

After he had set his mind, Yuto slowly backed away and stared at Yuya. When he found the perfect timing, Yuto kicked and aimed it at Yuya's legs. Yuto thought that his leg would pass through just like when he touched his body and friends, but something else happened this time.

His leg hit directly at Yuya's legs and the tomato haired boy lost his balance before falling backwards on the floor.

"Ouch, that hurt---" Yuya cut himself off when he realized that Yuto was pinning him on the floor. His hands, that was on either side of his head, was gripped tightly to the ground by Yuto. Yuto smirk while Yuya cursed silently.

"Yuya, are you okay?" His pink haired friend, Yuzu, asked.

"I-I'm fine..." Yuya replied to Yuzu.

"You pretended that you couldn't see me, right?" Yuto asked. "Now I want to make you admit you can see me!"

Before Yuya could do anything, he got shocked when he realized that Yuto's face was so close to his. Yuya could feel Yuto's breath at his face. Their noses was touching each other, Yuya tried to struggle to free himself but to no avail because Yuto's grip was so tight. When their lips almost touched each other, Yuya suddenly yelled.


Instantly, Yuya headbutted Yuto's forehead really hard. Yuto let out a howl of pain while holding his forehead. Yuya was also holding his forehead in pain as well. Meanwhile, Yuzu and other people that was there looked surprised with Yuya's outburst and actions.

"Finally, I got your attention, right?" Yuto said as he smirked while Yuya was glaring at him irritated.

"Why did you yell so suddenly, Yuya? Are you alright?" The muscular guy or Yuya's friend, Gongenzaka, asked him while Yuzu looked at him worried as Yuya stood up from the floor.

A sheepish smile appeared on Yuya's lips while his left hand was scratching the back of his head.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Sorry for making you guys worried." Yuya apologized as he put on a bandage on his bruise.

"Okay, if you insist. Let's go to class, it's the last one for today." Gongenzaka said and walked away.

Yuya and Yuzu looked at each other with a smile and slowly follow their muscular friend. In the meantime, Yuto was floating beside Yuya with a bruise on his own forehead. The headbutt accident earlier passed through his mind and Yuto realized something.

'I cannot touch anyone except Yuya and I can do anything with objects. I can also feel pain despite being a spirit right now.' Yuto thought. 'Seriously I need answers now.' He glanced at Yuya, who's walking beside him. Without waiting any second thoughts, Yuto float and standing in mid air in front of Yuya with his arms crossed.

"I need an explanation, Yuya." Yuto said.

Once again, Yuya ignores him. A frustrated groan escaped from Yuto's mouth but a few seconds later, a wicked plan came to his mind and Yuto glared in Yuya's crimson eyes.

"Alright, are you trying to ignore me again? Then don't get mad at me if I do that again~" Yuto teased. Yuya stopped walking with his eyebrows twitching angrily but a small smile was still present. His friends look questioned at him.

"What's wrong, Yuya?" Yuzu asked.

"Sorry guys, I need to go to the toilet. You two can go ahead, okay?" Yuya replied and hurried to a toilet nearby.

Gongenzaka and Yuzu stared at each other before shaking their heads at the same time and they walk forward to their classroom in silence.

Yuya barged into the toilet, he quickly locked the door before gasping for breath. He glares at Yuto. However, Yuto didn't look at Yuya this time, his gray eyes was focused on something else.

"What the hell am I looking at right now?" Yuto asked.

In the toilet together with them was three hideous beings that Yuto never have seen in his entire life.

One human being is a small girl that wears tattered clothes. She was standing side by side in the corner with red, dead eyes and a creepy smile on her lips. Her long black hair reached the floor and at the tips of her hair was dripping with blood.

Another was a teenage girl that was wearing white clothes from her neck to her feet. She is crawling from the ceiling slowly and graceful. One of her eyes was hanging loosely from the eyehole while the other one was open widely. Her long, black hair was covering her face except her white eyes.

Lastly, the last being that was sitting on one of the sinks. It is a baby with blood on its head and blood tears on the baby's cheeks. A huge hole can be seen in the baby's stomach with its insides scattered on its legs.

At that moment, Yuto puts a hand on his mouth and turns around. He couldn't stand seeing the creepy and disgusting scene in front of him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Since you're a spirit now, that means you can see other spirits and dead creatures that are not from this world." Yuya said hushed.

Instantly, Yuto looks at him and points at Yuya's face. On the other hand, Yuya raised an eyebrow in question over his actions.

"D-do you always see these spirits and dead creatures?" Yuto asked still a little freaked out.

"Not always but every day." Yuya replied. "My sister Milla can see them too."

"What?!" Yuto exclaimed in shock.

Yuya gave a small sigh. He gently place his hand on the sink and turns to face Yuto fully. His crimson eyes became serious as the ghost waited for his answers.

"I'll explain this just once, so listen carefully." He said serious. Yuto nodded in agreement and gazed directly in Yuya's eyes. "Centuries ago, there was a family that had an incredible ability. They could see spirits, creatures of the underground, vampires, dark beings and demons, also how and when a person dies. The ability was dangerous because there was a few demons and beings that want that ability to crossover to our world. Everyone called them Secrecy Eyes because the ability came from a pair of crimson eyes and they had to keep it a secret from normal humans, some could use it to help people to talk with their dead ones."

"Why did they have to keep it a secret from humans?" Yuto asked.

"Because there was greedy humans, possessed by dead spirits, that wants this ability to their own selfish goals. They willingly took out the crimson eyes of the family even though they killed them, a member survived and the ability was given to every generation. My Mom was supposed to be the wielder of the Secrecy Eyes. However, she couldn't accept it because her eyes wasn't crimson like her ancestors. The ability was forgotten but it didn't last long." Yuto was confused but remained silent. "Apparently it skipped a generation and I possessed the ability for the next generation. My Mom was supposed to tell me about the Secrecy Eyes, but she died when I was born and didn't have the time to tell Milla either. When I was seven, my ability became stronger and I started to see the world no one else than Milla could see and foresee someone's death. In that time, my Mom's spirit appeared out of nowhere."

Yuya smiled sadly over the memories of his childhood together with Milla and their mother.

"She slowly told me about the Secrecy Eyes and always cheered me up until she passed to the afterlife when I turned twelve. I was very grateful with her help and moved on with my life together with Milla. She taught me how to ignore the other side and was protected by the spirits she was bound by. So whenever I'm with my friends, I ignore the sounds and sight of the creatures and spirits to make sure they don't discover my secret."

"Wait a minute! You can see someone's death as well?" Yuto asked shocked.

"Yeah, I can...every human in this world."

"How about me?"

A deep silence came into the room, Yuya glanced at the ceiling and closed his eyes while Yuto was waiting for his response.

"Yesterday, I saw how you would die this morning. That's why I tried to make it from happening but...I don't have the power to do so. I thought that you had been dead by now." Yuya said before chuckling a bit. "Milla is going to freak out when she hears that you're alive."

"Well, it's a miracle that I'm still alive..."

"True, you're the first person that changed my prediction. However, I don't know how long it would stay like that. Maybe Milla would find a way for you to get you back into your body."

"If that's so, then I will try living my life to the fullest before I go back to my unconscious body."

"But remember this, the dark beings and demons can control you and kill you because you're a spirit that's still alive. I can also hurt and kill you but not control you. You can move things, touch me and Milla, kill us or--"

"Hey! I'm not that type of person!"

"I know! I just want to specify to you about your condition as a spirit, that's all."

All of a sudden, the school bell rang through the school. Yuto face palmed while Yuya grunted in distress.

"I'm going to miss my last lesson..." Yuya moaned.


In the hospital, Jude was sleeping on the desk in one of the offices. Papers and documents was scattered all around the table. Milla was walking by and stopped by the doorway, smiling before taking out her phone and pressed a button that made a loud sound. Jude jolted awake and almost fell out of his chair before noticing the older girl in the doorway.

"Works every time." Milla said amused.

"Sorry, Milla." Jude apologized and Milla threw his bag for him to catch.

"I told the teachers that you will be gone for a few days to take care of the patients. I'll give you the homework for the week and it's in your bag." Milla explained, knowing exactly what she needed to do.

"Thanks, I better go and change my clothes before going back." Jude said and stood up.

"Or you can stay at my house for the night." Milla suggested.

"Is it really okay with your dad? I mean he isn't the nicest guy when it comes to his daughter." Jude questioned.

"When he doesn't even care for his biological son, I don't care what he do." Milla said a little angry. "I promised Mother I would take care of my brother as much as possible. I'm not going to forgive Father for what he did to him seven years ago."

"I can understand that, you can tell me when you're ready." Jude said with a small smile. "We're partners, right?" Milla put on a smile as well.

"You're small on the outside but you're still you on the inside." Milla said. "Go and change or I'll do it for you." Jude blushed and Milla just giggled before leaving. She walked by a few hospital rooms before she saw a familiar name on one of the signs.

'Asaki Yuto.' Milla read and looked around before going carefully inside while closing it soundless. The blonde/golden haired girl walked over to the unconscious body of Yuto. Four sprites came out of her body to reveal four spirits representing each element of nature.

"His spirit isn't in this room." Milla said to the spirits. "Sylph, can you reveal the wavelengths of where he was going." The green spirit of wind unleashed a small wind to reveal silhouettes of Yuto flying in the room and though the wall.

"He must have gone after Master Yuya." The red spirit of fire said in a dark male voice. "What do you want to do, Lord Milla?"

"We'll just have to go and see." Milla replied. "After all, we have to make sure his body is good enough for him to come back to the living." The spirits smiles together with the human. "I think he and Yuya are going to be very close when it happens."


At night, Yuto was standing beside Yuya's bed with his gray eyes staring at Yuya, who was sleeping silently. On that late evening, Yuya had apologized to his friends and teacher because he didn't come to class. The teacher and his friends forgive him but he received a warning as punishment.

Unknown to everyone, Yuya was annoyed at Yuto, who follows him around. When he came back home, Yuto also entered the house and stayed like he lived in his own house. At first, they always fight with each other until Yuya gave up and let him do what he wanted.

The truth was, Yuto had his reason for following Yuya around. He wanted to find the true smile of Sakaki Yuya. However, it's useless because he hides it from view and that's what makes him angry.

"Is it because of your ability or something?" Yuto asked himself. Just then he heard the door open and float to the ceiling. He saw Milla coming in with her hair out of its ponytail and was wearing a casual dress. 'So that's Yuya's older sister, they don't seem to have something in common.' She walked over to Yuya, placing a cup on the bedside table and gently shook him.

"Yuya, I'm home." Milla whispered calmly as Yuya woke up.

"Hi, sis." The crimson eyed boy said sleepy as he sat up to hug her. Smiles adored on their lips, making Yuto a little shocked.

"Here's some herbal tea for you, you might as well sleep well tonight." Milla said and gave the cup to Yuya.

"What's in it this time?" Yuya asked as he tried to cool it down a bit before drinking.

"I don't really know, you know I'm a mentor for a student at my school." Milla began to explain and Yuya nodded. "She made that herb mix herself because she usually get terrible nightmares and when I told her about you, she gave me some to try out. Just in case."

"These herbal teas you make always make me sleep better." Yuya said and yawned.

"Drink up and get back to sleep, big day tomorrow." Milla said and left the room. "Good night."

"Good night." Yuya said. Yuto followed after her, remembering from the explaining from Yuya, Milla had the same ability and have older experience of it.

Yuto followed her through the house down to the kitchen, where Jude was doing his homework. Milla was taking out something to snack on, she just giggled at her friend and catched a glance Yuto but ignored him.

"You work too hard, being a nurse as well a student that plays basketball, plays in our orchestra. You need to try letting some of it go so you can rest." Milla suggested. "You sometimes even sleep in leader class."

"I know but I don't want to disappoint my dad." Jude explained. "He's a doctor too, he wants me to walk in his footsteps. I don't really want to be a doctor anymore after I met you, Milla." The four spirits appeared behind Milla and Yuto tried to make sure he isn't seen.

"Lord Milla, I think it's time to tell him the legend?" The blue spirit of water asked.

"Undine! Do you really think it's time?!" The orange spirit of earth exclaimed. "You know what happened when our last Lord told a human!"

"I know what happened but we can trust him with the secret of the Otherworld." Undine explained.

"Go ahead, Lord Milla." The fire spirit said and Milla smiled.

"Jude, have you heard of someone named Maxwell?" Milla asked.

"Maxwell?" Yuto questioned.

"Yeah, a little. He's the Lord of The Four Great Spirits, Efreet, Undine, Sylph and Gnome." Jude answered.

"There's a legend that goes back centuries ago. Maxwell is actually a title for a person who have the ability to see a world beyond ours and can have the four spirit in your body, they call it 'a vessel'." Milla told him. "For many years, Maxwell and the wielders of an ability called Secrecy Eyes have fought against each other for the honor of being the protector of Otherworld but since Secrecy Eyes was beginning to die out, the title was brought to Maxwell. He was holding peace and purified the many dark beings of the Otherworld but fell in love with a normal human and they brought a girl into the world. The woman died of birth and Maxwell was very old that he couldn't take care of their newborn child. He thought about an idea, the child would bring the two clans to peace by protecting the newest generation. No one knows about this world on the other side exists or with these two being alive."

Milla looked at Jude with a mysterious glance and a powerful supernatural aura around her.

"Do you believe in this urban legend?" Milla asked.

"I think if it was true, then people would try to hunt them down and do experiments to try finding a logical solution of that power." Jude replied.

"I have to agree." Milla said closing her eyes.

"But I would like to meet them." Jude said, making Yuto to look at him in confusion. "Our school handpicks their students for their belief of the supernatural and magic, and like everyone else I believe that there's another world living in ours. If I was given a chance, I would like to study the spirits to try finding a way for people to see them as well. Wouldn't you agree?" The girl opened her eyes and smiled brightly.

"I have something for you." She said and takes something off her neck, it was a glass bead hanging on a small chain. Milla gestured for Jude to come closer and puts the bead around his neck. "A person I'm very close to many years ago made this for me as good luck charm. Now I would like you to have it."

"I-I can't accept this!" Jude exclaimed.

"Of course you can. Yuya would like you to have it as well." Milla said. "He likes you alot and trust as much."

"Wait, this was made by your brother." Jude said realization.

"Yeah, when I left for Tales of Academy." Milla explained. "He was crying like he was a baby again and begged me to stay. I told him that I would try to come home as much as I could and Mother would explain to him why I wanted to go to that school. Just when I was about to leave, he gave that to me to keep that promise."

"Is that why he faked his smiles?" Yuto asked himself. "I just have to investigate further." Jude looks at the clock on the wall and noticed how late it was.

"We better get to sleep, Milla. It's getting pretty late." The ember eyed boy suggested and the ruby eyed girl nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea." Milla said and they got to the next floor.

Yuto waited for Jude to get in the guest room before opening the door a little to see Milla change clothes which made him look away while blushing. He waited for a few seconds before looking in again, she had dressed herself in a long sleeping gown with long sleeves as the four spirits came forth.

"What's the situation with the spirits?" Milla asked as she sits down on the bed.

"They've been trying their best to keep them away from Master Yuya." Undine replied.

"But not for long, those dark beings will try anything to get Master Yuya's eyes, no matter what they do." The wind spirit said. "They're going to find him and your real identity about being Maxwell's youngest daughter and the new heir of his power."

"Muzet became a spirit to make sure of the balance but remember it was Mother's choice to adopt me." Milla explained. "To look after Yuya."

"We know you're very grateful for Miss Yoko." The earth spirit said. Unknown to Yuto, the fire spirit was behind him.

"Let go of me!" Yuto yelled as the spirit goes inside the room with the human spirit in one of its big hands, he was struggling to get out as Milla stood up and walked over to him.

"He's been spying on us since we came back, Lord Milla." The fire spirit explained.

"I know Efreet, I saw him in the kitchen." Milla said and gazed at Yuto, who stopped struggling to glare angry at her. "So, you're Asaki Yuto. The boy who almost died this morning."

"How do you know that's me?" Yuto asked as the human walked to her drawer to take out a small key. By the wardrobe was two big glass cases that had many different ancient swords inside.

"I visited your body at the hospital, you should know that Jude takes care of your condition." Milla said as she opened one of the glass cases and took one of the swords. "And I must say, it's rude to spy on a lady when she's changing. Efreet." The fire spirit lets him go and Yuto fell onto the floor, he looked up to see Milla standing in front of him.

"You're really are the 'Maxwell' person you mentioned." Yuto proclaimed.

"That's right. My true name is Milla Maxwell." The ruby eyed girl introduced herself and Yuto became frightened. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm just going to ask a favor out of you but first I need to know why you came here and what your goal for this." Yuto looked at her nervously as Milla waited for her answer.


Yuto once again stands beside Yuya's bed, looking at the sleeping boy. He kept thinking of his conversation with the Lord of Spirits herself. Yuto was a little scared of her since he thought she would kill him, but it was proved to be a way for her to be serious of what she says. Somehow, Milla's words made him think and act in a different way. Yuto turned around and crossed his arms again.

All of a sudden, something clutched Yuto's coat from behind. The gray eyed spirit looked behind him and saw Yuya whimpering slightly. His hand clutched into Yuto's clothing. Yuto slowly took Yuya's hand from his clothes and before he could do anything, Yuya grabbed Yuto's hand softly with small tears stream down his face from his closed eyes.

"Please... don't go, mom... I don't want to be alone... please... d-don't leave me alone...." He whimpered again.

'Apparently, his unconscious mind can't accept his mom's absence rather than when he's awake.' Yuto thought. 'Maybe that's why Milla gives him herbal tea before going to bed.'

Yuto let out a small sigh and he lays on the bed beside Yuya. He latched his hand on Yuya's tenderly. Using his other hand to wipe away the tears on Yuya's face and gently stroke his head.

"I'm right here... always..." Yuto whispered gently.

Right when Yuto spoke those words, Yuya suddenly grabbed him around the waist and embraced Yuto gently. He laid his head on Yuto's neck, a genuine smile present on Yuya's face. Yuto was stunned about Yuya's actions. He never slept with someone except with his parents when he was a little kid. Besides, Yuto was also surprised to see a true smile that belongs to Yuya without having Milla around.

A soft smile appeared on Yuto's lips and he gently hugs Yuya back before closing his eyes. That night, Yuto and Yuya...

With their hands embracing each other with Yuya's head on Yuto's neck while the spirit laid his chin on Yuya's head...

Sleeping soundly together...