
Seconds [:The Eternal Soul:]

Fantasy Romance
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What is Seconds [:The Eternal Soul:]

Read ‘Seconds [:The Eternal Soul:]’ Online for Free, written by the author Scarlet_Love14, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MYSTERY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: There are persons who can't just live without the person they love. They are willing to sacrifice everything for their l...


There are persons who can't just live without the person they love. They are willing to sacrifice everything for their love ones even if they harm other peoples. *Note: This story is inspired of Straykids Performance [I'll be your man.]*

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Life Difference between Rich and pover

Faith There are two main branches of Islam - Sunni and Shi’a. Sunni is the largest branch of Islam. Shi’a is the second largest branch. Sunni and Shi’a Muslims agree on the basic principles of Islam, such as believing in one God and the importance of the prophets. They also share the same holy book - the Qur'an. The reason there has been a split into different branches is due to differences in belief about who was the rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Muslim community after his death. Shi’a Islam Shi’a is the second largest branch of Islam and is divided into three further branches, including Twelver Shi’a - the largest group. Many Shi’a Muslims believe that Muhammad chose Ali as his successor and they do not accept the authority of the first three Sunni caliphs. In Shi'a Islam an imam is not simply a person in charge of a mosque and its congregation, but someone who has the authority to decide the meaning of the Qur’an and which laws Shi’a Muslims should follow. Key Beliefs in Islam. Sunni and Shi'a Muslims both believe in the oneness of Allah and follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Sunni and Shi’a Muslims also agree on the importance of the prophets. Each branch of Islam has some central beliefs. Sunni Muslims follow the six articles of faith and Shi’a Muslims follow the five roots of Usul ad-Din. The six articles of faith - Sunni Islam Tawhid is having absolute faith in the oneness of God. Allah is simply the Arabic word for God and is not the name of any other being. Nothing can be likened to him and it is important to note that Allah has no plural in Arabic. Angels (malaikah) are important because God’s greatness means that he cannot communicate directly with humans. He therefore passed messages (Risalah) to his prophets via the angels, who were his first creation. The holy books should be respected, especially the Qur’an, which is a direct revelation from God – it is God’s word. The prophets (nubuwwah) should be respected, especially Muhammad, known as the Seal of the Prophets (the last prophet). It is important to note that Muslims accept Isa (known by the name Jesus in Christianity) as a prophet. There are 25 prophets named in the Qur’an. Sunni Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement and the afterlife (Akhirah). All Muslims will be judged by God and sent to either Paradise or Hell. Al-Qadr means that everything in the universe is following a divine masterplan. This shows the importance of God’s will, as Allah knows or decides everything that will happen. In all things the master-planning is God’s (Qur’an 13:42). What is the importance of the six articles of faith? Knowing that there is only one God, Sunni Muslims believe that people should live following his rules. The holy books help with this as they give guidance on how Muslims can live their lives on the right path. The prophets are sent by God to teach humans how to live as Allah wished and to teach how to obey his laws. A lot of Sunni Muslims believe that the angels record the deeds of humans on Earth, which encourages Muslims to do good if they want to have a place in Paradise. The belief in the Day of Judgement means believing that this life is a test and Allah determines everything, even human free will. However, humans are still responsible and held accountable for their actions. The five roots of Usul ad-Din - Shi’a Islam The theology of the twelve imams of Shi’a Islam contains the five key principles known as Usul ad-Din: Shi’a Muslims believe that the prophets provide guidance on the past and the Qur’an. They agree that if there is only one God then Muslims should follow his rules. Shi’a Muslims believe that Allah is always right and just and sometimes may act in ways that are beyond our understanding. Muslims believe they face judgement in the afterlife. Therefore, they need to follow the right path in their lives in order to pass any test that God sets for them.

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The Siren and the Wolf

“What did you see on the video?” Mishka asked in a whisper. She could not keep her curiosity to herself. She needed to know even before dinner. “We saw Myrtle call the cat into the nursery and then she fed it a live rat. She wasn’t even afraid to hold onto the rat by its tail,” Gillian responded. *** While Mishka Classens practices her singing in the woods one afternoon she runs into Bruce Cameron, a handsome, famous fashion designer. When she confides in her friend, Gillian’s mother about the meeting, Joan tells her that Bruce is an estranged cousin of Joan’s and that he is a werewolf. So, Joan wants Mishka to keep Gillian away from Bruce and keep the family secret, but Gillian already has a crush on him. Bruce wants to be a normal human because his human family does not accept him as a wolf, but he also loves his unusual powers and diverse creativity. Eventually he and Mishka confide in each other about their burdens in life and become close with regular meetings in the woods, where they exchange creative ideas about fashion and music. They also plan to do shows together. Myrtle, Mishka’s bossy grandmother is an undercover fortune teller. She had a premonition about Mishka being involved with a werewolf one day, so she wants to orchestrate Mishka’s life so that this will never happen. She almost has a heart attack when she finds out that Mishka is involved with Bruce. She tries everything in her power to split them apart. After a series of weird and bad events, Mishka and Bruce find out that Myrtle is causing the problems in their lives and in their relationship. They decide to join forces against her by confusing her spells, making them powerless.

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