
Second Try: Sorcery

Katsu was reading in the subway before being shot 5 times. He opened his eyes a toddler, the labrat of mages. He had a second try: in a horrible world filled with horrors and inhuman mages, but he had a second try. Very worldbuilding heavy. The main protagonist is placed into a girl's body.

Solal_Lavina · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Fateful afternoon

Katsu scrolled down trying to read his novel, but the words didn't enter his head. He sighed and turned his phone off. Ishi had recommended the light novel saying that while it started badly and somewhat stereotypically, it got much better later on.

He wasn't sure if he'd be patient enough to get there though. 'I have no idea how Ishi manages to read this kind of shit. The main character is completely one-dimensional, and the plot is so predictable that it feels like it was done on purpose. I've read 12 chapters of this trash, and it hasn't gotten better. If another fucking dumbass student tries to provoke the main character again while he has beaten up everyone who's tried, I'll throw myself out the window. Maybe the author will feel bad and get better at writing. I'd have to leave a will though.'

Katsu sighed. This was the last time he was reading one of Ishi's recommendations. If this was what he spent his time reading, no wonder he was failing chemistry. Katsu raised his eyes, looking at the people beside him in the extremely cramped subway. The guy standing beside him was wearing a black hoodie. He was smiling creepily. 

'Well, I'm eager to get off. Happily, my stop's the next.'

And then Katsu saw him reach into his pants. 'A pervert?'

And pull out a gun. A small revolver, the kind you see police officers carry in holsters. A New Nambu, if he remembered correctly. 

The man raised his eyes and saw Katsu looking at him. Their gazes met. A second trickled past Katsu as the chatter from the subway quieted out. The man's eyes bulged with panic. He raised the gun.

Katsu tried throwing himself at him. 

His ears rang as the gun fired, and Katsu felt the worst pain he had felt in his stomach, like being stabbed with a burning hot rod. He stumbled backward as he felt a shockwave traverse his whole body.

The second shot got him square in the heart, and he felt as if his chest exploded. His body shook again. 

The third shot threw his head back as a hole opened in his throat. 

The fourth went straight through his shoulder as he crumbled to the floor. 

The fifth was fired into his limp body laying on the floor.

Katsu had no time to think. It all happened so fast he couldn't formulate a single thought, and the only thing he felt was the sheer terror before death. 

He didn't feel it very long. The abyss embraced him quickly, in a matter of seconds, as his terror slowly subsided and he died.