
Second Skin: Game of Destiny

It's 2069, pollution has reached an all time high, the level of the sea has risen & continues to rise,ice caps are melting,human populations are so high most cities cant support them all. On the bright side technology has advanced even faster than we thought it would,fully immersive virtual reality is common place & there are many different games that mankind escape too,ones where you feel everything your avatar does,in almost any genre you can think up. But there is one game thats different,funded through crowd sourcing the initial "game" Second Skin was released. Instead of being like most games,it gives you a platform for creation with the right skills & computer ais running algorithms to create your area you can make anything you want. SS released with a few basic areas for trade,social meets & some tutorials,the rest is up to the users to create. The other Unique aspect of this game is that Users can play for free,& money in-game can be accumlated and transfered to the real world at certain exchange rates,& real world money can be converted to in-game currency,you can also make items or areas and trade for game currency. This immediately caught the attention of major tech. & gaming corporations,with their advanced computers,staff,& algorithms they could make areas for just about anything. Soon these Corporations added there own areas each company doing their own theme,the constant was in order to enter these much more sophisticated & complex areas with a higher quality gaming experience,you have to pay an hourly rate of in-game Currency,on top of that once in their areas everything would cost a premium amount,in order to win in their areas you had to invest Real Life currency into Game currency & pay them. This started to make the gamers ruthless, instead of being a friendly creative & social game it started to become very sinister & brutal. Hardly any areas were free & only for the sake of creation,play,& social. Little did the gaming world know all that was about to change with one common,timid,sweet,loyal & dedicated girl irl named Rose. She was on break and even so was studying for her college Exams in order to maintain her Scholarships. Since she was on break & was an avid gamer in her downtown time from studying she decided to try SS. With her high IQ & creative tech. gaming skills given to her by her father,& her education she is a tech genius in her own right. Yet there are plenty more tech. people in her world she wouldnt be unique but she would be valued irl. However she was highly creative and she valued a game where she could create a TRUE Game that anyone could play. In-game she would learn to become strong, admired,a leader,to belive in herself,& maybe even find love? How would her Destiny change so drastically you might ask? Simple,while most needed tons of training and massive AI computers to run algorithms & code to create even the simplest item in this game. Shortly after entering she finds she can not only see the algorithms and code but by touching it & willing it she can change it instantly. Thus she can make an entire world,npcs,& quests faster than any other creator,not even the corporations will be able to keep up with her. This makes her equivalent to almost a god in this game. Later on she finds she can do more, most peoples avatars look identical to their irl selves though you can always add things you cant change the base of yourself. However she can change herself the same way she can create and edit code. She can become anyone & anything via appearance. She even learns to change AI's from the inside out. Read on as she gains fans,fights corrupt corporations & governments,Finds her True Self, Unravels the mystery behind her fathers death & the powers she has,finds friendship/companions/love,all while trying to balance it with her real life.Will she lose herself to the escape the game creates,will she find a way to balance it,or will she swear off the game completely? Find out!

Evauna · Games
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6 Chs

The World As We Know It

It's 2069, a girl named Rose is walking through the metropolitan streets, walking through the streets is difficult with low visibility through the smog & the modernized gas mask she wears. Also pushing past the immensely crowded streets makes getting anywhere take forever, but she has grown accustomed to it. She carries an air sealed backpack on her back filled with something heavy, judging by the strain of the straps,& she wears a thin protective suit with a hood &gloves. Also equiped with a small Thermo-Regulation device at the nape of her neck, which she built herself, generating a slight cooling effect through her suit to protect her body from the heat. She is a short girl standing at only 5' 1 &1/2" ,yes the 1/2 matters. She has long waist length soft & silky mousy brown colored hair, that was normally in a long french braid to make it more manageable. Her complexion was a soft white with beautifully flushed cheeks & soft pinky-red lips making her look almost like a sweet doll, Though all of this is covered. Her waist was not quite as thin as some of the other girls her age as her muscle mass was much higher, but she had beautifully sculpted curves in a perfect hourglass figure with wide hips and Breasts in proportion to them. Due to her height she didnt have endless legs but what she did have was beautifully sculpted muscular legs, like that of a dancer. Other than her curves everything about her was petite from her hands, feet, wrists, ankles, to her head, mouth and nose. All of her bodys feautures were pronounced by the tight protective suit.

Finally after an hour or so of street traffic she managed to make her way to her apartment complex a tall older building with around 38 floors not counting the basement levels which housed the boiler rooms, Sewer pipes, etc. and the rooftop covered in solar panels & wind converters.

She pushed past the people and entered her building, which aside from the numbers on the front looked like every other apartment building for a couple blocks.

As she entered the first set of doors

they shut behind her as air rushed around her rippling the hoods fabric on her head & whiping her french braided hair, strands coming lose from the braid making her look ragged around the edges. After the rush of air she pushed down her hood & pulled off her face mask as she walked through the next set of doors to the lobby. This confined space housed cobbled together childrens playground toys, older chairs & sofas, and several very old model flat screen tvs along one wall. Children, & Teens filled the space with elderly on the seats spread around watching over them. For such a small space the noise echoed off the walls and floor amplifying the alread noisy lobby.

As she walked through the children she smiled and nodded to a few of the adults, the older adults saw her as responsible & new her from growing up here, they were always happy to have her around. Quite a few kids laughing & chasing one another nearly bowled her over in their process of playing, she almost fell but ungracefuly stablized herself at the last minute. She smiled again & sighed, It couldnt be helped in such a small space with a hundred or two people crammed together most of them children, this type of incident was common.

As she walked through she stopped beside a little boy by the elevators, standing between him & the elevators to unobstruct his view. She gently reached out placing her soft white hand in his Dirty blonde hair & ruffled it affectionly. This little boy was quitely watching the tvs & other children, he seemed dazed & unobservant to those who didn't know him. However She knew better, since she entered the doors the boys lips had curved up ever so subtly & alittle more as she got close. She knew the real reason he seemed daze was because he was tracking every tv in the room, every person, every interaction between them, every expression & conversation, analyzing them all at once. This caused him to seem dettached but in actuality he had the highest perception & analyzation skills she had ever seen, including the adults and professors at her college. Her voice was so quiet, gentle, soft, with an air of happiness to it, all of which were rare for a common person to appear as these days. " Hey Jason, working hard?"

The two of them often worked on tech. projects together, due to his parents working, his off putting demeanor & the death of his grandparents he was by himself nearly 24/7. Whenever she tinkered & was able to she'd invite him to do it together he was a fast learner & was better at certain things like compatability between components, he had the specs & stats of almost any component on command in his head. He replied loudly but in a deadly calm voice " Not really. Only a 3 non-repetitive reports today. New Research says the sea level was going to rise by another foot atleast in the next 30 years, but that was obvious. Also Temperatures are expected to rise by another 3° F globally this year, again obvious. Oh and the government is beginning their implementation process of new implanted nano-tech, its supposed to allow the soliders to use their tech devices on the field using their mind alone.. Im reserving judgement on that one. Oh and accompanied by the bews there appears to be a 5-10% spike in aggitation & stressed behaviour among the residents.. What about your day?" at that last question he cocked his sweet little face to the side in curiosity to the new input.

Rose pulled back alittle crossing one arm across her chest & the other went up into her hair tucking the blown lose strands back behind her ears. She closed her eyes for a brief moment & sighed in contemplation before opening them again. "mm.. Nothing new really, lots of strenous memorization at school but boring.. We haven't covered anything new as today was the last day, now I'm off for 2 months, but I have to keep up with my studies, you know if I just relied on the schools ciriculum I'd never get ahead... I think I'm going to try that Second Skin game finally.."

Little Jason quirked up an eye brow at this & brought his full attention to study Rose's face & actions "Why? I thought with everything you've heard you said you were hesitant to try it, why try it now?" This little boy was really to bright for his own good, she squirmed alittle under the question. " Well, yeah.. It's reputation lately is awful, but that isn't how the game was designed, maybe I can still enjoy those parts?.. Plus.. We can't really afford a new game right now & its Free to play(f2p), also.. maybe I can even create something in-game during break, even if its something small &basic if I can sell it, It would certainly help mom & I out.. if I can manage that.." Her voice trails off abit, obvious that she is unconfident in being able to complete such a thing over break, & even if she can what if no one else likes it & she can't sell it? But atleast this was a possibility, she could relax and play in her downtown time between studying and hopefully earn alittle from it at the same time, she had to atleast try it.

Jason nodded at her answer & returned his eyes to the room. "well, if it doesn't work out we could always tinker around & sell to or fix up a few items for our neighbors. You know where to find me" With that it was obvious the conversation was over. She relaxed her arms quickly replied "Okay, Thanks". She turned and pressed for the elevator she entered and touched the 35th floor button and quickly held onto the rails, the speed of the old elevator was jaring and it took repetition and strength to not by knocked off your feet by it jolting alive.

Once to her floor she walked through the rundown hallways, occasionally other college age kids or adults were clustered in the hall. she was careful, observent & found her way around them masterfully, never exposing a weakness. Fear or being unobservant to the surroundings could get you killed. Finally she made it to her door, shd held up the small rectangle communication pad fastened to her wrist up to the grey pad by the door a lit flashed green & the door opened.

I re-tooled the chpter to be more of a story feel,I hope you enjoy the new layout.Also,in-order to compress counts,this will be the format: and=&, at the moment=atm, Second Skin=SS, Technology=Tech, Communicator=Comm, with=w/ .The first time seeing a word or phrase will always be in full,the second time it will be condensed.

Let me know what you think,comments or criticism welcome & appreciated.Also I will be setting up a ******* account & Discord.Please stay tuned!

Evaunacreators' thoughts