
Making A Skill From Reality

When Hermit noticed the badge of honor on Blue's beginner clothing, he was shocked. He looked at him from head to toe, then his dwarven face made a frown.

There is nothing special about him. He is just a rookie in ragged training clothes like those recruits from earlier. And his body, it looks as frail as a dying old man! His skin is purely pale as white, his light tint but darker eye bags blended under his fiery eyes and he has a thin face, barely lacking any cheeks. If it weren't for his natural blue hair, Hermit would've thought he is one of Niadamar's undead minions.

What did he see in this fella? He looks so weak! Hermit didn't feel disdain, rather he pitied him. In this war, someone like him will be the first to fall into the clutches of death. Although he knew this is just a player, he felt kinda bad for his real self outside of this game.

Surprisingly, this lad appears to be composed. Calmness is all he saw on that blank face, and when he looked deeper into those dark brown eyes, did he see the surging fire burning on as if it will never be distinguished.

"He told me to come here so I will ask you to make a sword for me." Blue nods, replying.

"Um..." Hermit itches his beard, looking sideways, hesitating.

As a grand master in blacksmithing, he knew that medal is real just by looking at it with one glance. Sigurd is considered the best Knight in all of Gondraw's glory and is also his best friend. Besides this fact, the dwarf seems to like this man's attitude, for once. Especially how he talks to him despite his own bad mouth.

"Anything you can make is fine as long as it can help me fight." Noticing Hermit's hesitation, Blue knew what he was thinking so he assures him gently.

"Even if your later works are useless, I doubt they can't be useful anymore."

Just these words of his gradually touched Hermit's heart. A weak weapon is considered a weak weapon. He never likes making those things, and neither the soldiers were happy about them. Yet, this lad was telling him that whatever he makes, even if it's a weak quality weapon, it is fine with him as long it can help him fight. He even considers them useful.

He is different from all those people, that's why Sigurd chose him. To think he is actually this thoughtful, but even bolder than myself! Hermit thought.

It is such a shame that he have to fend himself with a weak blade!

He mentally sighs with regret. "I don't have the right to give you a useless scrap."


"No buts! I refused to make a sword from leftovers! You deserved to have an even better sword! How about you pick the weapons over there." Hermit stubbornly declared, while gesturing the luxurious weapons hanging on the wall like decorations.

Looking at the game interfaces, they are all at least Level 100 and are Dark Gold quality.

Blue is speechless. He didn't think of the dwarf being this righteous and liberal.

"I... don't think they're suitable for me..." Blue honestly tells him. Although those Dark Gold weapons did look enticing in his eyes, he isn't a greedy person. Moreover, how is he going to equip a Level 100 weapon?!

"I'm just around Level 1."

"Aiyah, I forgot about that." Hermit's face flushed in light pink, scratching his beard in embarrassment.

Sighing, Blue looks around until he notices a messy pile of swords stocked together in a corner. With the help of the fireplace, the light allows him to see their rusty blades.


Rusty Old Sword (Common)

[Note: It's more useless than a butter knife! Why is this even considered Common?]


Based on the interfaces, all of them have the same name and don't contain stats.

"Don't think about picking one of those swords. They have already lost their lives after countless of fighting." Hermit followed his gaze, his frown deepened.


"Us blacksmiths believe that a weapon has a life the same as a person. Once they're created, it means they're born. But once they grow weary, they will die. Ah, why am I telling you this? You wouldn't understand anyway." Hermit sighs solemnly.

"No. I do understand. The things we created, we mostly use them to make hay while the sun shines[1]. Our lifespans are shorter than a sea turtle. Dogs' lifespans are shorter than ours. The simple inventions such as a knife, theirs are shorter than the dogs'. We could even die in an early time, unless we didn't take care of ourselves."

"You are wiser than those rookies." Hermit couldn't help but give him a smile filled with praise.


[System Announcement: Because of your interaction with Blacksmith Hermit, you are acknowledged by the NPC, and received the title "Wise" and earned +10 Fame points.]

Blue ignores it, asking, "Did you try sharpening them?"

Hearing this, Hermit made a look. "Sharpening?"

Ah, he doesn't seem to know about it. Back in Blue's reality, he saw a few blacksmiths grinding some old furnaces against a grindstone. Can the same principal be applied in this game?

Blue later notices a black grindstone not too far from the stockpile.

"Can I use that grindstone?" He asked.

"Uh... sure."

Blue picks up one Rusty Old Sword and walks over to the grindstone.

He placed the sword on the grindstone. If his memory serves right, he should do it like this...

When Hermit sees this, he tried to intervene, "I don't think you should do that..."

Blue glided the blade on the grindstone. Hermit expected a crude sound. Surprisingly, he haven't heard a thing.

He watched Blue sharpens the sword with both hands. His bulging, big, wide eyes followed his hands as they glide the blade on the ordinary grindstone smoothly, as if he is peeling potatoes like a professional.

The metal blade starts to shine, and the light dances in Blue's hands. The blade, while sliding against the stone, makes sparks of light as shiny as stars.

A small black grindstone; a simple back and forth grinding motion. However, the effect it created is like tens of thousands of silver butterflies dancing around.

Although Blue is fast, he isn't steady with his hands. He had to make sure that each stroke wouldn't backfire and leave him with a dent.

The back and forth motion is so complicated, and Blue almost made a few mistakes.

Nevertheless, Hermit is completely stunned by this method.

After an hour have passed, Blue heaves a heavy sigh. He glances at the weapon which he finished sharpening.


Sharpened Iron Sword (Bronze)

ATK: 30-60

Stamina: +5

[Note: Once a rusty old sword, now it is filled with new life!]


What luck! He actually turned this to a Bronze equipment!


[System Announcement: You learned a Blacksmith skill!]


[System Announcement: You created a new Blacksmith skill. Because you created a new skill, you earned +10 Skill Points. Would you like to name this skill?]

Eh? You can make your own skill in this game? Blue is surprised. He just borrowed this skill from those modern blacksmiths to see if it can work here. And it did.

"Hm... Then I'll name it (Sharpening)." Blue muttered.

[Naming Skill confirmed. You have named this skill (Sharpening).]

(Sharpening) [Blacksmith skill] Lvl 1: Increasing a weapon's quality by one level.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! You can sharpen a weapon like this? This is art! This is definitely art!" After seeing what have become of the sword, Hermit begins singing praises with joy.

Blue gives the sword to the dwarf, who gingerly took it from his hands. Hermit' eyes sparkled as if they were diamonds, touching the blade's shiny smooth surface with his finger tips. It looks totally good as new than before.

"In all my years, I have never seen a blade coming back to life yet, I have seen one today! Young squire, where did you learn such a method?"

Blue could only give him a smile. He didn't want to explain, in fact, he didn't know if he can tell him about the modern blacksmiths. Although the dwarf is righteous, he is also boastful about his achievements. Blue was afraid that he might hurt his pride so he said nothing. And saying nothing is the best choice of answer.

"Aiyah, you don't need to tell me. This method is indeed useful, and I must learn it. Can you teach me?" Hermit asked with pleading eyes. Honestly, with that look along with the 100% realism, he reminds Blue of a shih tzu, or maybe Chewy[2].

"I'll be honored. But there's just one more method I need to use on this sword."

"What? There's another method I don't know? Oh Gods, you really are an interesting fellow!" Hermit laughed heartily.


[System Announcement: Because of your friendly interaction with Blacksmith Hermit, Blacksmith Hermit greatly acknowledged you and you received +20 Fame.]

Perhaps the producers programmed these blacksmiths in this game to be oblivious of the modern life. Can it be the same with the other life classes? Even the actual classes?

"Don't start yet! I'm going to get myself a grindstone!" Hermit rushes out of the igloo. His shouts can still be heard from the outside.

After a minute, two soldiers came into the igloo with the grindstone and left.

With a new grindstone set in place, Hermit became eager to learn. The dwarf pushes him, "Don't just stand there! Please show me this other method."

"Alright. Just watch carefully, okay?" Blue chuckles softly.


[System Announcement: You created a new Blacksmith skill. Because you created a new skill, you earned +10 Skill Points. Would you like to name this skill?]

[Naming Skill confirmed. You have named this skill (Blade-washing).]

(Blade-washing) [Blacksmith skill] Lvl 1: Increasing a weapon's stats by 10%.


"Thank you for teaching me these methods. If it hadn't been for you, I would have stressed myself to death!" Hermit said with gratitude.

"Now, I know this is selfish of me to ask. But the Alliance needed the best weapons to defend ourselves against Sauron's army. 20 Sharpened Iron swords will be enough. So, are you up for the task?"

This is what Blue was waiting for. Without hesitation, he replies, "I will dutifully serve for you and the Alliance!"

System Announcement: You received the Hidden Quest [Sharpen and Wash] (Quest Level: A)

Quest Description: Sharpen and wash 20 Rusty Old Blades to Sharp Iron Swords.

Sharp Iron Swords (1/1)


Alliance Armor Set

To Blue's joy, the rewards given out will be a complete armor set. This Level A Quest is enough.


1. to make hay while the sun shines - to make the most an opportunity while it lasts.

2. Chewy - Also known as Chewbacca, a character from the Star Wars series. A legendary Wookiee warrior and Han Solo's co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca was part of a core group of Rebels who restored freedom to the galaxy.