
Second Life of the Demon King

What happens after the Demon King is defeated? What happened to the Demon King after he is defeated? Does he die? Well, the story here begs to differ! Waking up as a human? Furthermore, he is now the hero!?

Hydos · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 : Prologue

"I... the demon king has been defeated by the hero."

"I guess this is the end for me, my fate is basically to be defeated by the hero."

"At least I can finally be in peace from this cruel fate."


Just when the Demon King was finally to disintegrate to be part of this world, a voice could be heard from a distance but all his senses were already lost, so how could he possibly hear this voice?

[I see that I was wrong about you. You have been a good boy and for that, you will be rewarded for it with eternal bliss]

Shocked, he responded "Who? Who are you?"

The voice chuckled as it replied, [My name is not important, What's important is what I am going to do to you.]

"What are you gonna do to me?", He then felt an incredible sinister pressure that is crushing him.

[I'm gonna turn you into a human, and then I'll turn you back into a demon so that we can fight forever!]

"What!?" Every word that the voice said was a piece of shocking news to him.

[That's right! I want to see you become a true demon lord like me, because that way, you won't ever lose again. Not even to a hero. Now let us begin.]

"Stop it! I am already defeated!"

But right after he finished his sentence, a blinding flash of white light has blocked his vision.


When he regained full consciousness of his surroundings, he saw someone familiar.

It's a girl..? No...

It was the hero.

The hero turns around and punches him in the face which causes him to fall down on the ground.

As a result, she laughed at his blanked out expression

"What what what!?"

"I thought I am already dead!?"

"No, no, I'm still alive. and this isn't funny anymore!" The Demon King accidentally shouted out his thoughts.

"What?" the hero looked at him confused.

"I said stop it! I am already defeated."

"Did my punch turned you silly? Are you alright Neo?" The Hero said looking incredibly worried now.

"Neo..? Apparently my name is now Neo?" he muttered still unable to comprehend the situation.

It was right than a flash of memories appears in his mind.

"Apparently I am now the best friend and also the only childhood friend the Hero ever had."

"Wait, something isn't right!"

"Why am I the hero's friend!?"

"and most importantly why am I a human!?" The Demon King thought to himself.